Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:35 PM

Chapter 489: 489

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Ye Chen returned to Washington after the filming.

Lin Wanrou is not at home. Recently, because the VR project has been promoted, she has been busy promoting things in other places.

After taking a shower, Ye Chen lay on the bed and was idle. He picked up his mobile phone and opened the Douyu live broadcast.

At this time, Ye Chen saw a familiar name, Su Xiaomei.

The last time Ye Chen helped Su Xiaomei win the guild war championship, it can be said that Su Xiaomei was also getting hot in shaking the fish.

But Ye Chen clicked in and saw that the popularity didn't seem to be a lot.

Seeing Ye Chen entering the live broadcast room, Su Xiaomei's eyes lit up.

Welcome my big brother Didi, the light of stars, into the live broadcast room.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Why is the popularity of the live broadcast room so low?"

Su Xiaomei said bitterly: "Whoever makes you not always come, the popularity is gone."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I have been busy recently, so fewer people come."

Su Xiaomei still interacts with netizens and occasionally sings, but her popularity has not risen.

Ye Chen wondered: "Is Douyuwang's traffic so little now?"

Su Xiaomei sighed: "Nowadays, the most popular anchors are hot dances, but I can't dance."

"Hot dance?" Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment.

Su Xiaomei said: "Don't you men like to be more exciting? That's why people have been attracted by the few recent anchors who dance hot dances."

Ye Chen took a look at the live broadcast list.

The first one is called jump into your heart.

This anchor is very popular and has reached 200,000, and is now ranked first in the popularity list.

Ye Chen clicked into the live broadcast room and saw a nakedly dressed beauty dancing a hot dance.

Sure enough, the scene is a bit...

On the gift list, the first place is already 100,000.

Ye Chen saw at a glance that the beauty of this female anchor was actually only about sixty points.

Although the screen is beautiful, they are all painted with beauty effects.

Ye Chen took a few glances, and then returned to Su Xiaomei's live broadcast room with no interest.

I took a look at Douyu Coins, and now there are still 800,000.

Ye Chen directly gave Su Xiaomei 500 rockets.

In an instant, the live room screen was shrouded in rockets.

Suddenly the whole fishnet was shocked by Ye Chen's rocket again.

Almost all the banners in the live broadcast room were occupied by Ye Chen.

I wiped it, and the little brother Didi appeared again.

In the last guild battle, Didi brother has become a legend in the live broadcast room.

It reappeared and immediately attracted the attention of many netizens.

"Awesome, Big Didi is so arrogant as soon as he makes a shot."

"Big Didi has come to support my little sister again."

"Shenhao is awesome."

"When the big guy Didi makes a move, he is so shocking and weeping."


Following Ye Chen's move, the live broadcast room suddenly became hot.

In an instant, Su Xiaomei's popularity soared, directly surpassing that jumped into your heart to become the number one in the popularity list.

Jumping into your heart is still dancing, but after the dance, you are suddenly stunned. Not only has the popularity not increased but dropped, what is going on?

During the live broadcast, Xiaomei Su was very moved to see that Ye Chen shot 500 rockets.

She just complained a little bit, but she didn't expect Ye Chen to listen to herself like this.

Popularity continues to soar, even rising.

In fact, netizens in the live broadcast room will not only stay in one live broadcast room, they will jump back and forth in each live broadcast room.

Ye Chen swiped the screen and immediately attracted the attention of netizens, which made Su Xiaomei's live broadcast room become popular.

After all, Ye Chen's name is already a legend in, so those netizens also want to see the true face of the tyrannical Didi.

Seeing the rising popularity of the live broadcast room, Su Xiaomei was very moved, but she still sent a private message to Ye Chen.

"Brother Ye, thank you for your support, but it's not easy for you to make money, so you won't have to do this in the future."

Ye Chen smiled faintly, thinking that he would actually lie down to earn money, not to mention that this Douyu Coin was sent back to the system.

"It's okay, this little money is nothing to me."

Su Xiaomei is speechless, five hundred rockets, that's nothing.

But Su Xiaomei also knows Ye Chen's strength, she joked: "You are so good to me, I really don't know how to repay you, even if I sell me, I can't pay your debts."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Okay, I'm very interested."

"Huh, badass, don't even think about it."

But then Su Xiaomei still typed and said, "Ye Chen, I really appreciate your support to me."

Ye Chen said, "I can't just say it, do I have to give me a reward?"

Su Xiaomei: "What reward do you want?"

Ye Chen said, "How about you sing me a song."

"Sing? What song?" Su Xiaomei asked.

Ye Chen thought for a while and said, "It's the song I wrote, and the name is "Little Lucky"."

Then Ye Chen posted the tunes and scores.

I heard raindrops falling on the green grass

I heard the bell ringing in the distance

But i didn't hear your voice

Call my name seriously

When I fell in love with you, I didn't understand the feelings


Seeing the score, Su Xiaomei sang it again.

This song is really nice.

"You are so talented." Su Xiaomei exclaimed.

"Normally." Ye Chen said with a faint smile.

Su Xiaomei understood that Ye Chen wrote songs for herself to increase her popularity.

This song completely melted Su Xiaomei's heart.

Especially when she heard the lyrics inside, she even felt that Ye Chen was suggesting something to herself.

Ye Chen is really kind to her, but should he accept it?

Su Xiaomei smiled and said, "Ye Chen, meeting you is my greatest luck."

Ye Chen replied: "Me too."


At this time, jumped into your heart and danced another hot dance.

She constantly changed her posture and made provocative movements.

In an instant, the present in the live broadcast room whizzed up.

Watching the gifts that keep popping up, jumping into your heart is even more excited.

She is going crazy.

In fact, I used to jump into your heart and wanted to enter the film industry.

It's a pity that I just stepped into this business to understand how difficult it is to become a star.

So she started live broadcasting in order to survive.

However, after the live broadcast, the popularity has not been good. Later, I joined a guild and slept with the leader of the guild for one night, and then I learned the secret of wanting fire.

Since then, her live broadcast style has become more and more open.

Sure enough, she has become more and more popular with her hot dance performance.

At this time, the men in front of the screen were extremely excited, and their eyes were about to come out.

However, although she was very hard to jump, she found sadly that her popularity had fallen again.

What's going on, jumped into your heart and frowned.

At this time, she discovered that a big man had used 500 rockets, which had sucked all the popularity away.

Seeing someone rewarded five hundred rockets for the host, I suddenly became jealous when I jumped into your heart.

She has also watched Su Xiaomei’s live broadcast, but it’s just chatting and singing. How can someone give her so much money?

In her opinion, Su Xiaomei is too conservative, so she is not her opponent at all.

But the current situation slapped her in the face severely, and Su Xiaomei's popularity far surpassed her.

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