Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:42 PM

Chapter 483: 483

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Early the next morning, Ye Chen continued to run didi.

Just after running a few orders, I received a call from Tang Xiaofei.

"Ye Chen, your car has arrived."

"Oh, okay, I'll pick up the car."

Ye Chen came to the 4S shop and saw this new car.

In fact, Ye Chen has a lot of cars, and he bought this car just to act as a force.

Tang Xiaofei smiled when he saw Ye Chen: "Ye Chen, the car is here, I have checked it for you, there is no problem."

After all, Ye Chen bought more than five million sports cars because of her, so she was very careful.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "No, by the way, I will take you for a drive."

Tang Xiaofei said, "Where can I go for a drive in such a blocked city now?"

Ye Chen suddenly remembered a place that Yan Chuang had mentioned before.

"Yan Chuang, did you say that there is a racing track last time?"

"Well, by the way, there happens to be a friendly match here. Is Brother Chen interested in participating?"

"No problem." Ye Chen hung up the phone.

"Go, I'll take you to the car."

"Huh? Racing?" Tang Xiaofei was taken aback, but his face was full of joy.

Although Tang Xiaofei is a girl, she is also very interested in racing.

When he came to the speed racing track, Ye Chen saw a dozen people inside.

These people are all dressed in international famous brands, and at first glance they are all local rich second generations.

Yan Chuang is admonishing several people.

"Calling some brothers today is to accompany Brother Chen racing. You have to relax and have a good time with Brother Chen."

Ye Chen was speechless.

This guy Yan Chuang might be afraid that these people's skills are too good.

Ye Chen walked out and smiled: "Everyone, don't listen to this guy. Anyway, friendship is the first, and the game is second. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, you can show everyone's best level."

Yan Chuang said, "Everyone, this is Brother Chen."

"Hello Brother Chen." These rich second generations bowed one after another.

Seeing this posture, Tang Xiaofei was startled, a bit like a boss.

Ye Chen waved his hand: "Don't be so polite."

Everyone gave Ye Chen a lot of face because of Yan Chuang's relationship.

Ye Chen was a little surprised as he walked into the racing track.

This racing track is Ferrari's professional racing track.

The venue is very luxurious, with all kinds of facilities.

But this kind of place, ordinary people can't afford to play, the charter fee is 100,000 yuan.

That is to say, some rich second generations have spare money to pass the time racing here.

"Brother Chen, you will have fun with Wusao in a while." Yan Chuang whispered.

"Fifth sister-in-law?" Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

Then he kicked Yan Chuang's **** severely: "Don't talk nonsense."

If Tang Xiaofei heard these words, she would definitely think she was a scumbag.

Those rich second generations also stunned their tongues when they saw Ye Chen dare to kick Yan Chuang's ass.

Yan Chuang is a tiger in their eyes.

The tiger couldn't touch his butt, and this guy dared to kick it.

It can be seen how much the relationship between Ye Chen and Yan Chuang is.

Even everyone felt shocked, Yan Chuang was like a little brother in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen drove a new Ferrari sports car to Tang Xiaofei: "Should I run a lap with you?"

Tang Xiaofei nodded, she also looked forward to it in her heart.

At this time, Yan Chuang walked over and said, "Brother Chen, we will have a car in a while. Are you interested in playing if you have a stake?"

"Underground racing?" Ye Chen frowned.

Ye Chen feels that this kind of racing with gambling is illegal.

Yan Chuang shook his head and said, "No, all our money will be donated to Project Hope. This is also a free match."

Ye Chen nodded: "No problem, you must participate in this kind of competition."

"Okay, then I'll sign up for you." Yan Chuang left.

Ye Chen drove the Ferrari and ran for two laps with Tang Xiaofei.

It was the first time that Tang Xiaofei had taken such a fast car, and she was so addicted.

At this time, the racing competition began.

A staff member of the stadium said to everyone: "Everyone, our charity match is about to begin. Everyone has a bet of 50,000 yuan. Don't worry, all the money in the prize pool will be donated to Project Hope, except for the first place. There is no limit to the vehicle type. Three laps constitute a race schedule. The final race time is based on the time of the dash timer."

Ye Chen directly signed up with that new Ferrari, and Yan Chuang drove his Lamborghini.

Everyone participates in the competition, in fact, for fun, but also to do some charity.

The racing track is full of luxury cars. Ye Chen's five-million-dollar sports car is nothing compared to those big and small modified sports cars.

After all, these people often go to the racetrack and have good skills. Ye Chen's this is equivalent to giving money.

But Ye Chen didn't care at all, just having fun and doing charity.

The first round of the competition will start soon, and a total of 15 cars have signed up.

With the roar of the sports car, the race began.

Ye Chen's car performance was simply incomparable with other cars, and he fell in twelfth place from the beginning.

This result is very normal. After all, Ye Chen's car has not been modified, and even the best technology on the straight is useless.

But when it comes to the corner, Ye Chen's world is under.

There were a lot of spectators below, and the other cars started to slow down when they came to the corner, but Ye Chen's car rushed past the throttle without slowing down.

"I rub, this guy is crazy."

"Does he think he is a professional driver when cornering at such a fast speed?"

"Doesn't this guy know to slow down when cornering?"

Ye Chen's movements were really too dangerous.

Because in the process of drifting, it is not only about cornering, but also avoiding other vehicles.

This difficulty is doubled.

Many cowardly girls even covered their eyes.


Accompanied by the sound of tires crossing the ground, Ye Chen's car unexpectedly reached the third position in the stunned eyes of everyone.

It's a pity that Ye Chen's car was overtaken again when he reached the straight.

In the end, Ye Chen only won the third place.

However, Ye Chen's performance in third place with an unmodified car is already quite impressive.

After the game, those rich second generations gathered in front of Ye Chen.

"Great God, your drift just now was so awesome."

"That's right, if it's not that the performance of the car is not good, it must be the first one."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Haha, everyone is just for fun, and it is also very happy to be able to contribute to the Hope Project."

Basically, people who can play sports cars here are not bad money, and this money is nothing at all.

The second round of the race started, and Yan Chuang said, "Brother Chen, your car is not good. Why don't you drive my car, this supercar, your car will definitely not work."

In the second round, only the top five have a chance to participate. Yan Chuang just ran tenth, so he was disqualified.

Ye Chen nodded: "Okay, then I will borrow your car."

At the start of the race, this time, Ye Chen's car started much faster than the Ferrari just now, and he came to the corner in the blink of an eye.

Ordinary people can only slow down because they can't grasp the limit speed when cornering, but Ye Chen is different, with superb driving skills, Ye Chen can already achieve the integration of man and vehicle.

This time, after the corner, Ye Chen has easily become the number one because there is no gap in the straight.

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