Published at 27th of April 2021 12:50:44 PM

Chapter 48: 48

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Ye Chen saw Su Xiaoya's embarrassed expression and smiled: "Just kidding, I'm asleep, good night."

Seeing that Ye Chen was going offline, Su Xiaoya hurriedly sent a message: "Big Brother Jianliu, can you add your WeChat account?"

Soon Su Xiaoya received a reply: "No, I am a very pure man."

I rub!

Su Xiaoya was immediately stunned.

I just add you as a WeChat friend. Why is it not pure?

Su Xiaoya wanted to send another message, but Ye Chen was already offline.

"Who would this mysterious big brother be?"

I don't know why, this person Su Xiaoya always feels deja vu.

A figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

Could it be him?

The next day, Ye Chen continued to run didi.

Now that he has received four praise stars, one more can activate the new passenger attribute.

Ye Chen ran all morning, but didn't get any results.

At this moment, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

The call turned out to be from Tong Xiaoya.

"Xiaoya, have you come to the magic capital?" Ye Chen smiled.

After the last co-production of the film, Ye Chen returned to the magic city. The two chatted occasionally on WeChat, and they had not contacted for a long time.

"Well, Ye Chen, can you do me a favor?" Tong Xiaoya said a little embarrassed.

"Why are you busy? Why are you so polite?"

Tong Xiaoya said: "Well, I'm at the Magic City Airport, you come to pick me up."

"Good." Ye Chen drove straight to the Magic City Airport.

Although wearing a mask, sunglasses and cap, Ye Chen recognized Tong Xiaoya's iconic devil figure.

After Tong Xiaoya got in the car, she took off her mask.

"Hey, it's not easy to be a star, it's like a thief everywhere." Tong Xiaoya complained.

"Haha, by the way, do you have anything to do when you come?"

Tong Xiaoya nodded and said: "The classmates gathering of our film school, I'm here to attend the gathering."

"Oh, this way, you won't let me pretend to be your boyfriend again." Ye Chen smiled.

"Well, that's right, Li Na saw you last time, so I can only ask you for help." Tong Xiaoya was a little embarrassed.

Ye Chen nodded: "No problem, but you will give me five-star praise in a while."

"Don't worry, it must be five stars." Tong Xiaoya smiled.

"Where is the meeting place?" Ye Chen asked.

"In Pujiang Guild Hall, this time they were all classmates from our university, and they were required to bring a boyfriend. Li Na has a big mouth. Now the whole class knows that you are my boyfriend."

"It's okay, it's a big deal." Ye Chen teased.

Tong Xiaoya blushed pretty: "The beauty of thinking!"

After half an hour, the car drove to Pujiang Hall.

After Tong Xiaoya got off the car, she gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for receiving five-star praise, activating the fifth praise star (55), and rewarding 30% of Huayun Shipbuilding Industry. 】

Finally received five-star praise!

30% of Huayun Shipbuilding Industry!

Ye Chen has read the news, and the boss of Huayun Shipbuilding is Dong Yun, who is called Huaguo Ship King.

He is called "the world's largest independent shipowner" by the "NY Times", with more than 13 million tons of ships.

Even in the world, he is a tycoon in the shipping industry.

This reward is awesome.

Huayun Shipbuilding!

"What? Someone bought 30% of our shares?"

At the headquarters of Huayun Shipbuilding Industry, a middle-aged man was a little surprised when he heard the news.

"Yes, the acquisition was suddenly completed yesterday."

"Do you know the details of this person?" Dong Yun said solemnly.

"The person who bought the shares is called Ye Chen. We don't have much information about him, but what we know now is that he is a major shareholder of Yida Group and a major shareholder of China Airlines Group, with a very strong background."

"Well, it is not easy for this young man to acquire our shares overnight. Give me a call and I will contact him to communicate our feelings."

Ye Chen parked the car and Tong Xiaoya got out of the car.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw a man and a woman holding hands and talking.

