Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:29 PM

Chapter 493: 493

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Tong Xiaoya looked at Ye Chen in shock: "You can write songs?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Of course, have you heard of the online hit "Little Lucky"? I wrote it."

You are the author of "Little Lucky"?

Tong Xiaoya was a little shocked.

She also found this song by chance on the Internet, and thought it was very nice at the time, but she didn't expect it to be written by Ye Chen.

"Great, then you can write a song for me. I heard that the company is going to block me in all aspects. This time I will definitely slap them in the face."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "With me, no one will block you, and you will get more and more popular."

When he arrived at the Modu Film and Television Base, Tong Xiaoya directly gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for receiving five-star praise, activating the first praise star, and obtaining 100% shares of the Douyu live broadcast platform. 】

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he had just rewarded ten million in the live broadcast room yesterday, and now he has become the owner of Douyu.

It seems that in the future, we will have to use the name of the little brother Didi to find more local tyrants and let them give more money.

Came to the film and television base, shooting began.

Ye Chen sat behind the screen, it was a big show.

Actor Zhou Fa plays Li Mubai and Tong Xiaoya have a sword practice scene.

Ye Chen felt that the whole process was very smooth, but suddenly a director next to him shouted: "Crack!"

Suddenly, Ye Chen was a little unhappy.

After all, you are a director, so why should you call an associate director?

The most important thing is this scene. The relationship between the two people is brewing very well. It could have been done at once.

When he paused like this, it was difficult for the actor to find the feeling he had just felt.

And in the past two days of filming, the two people have had several differences.

Ye Chen frowned: "Is there any problem?"

Deputy director Dong Bo said: "Director Ye, I think Zhou Fa's feelings are not in place in this scene."

"I think he had a good expression just now."

Dong Bo said coldly: "Dao Ye, this is your first film. I'm an old director who has filmed hundreds of films. I have a lot more control over the plot than you."

When Ye Chen invited Dong Bo to come, he was actually just asking him to check and learn from the specialties of other directors.

After all, Ye Chen possesses the skills of a god-level director, so he doesn't need to learn from anyone.

But this guy, relying on his own experience to talk about things, always interrupts the shooting.

Even Ye Chen suspected that this guy was here to make trouble.

The two began to argue, but Ye Chen won in the end.

After all, Ye Chen is the producer of this film and an investor. He is the biggest with money.

Although he obeyed on the surface, Dong Bo was not convinced in his heart.

After all, Ye Chen has no fame and is the first movie.

In his eyes, compared with Ye Chen, he was a master level.

After half a day of filming ended, Ye Chen also let out a sigh of relief.

Being a director is really not as comfortable as opening didi.

Ye Chen's shooting time is only half a day, and he rests in the afternoon.

In fact, the main reason for this arrangement is that Ye Chen still needs to make a beep.

After running for two hours, Ye Chen received a call from Su Wanyi.

"Ye Chen, go out with me for a stroll."

"no problem."

Ye Chen nodded and drove directly to the Ya Shi Group.

"Beauty, please get in the car, have you figured out where to go?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

Su Wanyi said: "Come with me to stroll around the mall."


Two people came to the third floor of the mall.

At this time, Su Wanyi suddenly lit up and ran to a game hall with a claw machine.

Looking at the usually cold female president, Ye Chen was also very helpless.

Su Wanyi is very cold in the company, but once she is with Ye Chen, she is just like a child.

Ye Chen knew that Su Wanyi liked dolls very much. Last time I went to Su Wanyi's house, there were dolls everywhere in the bedroom.

If her subordinates knew about this, they would be shocked.

Ye Chen came to the coin exchange machine and directly exchanged one hundred yuan of game currency.

A small paper box full.

Su Wanyi looked excited, put a coin, and grabbed a monster.

As a result, it was about to reach the entrance of the cave, but it fell off.

"Oh, almost."

Su Wanyi did not give up and continued to catch.

As a result, the game currency of 100 yuan was almost finished, but the doll still has not been caught.

I caught it several times, but fell into the hole.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I really like this Monkey, Ye Chen, help me catch it."

Ye Chen tried it, but he caught the remaining coins, but he still didn't catch it.

Seeing that the coins were empty, Su Wanyi looked depressed.

"Forget it, don't catch it."

Seeing Su Wanyi's unhappy expression, Ye Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, can I catch one by one more coins?"

With that, Ye Chen came to the service desk.

The boss was playing the game with his head down, and Ye Chen said: "Boss, can you make the difficulty of your claw machine easier?"

"Impossible? Our claw machines are all set by machines and cannot be adjusted."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Really can't adjust?"

"of course!"

Ye Chen took out his wallet and put one hundred yuan on the table.

"Sir, it really doesn't work. The claw machines here are all set by the system..."

Ye Chen took another picture.

Bang bang bang!

After a while, there was already a thousand yuan on the table.

"Boss, my girlfriend has caught no doll for a long time. She is not happy, so please help."

The boss took a deep breath: "Okay."

After a while, Ye Chen returned with a one-hundred-dollar game coin.

Su Wanyi said depressed: "I feel bad luck today, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch it."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Who said that, I said that if I can catch it, I will definitely catch it, so I will give you a little luck."

With that, Ye Chen kissed Su Wanyi's pretty face.

Su Wanyi's face blushed: "You villain, take advantage of me."

Ye Chen said with a face: "Luck is here, you can try it."

Su Wanyi nodded and put in a coin.

As a result, this time he actually caught Monqiqi.

"Yeah, Ye Chen, your good luck really works."

Su Wanyi put in coins again and continued to catch.

The result is still successful.

Su Wanyi, who just couldn't catch one, became a master at catching dolls in seconds.

After a while, Su Wanyi had already grabbed a large bag of dolls.

"Hey, I just found out now that I turned out to be the legendary doll catching god." Su Wanyi looked proud.

Ye Chen nodded to the side: "Well, worship the God of Catch the Baby."

Su Wanyi might not have thought that the so-called great **** is just the power of money.

After a while, Su Wanyi ran out of coins, and the bag was full of dolls.

"Ye Chen, I am so happy today, so I feel a sense of accomplishment."

"Haha, you just want to be happy."

At this time, there was a quarrel from the counter.

"Sir, you can't take these dolls away. A little brother just lowered the difficulty in order to make his girlfriend happy."

"What, you can still adjust the difficulty? It's too cheating, it turns out to be a lie."

Ye Chen looked at the quarrel at the counter, stuck his tongue out, and hurriedly pulled Su Wanyi away.

It is estimated that the boss's current mentality has collapsed.

The two went shopping for a while, and then drove the car to go home.

There was a red light in front, Ye Chen just stopped the car, but heard a bang behind him, the car was hit.

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