Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:28 PM

Chapter 494: 494

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Ye Chen got out of the car and saw an uncle cleaner's car crashed into Ye Chen's car because of the brakes.

Because Ye Chen drove his Cullinan with Su Wanyi.

The cleaning car left a trace on Cullinan's car.

After Ye Chen got out of the car, he saw the old man trembling.

Although the old man does not know Cullinan, it can be seen from the appearance of the car that this car is not cheap.

Some people watching the excitement gathered around.

"I'll go, this old man is unlucky enough to hit Cullinan."

"Yes, I heard that this car is more than ten million, how can it be worth tens of thousands."

"Hundreds of thousands, this is Cullinan, car paint repairs need to import paint from abroad, how can it cost 100,000.

Hearing everyone's comments, the old man's face paled even more.

As a cleaner, he has to get up at four or five o'clock in the morning, only two or three thousand yuan a month.

This is a loss of 100,000, and I am afraid that even the pension money will be lost.

Ye Chen looked at the car body and then at the shivering old man.

The old man said: "I'm sorry young man."

Ye Chen said, "Master, why are you so careless."

"Blame me, I got up too early in the morning and took a nap."

At this time, Ye Chen turned and walked towards the Cullinan Car, and directly drew a wrench from it.

The people around him were shocked to see Ye Chen's appearance.

"I rub, this young man is too much."

"That is, the old man hit his car, so he won't hit anyone."

"Yes, money is awesome."

Even Su Wanyi frowned.

If Ye Chen really did something to the old man, even she could not forgive Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen passed by the old man and went straight to the cleaning car of the old man.

Bang bang!

Ye Chen smashed twice, and then said: "Okay, old man, now we are even."

"Ah!" The old man was taken aback for a moment, then an excited expression appeared on his face.

"Boy, this!"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Old man, you hit my car, I smashed your car and now we don't owe each other."

Everyone at the scene was taken aback, and then they all understood.

It turned out that the young man had let go of the old man.

"The young man did a great job."

"What a nice person."

"Like the guy."


There was warm applause on the scene.

Ye Chen smiled faintly and got into the car.

Su Wanyi smiled and said, "Ye Chen, you are so kind."

After all, Ye Chen can only repair this car mark by himself. Although Ye Chen is rich, not all rich people can be so broad-minded.

Someone even posted this video online.

"I'm so touched, this is the positive energy of society."

"Yeah, I'm so touched!"

"At first I thought this young man was going to hit someone. The ending turned out to be so heartwarming."


The next day, Ye Chen continued to run didi.

Just after running a list, I received a call from Lin Shiyin.

"Principal Ye, come to school."

"Did something happen?"

Lin Shiyin smiled bitterly: "You will know when you come."

Ye Chen just walked into the school when he drove the car, when a middle-aged man greeted him.

"President Ye, hello, I'm Zhou Kun, principal of Zhejiang University."

"Oh, hello, Principal Zhou."

Zhejiang University, also one of the best universities in China, is very close to the magic.

After all, the other party was also the principal, so Ye Chen could only greet him with a smile.

Ye Chen asked in confusion: "President Zhou, what are you doing in our magic city all the way?"

"Principal Ye, I came this time because..."

At this time another car stopped: "Lao Zhou, you move fast enough."

When Zhou Kun saw the other party, his expression was condensed, and he turned out to be the principal of Fuda.

Ye Chen was at a loss. The principals of these prestigious schools ran to their own schools to do what they did.

Because Lin Shiyin called herself just now, there are still several principals in the principal's office.

"Well, let's go to my office and talk together."

When they came to the principal's office, there were already eight principals gathered in Ye Chen's office.

These eight principals are all principals of Huaguo 985 School, and they are all famous figures in the education circle. As a result, they all gathered in Ye Chen's office.

Ye Chen asked, "What the **** is it that the principals are looking for me."

Zhou Kun stood up and said, "Principal Ye, we want to send a few students to your school to communicate with you."

Several other principals also serve this purpose.

Student exchange?

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment. These are all prestigious universities, why suddenly he wants to conduct academic exchanges with his grassroots university.

"Principal Ye, we came with sincerity this time, and I promise to send our best students." The principal of Fuda also said seriously.

Several other principals also promised that they were definitely the elite of the school.

"President Ye, our computer majors are the first in China," said the president of Kyoto University.

"Our new energy specialty is also well-known in China."

The principals of the eight schools did not show any weakness, for fear that Ye Chen would give the opportunity of communication to other schools.

Even the last eight principals almost fought.

Ye Chen now understands that because Star University has won the country's highest scientific research award, their goal is to let their students learn and to drive their school's scientific research strength.

After all, academic exchange is a normal thing in universities, and Ye Chen has no way to refuse this kind of thing.

Ye Chen thought for a moment, and directly agreed.

This incident did not do any harm to the Star University. Those who came to the Star University must be the best students.

Since these universities have taken the initiative to send them to the door, how could Ye Chen easily let it go.

"Okay, I agree, but there can't be too many people. I only give three places in each school."

Ye Chen understands that only those principals who limit the number of places will send the school's best elites over.

However, once these elites come to Star University, it is not easy to go back!

These principals frowned when they heard that there were only three places.

"President Ye's three places are too few, no matter how ten." Zhou Kun said.

"That's right, after all, it's better to have a lot of exchange students between schools." Several other principals also said one after another.

"Well, as long as the University of Stars is willing to increase the number of places, we can add money to come over."

"That's right, there are too few places."

Ye Chen said: "In this way, there are five in a school. This is the bottom line. If it doesn't work, then forget it."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, these principals had nothing to say.

After all, Ye Chen also gave in.

Five is better than three.

Afterwards, these principals discussed the rules of exchange students, and then left.

But these principals looked hostile to each other.

If it is not the other party, you may have a few more indicators in your school.

After leaving the Star University, these principals left the top students who chose the school.

They are all the top talents in the school, because these students come with a mission.

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