"I heard that Tong Xiaoya is also here today. How happy you are, you have found me. If you find Tong Xiaoya, you can have today? You don't allow your old feelings to rekindle when you meet her."

"How is it possible, how can Tong Xiaoya compare to you!" the man said kindly.

After hearing the conversation between the two of them, Tong Xiaoya's expression became obviously ugly.

At this time, hearing the footsteps behind, the woman turned her head, and then she let out a playful laugh.

"Yeah, isn't this Tong Xiaoya?"

The man's face changed slightly when he saw Tong Xiaoya.

Tong Xiaoya looked at the man, her eyes visibly gloomy.

She laughed at herself and introduced Ye Chen: "Ye Chen will introduce to you, this is my ex-boyfriend Fang Bo."

Fang Bo smiled awkwardly after hearing Tong Xiaoya's introduction.

Tong Xiaoya continued pointing at the woman and said, "This is Yu Lili, the current girlfriend of my ex-boyfriend."

At the beginning, Tong Xiaoya regarded Yu Lili as a girlfriend, but she didn't expect to prevent her from being fire-proof and anti-theft, and her boyfriend was snatched away by her girlfriend.

This is a pain that Tong Xiaoya can't forget.

Yu Lili sneered: "Xiaoya, this handsome guy won't be your boyfriend, right?"

Ye Chen saw Tong Xiaoya's expression and knew that both sides must have a story.

"Yes, I am Tong Xiaoya's current boyfriend."

Hearing Ye Chen's self-introduction, Fang Bo raised his brows and looked at Ye Chen with hostility in his eyes.

Although Fang Bo married Yu Lili, she still liked Tong Xiaoya deep in her heart.

Unfortunately, he had to abandon Tong Xiaoya and Yu Lili together in order to get ahead.

Yu Lili's father is a local real estate tycoon, and he was not happy at all because he couldn't raise his head at home in these years.

Fang Bo smiled and said, "Xiaoya, I haven't seen you for so many years, you are still so beautiful."

Tong Xiaoya snorted coldly: "Really? Why do I have your girlfriend Yu Lili beautiful."

Fang Bo smiled awkwardly, Yu Lili looked very ordinary, and Tong Xiaoyabi was a world of difference.

If it wasn't for money, how could he choose this woman.

Several people entered the private room, and there were already seven or eight people in it.

These people are basically classmates who know each other, but Tong Xiaoya's boyfriend Ye Chen is the face.

When everyone sat down, Fang Bo asked with a sneer, "Mr. Ye doesn't know where to make a fortune."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I did it."

"Open dick?"

There was a dead silence at the scene.

In an instant, there was a burst of laughter in the box.

Especially Fang Bo smiled happily.

Fang Bo also smiled and said, "No, Mr. Ye won't be joking."

Ye Chen said seriously: "Why not? I am indeed a Didi driver. By the way, this is my business card. If you want to take a taxi, you can find me."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Your didi driver, awesome?

Also send a business card!

Yu Lili smiled on the side: "Xiaoya, I didn't expect you to be so naive. Looking for men is only looking for handsome. Is handsome useful? Look at us girls, whoever is looking for are not rich and rich. "

Fang Bo also smiled and said, "Xiaoya, is it because we broke up that you were irritated? In fact, you really don't need to be like this."

Tong Xiaoya just wanted to say something, but Ye Chen spoke first: "Who told you that you will run out of money if you open didi?"

"Although I started Didi, I have a few side businesses. For example, I have shares in Yida Group, China Airlines Group, and even China Commercial Bank..."

There was dead silence in the box again.

The several groups that Ye Chen said casually are among the top ten enterprises in China, and one is better than the other.

The special opening is the main business, and these top ten consortia in China are side businesses. Don't you brag about it?

Everyone looked at Ye Chen with weird eyes, like a fool.

Ye Chen continued proudly and said: "Actually, I can catch up with Xiaoya. There is no other trick. I just use money to smash her and stun her and become my girlfriend."

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