Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:53 PM

Chapter 475: 475

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Song Tao said coldly: "I heard everything just now, this little brother Didi was right."


Hu Fei originally thought Song Tao would be on her side.

After all, Song Tao is also one of the people who pushed this reform vigorously.

Unexpectedly, Song Tao would actually speak to the little brother Didi.

This is not Song Tao's style at all.

Song Tao always looked down on Didi, but did he take the wrong medicine today?

"I think that the work of the younger brother Didi is too hard, and the income standard can no longer be lowered. What the younger brother Didi said is right and pertinent. We should accept this opinion."

Hu Fei's level is about the same as her own, but she is far worse than Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is a shareholder of the company, and with a word, he can get rid of himself.

Therefore, Song Tao naturally spoke to Ye Chen.

And Song Tao felt very refreshed when she slapped the woman in the face.

Song Tao was pretended to be slapped in the face yesterday. Today he can slap Hu Fei in the face. He feels very refreshed.

Moreover, Song Tao had already thought about it, not only to fight, but also to fight fiercely.

After listening to Song Tao's words, everyone was a little confused.

There were even tears in the eyes of some of the Didi brothers.

Who is Song Tao? They call him a deadly judge.

It is so touching to speak to them now.

Hu Fei was stunned by Song Tao, her face flushed with anger: "What do you mean Song Tao, you actually speak for these poor ghosts."

"Poor ghost?"

Song Tao sneered.

Have you ever seen a poor ghost with a Patek Philippe, a poor ghost in a Hermès suit, and a poor ghost who drives a car to modify more than four million?

I've seen it before.

Song Tao said righteously: "Hu Fei, please pay attention to your words. Every Didi driver is worthy of our respect and is the cornerstone of our company's growth. Your attitude must be correct."

"Well, you deliberately sing the opposite of me, right? Let's ask the president to comment."

"No need to look for it, I'm here." Just then, a figure walked into the meeting room.

"President Wang?"

Everyone who saw it was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wang was attracted to him.

After Mr. Wang entered the house, he walked straight to Ye Chen.

He came to Ye Chen and leaned slightly: "Ye Dong, you have a private visit, and you don't say a word to me. You see, let you see a joke."

As soon as President Wang spoke out, the entire conference room was silent.

"What's the situation? Ye Dong?"

Those didi drivers, Hu Fei looked bewildered.

Mr. Wang is the president of Didi Company, a returnee from abroad, and even a high-ranking figure in the business circle of the magic city.

He was so respectful to this little brother Didi, and what did he call Ye Chen just now?

Ye Dong?

My dear, this is too awesome.

Hu Fei quickly stepped forward and explained: "Mr. Wang, you must have admitted the wrong person. This person is a five-star Didi driver of our company. How could he be the chairman of the board?"

With that said, Hu Fei glared at Ye Chen and continued to complain: "Mr. Wang, this little brother Didi is leading the trouble, I suggest immediately banning."

President Wang snorted coldly: "Title? I think you should be banned. Now I officially announce that you have been fired."

"What?" Hu Fei was immediately silly.

President Wang has always appreciated himself very much, and today he fired himself directly because of a little brother Didi.

Hu Fei was dumbfounded, unbelievable.

Mr. Wang coldly snorted: "Xiao Hu, you disappointed me too much. I asked you to ask for the company’s reform opinions. But what are you doing? Forced implementation. How many times have I said that Master Didi belongs to our company. Cornerstone, people like you are actually aloof, official-based, how dare I stay, how can I stay with your management?"

President Wang paused for a while and said coldly: "So, the personnel department will immediately go through the resignation procedures for Hu Fei, and you will be fired."

Hu Fei's face was pale when she was scolded, and she even shuddered into a ball.

President Wang pointed at Hu Fei and cursed: "You immediately get out of here, I don't want to see you anymore."

Hu Fei left the meeting room with a sullen face, and Mr. Wang smiled and said, "I will personally host this conference for everyone."

The reason why President Wang stayed was of course Ye Chen.

The chairman is here, how dare he go.

Ye Chen said: “I think this company’s reform is unreasonable. Not only can the treatment of Didi’s younger brother not be lowered, but also increased. I think it’s more reasonable to be between 25% and 30%, and some of the company’s rules and regulations are also more reasonable. For example, if the pick-up time is delayed by one minute, the money will be deducted. This is not very reasonable. After all, we will encounter various unknown road conditions such as traffic jams. I think this can be changed from one minute to three minutes..."

Ye Chen talked freely, and what he said was for the masters of Didi.

Those didi brothers were almost crying.

These words were what they wanted to say but didn't dare to say, and now Ye Chen said it for them.

They were grateful for Ye Chen, and even many people made up their minds to work well for Didi Company.

However, these people are also very worried, can all what Ye Chen said can be implemented?

President Wang nodded after hearing Ye Chen's words.

"Ye Dong is right. I think the company should be reformed. Song Tao, you plan a new reform plan in accordance with Ye Dong's request."

It actually passed.

The little brother Didi jumped up excitedly at the scene.

They are all starting to make a living, and if this reform is really implemented, they can earn more money.

At the end of the meeting, many Didi brothers sent Ye Chen's speech at the meeting to the Didi group.

The other Didi brothers were very moved when they saw it.

Ye Chen's move seemed to make the company lose money, but in fact, it bought all the hearts of Didi.

Even Ye Chen was affectionately called Brother Ye by these didi brothers.

After coming out of the meeting room, Ye Chen's phone rang.

It turned out to be a WeChat message from Li Yangyang.

"Mr. Ye, are you there?"

Ye Chen is very strange, why is this generation of driving girls suddenly calling herself?

"Oh, what's the matter?"

After the last car accident, Ye Chen never contacted Li Yangyang again.

After all, they are college students. Although the other person is very beautiful, Ye Chen hasn't reached the point of rushing forward when he sees a woman.

Moreover, Ye Chen had already told Li Yangyang in the last car accident, this matter has nothing to do with her, and she does not need to compensate.

After all, the culprit has been found, the other party repaired the car, and lost two Ferraris, and made a small profit.

As for Jiang Feng being cleaned up by Ye Chen last time, it is estimated that his soul was scared off, and he should have no guts to appear in Demon Capital in the short term.

Li Yangyang continued: "That's right, I just received a Ferrari..."

Ye Chen finally understood. At that time, Ye Chen and Jiang Feng said that they wanted two Ferraris, one for themselves and the other for the little beauty who was driving the car. They just casually said that Yan Chuang seemed to be serious. Up. "

The Jiang family learned about Ye Chen's identity and was half-deadly frightened. They immediately ordered two Ferraris, and one was delivered directly to Li Yangyang.

It was because of this Ferrari that Li Yangyang was a little at a loss.

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