Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:33 PM

Chapter 490: 490

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Jump into your heart very unconvinced.

I have paid so much, not even a conservative female anchor has received as many rewards, which is too unfair.

She thinks that as long as she works hard to dance and constantly stirs a man's heart, she is invincible.

But Su Xiaomei slapped her fiercely.

The most important thing is that his popularity is still declining. Obviously many fans have gone to Su Xiaomei's side.

Watching the falling popularity of the live broadcast room, jump into your heart and decide to fight back.

There was a pitiful look on her face, and said pitifully to the fans: "Brothers, sisters are so wronged, you see, the eldest brother is rewarded with 500 rockets, and my sister is dancing again Everyone is feasting their eyes, but only so little rewards, the baby feels bitter, the baby wants to cry."

Jump into your heart not knowing how many men have slept with.

So her body is just a money-making machine for her.

Jumping into your heart doesn't care about your body for others to see, so this time it's also a fight.

In order to be more tempting, jumped into your heart and took off the jacket directly.

Inside is a gauze, full of temptation.

At this moment, the fans in the live broadcast room went crazy.

Tiange rewarded ten rockets.

Brother Tiger rewarded twenty rockets.


In the blink of an eye, the Rockets swung to the sky.

Jump into your heart and look at the rocket that keeps flying into the sky with excitement.

However, she was not satisfied with the rockets that were constantly being brushed out.

I paid so much to get such a small number of rockets. Why can the anchor sing a song to get five hundred rockets?

At this moment, the local tyrant she was looking forward to finally made a move.

The local tyrant rewarded a hundred rockets.

The local tyrant rewarded a hundred rockets.

The local tyrant rewarded a hundred rockets.


This local tyrant who appeared suddenly rewarded her with four hundred rockets.

Jump into your heart with excitement.

This is the time she has been rewarded the most by a local tyrant.

"Thanks to my local tyrant for rewarding me with so many rockets. I love you."

It's great to jump into your heart, so many rockets, it's all money.

It's not in vain to fight like this by yourself.

When I was happy, I jumped into your heart and danced again.

The local tyrant also trumpeted on the public screen with enthusiasm and domineering: "Where is the little brother Didi? Do you dare to be more arrogant than me when you come out!"

On Douyu live broadcast, netizens watched this provocative public screen suddenly exploded.

I rub, someone actually wants to challenge the big guy Didi.

You know, Didi boss is now the super boss of Douyu live broadcast, and is called Shenhao by netizens.

Even the guild was persuaded in front of the big brother Didi.

Now there are netizens who dare to challenge the big brother Didi?

Jump into your heart, dance hard, and suddenly see the popularity of the live broadcast room rise.

Jumping into your heart is getting happier.

"Brother Tyrant, you are really amazing, I love you to death."

In fact, the local tyrant was also very hot-headed just now, and regretted it after posting the public screen.

But seeing jumping into your heart to blow a kiss to yourself is even more exciting.

Even the local tyrant has already thought about it, asking what jumped into your heart, and then...

With the encouragement of jumping into your heart, the local tyrant is even more arrogant.

"Did little brother didi? Dare to come out? I don't dare, it's really coercive. Call me coerced brother in the future."

Seeing the local tyrant brother unrestrained, the live broadcast room was even more excited.

"The local tyrant is awesome."

"It's worthy of being a local tyrant brother."


At this time, Ye Chen was listening to Su Xiaomei singing the song she had just written.

At this time, I saw many people in the live room @自己.

He just noticed that someone challenged himself on the public screen.

He glanced at the other party's ID, and didn't seem to know him.

At first, Ye Chen didn't bother to care about each other.

But the other party became more and more arrogant, and even scolded himself for coercion.

Nima, gave you a face?

Ye Chen was angry and typed directly on the public screen: "Where did the mad dog pop up? Barking here."

For people like local tyrants, Ye Chen understood that it was nothing more than the brains of the worms.

It may be a bit rich, but if you are richer than yourself, it's dying.

And jumping into your heart, but only an ugly girl made by makeup and beauty, this idiot actually spends money on such a woman.

Ye Chen can be sure that the other party removes his makeup and then loses his beauty. This buddy will probably vomit.

And Ye Chen understood that the popularity of this anchor was only temporary.

It won’t take long for this kind of live broadcast to be banned, and it won’t take long.

I glanced at Su Xiaomei's live broadcast room, and the popularity has dropped by half.

Su Xiaomei sent a private message to Ye Chen: "Ye Chen, don't be angry with that guy, they are just using you to stir up the heat."

At this time, Su Xiaomei’s live broadcast room has already flooded with many fans who jumped into your heart.

"Haha, what a goddess, I think it's just a fool."

"If you don't have the guts, you should be a human being with your tail sandwiched. Don't be so arrogant in the future."

"The local tyrant is the number one fish shaker. Get out of the fish shake later."

"Pretending to be slapped in the face, haha ​​laughing hard."

"What a great god, I think it's just pretending to be mad."


These people talk more and more ugly, and they are all provocative.

Ye Chen knows that these are fans who are not afraid of big things.

Their purpose is very obvious, that is, they want to see Shenhao directly tear it up.

It will be cool to watch Shenhao reward them.

That's why I came to pick things up.

Ye Chen replied a message to Su Xiaomei: "Don't worry, I do things well."

"Okay, don't give any more rewards." Su Xiaomei replied.

The reason why Ye Chen would stand up for Su Xiaomei is because she is different from other anchors.

Now I jump into your heart and have been teasing the local tyrants in another live broadcast room to give rewards, but Su Xiaomei is persuading Ye Chen not to give rewards. This is the character gap.

But Ye Chen certainly wouldn't let it go.

Since there was a system, only Ye Chen stepped on someone, when was someone stepped on it!

Ye Chen's principle is that people do not offend me and I do not offend others. If people offend me, I will teach them how to behave.

On the public screen, Ye Chen responded directly: "You **** like me, are you worthy?"

Seeing Ye Chen's response was arrogant and domineering.

Netizens are also excited.

"Haha, it really is a big didi, talking domineering."

"There seems to be a big gap between the levels of the two people, the big didi is 20th, and the local tyrant is only 14."

"That's right, Big Didi crushes the opponent from the level."

"Dare to challenge the big guy Didi, this kid is awkward."

Following Ye Chen's reply, the fans of Big Didi also appeared.

At this moment, in a villa, a short and fat man stared at the computer, his face pale.

Especially seeing Ye Chen's reply and the barrage of netizens, his face was extremely ugly.

"Nima? Pretend to be forced with Laozi."

The fat man smashed the red wine glass in his hand directly.

He stared at the screen with spite in his eyes.

This man is the local tyrant brother.

During this period of time, he rewarded, but the local tyrant has gained a great sense of vanity.

I just challenged the little brother Didi with a hot mind.

However, after seeing the replies of netizens in the live broadcast room and looking at the level of the younger brother Didi, he realized that he had kicked the iron this time.

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