Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:24 PM

Chapter 495: 495

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The next day, Star University had fifty new faces.

These fifty are all elites selected from ten top schools in China.

They have experts in computer science, machine manufacturing, and physics and chemistry.

Ye Chen was speechless, these principals were too anxious, they sent people today after the meeting yesterday.

Fifty students joined the class according to different majors.

These students looked arrogant when they first came to school.

After all, at school, they are all the pride of the sky, and they are the top talents in the school.

With such a halo, letting them enter the University of Stars is also arrogant.

Ye Chen looked at these students very happy too.

Each of these students is outstanding.

After all, it is the trump card of each school.

Now that he came to school and took it in his mouth, why would Ye Chen vomit it back?

Ye Chen believed that as long as these students got acquainted with the awesome talents of Xingchen University, they would not leave if they were driven away.

After a brief speech, Ye Chen called the monitors of various majors and led these students back.

Li Xiaoming studied computer science.

At Kyoto University, he is the school’s computer god.

But when he walked into the computer professional classroom, he was stunned.

I wiped, what code are these?

What made him even more stunned was that the codes of these students could easily come and go freely in the Aegis system of Country M.

This is too awesome.

Li Xiaoming almost stared blankly.

Yes, he is the **** of computers at Kyoto University, but his level at Seongshin University is simply a little brother.

At this time, inside the experimental building of Star University.

Wu Guang is a master of manufacturing at Mordu University and has won many domestic awards.

When he walked into the science and technology building of Star University, he was immediately shocked by the facilities here.

Too awesome, the laboratory building of Star University is a hundred times stronger than its own Magic University.

Even Wu Guang has a feeling that even famous universities in the world don't necessarily have equipment like Star University.

When walking into the professional production room of machinery.

Wu Guang looked at the huge mecha in shock and was dumbfounded.

I rub, the students of Star University are so awesome, they are actually getting mechas.

He was looking in a daze, and a student who was welding said: "That newcomer, help me buy lunch."

Wu Guang nodded, and then ran out.

Chen Aiyong is a PhD student majoring in New Energy at Zhejiang University.

He was extremely reluctant to let him come to Star University.

After all, he is the star of hope of Huaguo New Energy.

His papers are often published in international newspapers.

Let him come to study at Star University? What's easy to learn, he guides those scumbags.

His arrogant heart collapsed the moment he entered the laboratory.

Because they saw these students doing nuclear fission reactor experiments.

Nima, are the students of Star University so awesome?


The students of other majors are the same, and they were quickly stunned by the excellent teaching facilities of the Star University and the super awesome students.

They have always been curious about how these students learn without a teacher.

It turns out that these students don't need to study at all, because they are geniuses.

The most important experiment at Star University now is the manufacture of mechanical mechas.

This is a new project just launched by Star University.

At the time, the only person from Star University who participated in the Huaguo Science and Technology Award and won the first place was the intelligent robot made by Lu Gang.

In fact, the robot is a reduced model.

Back at Star University, Wu Gang directly started the production of mecha.

The only advantage of Star University is that as long as you are creative, you will have whatever materials you want.

So now the prototype of the mecha has come out.

Wu Guang was completely shocked.

He felt that the things he was proud of at school were just a pile of rubbish.

Now they have made mechas at Star University.

Although mechas were often seen in cartoons before, in reality they are being developed by various countries, but they have not been made.

Lu Gang and Wang Meng collaborated on this project.

Because such a large mecha requires powerful energy, and Wang Meng's nuclear energy reactor can provide a powerful heart for this mecha.

Now that the various functions of the mecha have been completed, the only difference is this powerful heart.

Wu Guang was just a layman at the beginning, and he soon joined the production team with his amazing talent.

Although he only stayed at Star University for one day, Wu Guang felt that what he learned here was simply more than what he learned in a year at school.

The principal of Magic City called Wu Guang for condolences.

After all, Wu Guang's mission is to learn the technology of Star University, and even the school has promised him that as long as he returns from his studies, he will directly teach in the school.

"Hey, Wu Guang, how is your study at Star University?"

"Oh, very good, principal, I'm very busy, I'll talk later."

Talking, the phone hung up directly.

Principal Mordu suddenly became a little confused.

These students were respectful and respectful to themselves when they were in their own school. They seemed to be awesome when they first arrived at Star University, and they even hung up his phone.

This situation also happened to other principals and students.

Each major of Star University has its own unique features, even among the top fields in the country.

These schoolmasters themselves love to learn and love to study.

When they came to Star University, they felt like a fish in water, greedily absorbing the knowledge here.

As for returning to the original school, this idea has long since disappeared.

Although various schools have given them generous treatment, Star University has given them the opportunity to realize their dreams.

The principals sadly discovered that these students were just perfunctory at first, but then they simply stopped answering the phone.

These principals were all worried, and they all had bad feelings in their hearts.

On this day, a video spread across the Internet.

This video is exactly the mech made by Star University.

The mecha is very domineering, even a bit of Optimus Prime in the previous life.

As soon as this video was uploaded to the Internet, it caused heated discussions.

A few students at Mordu University are watching videos.

Suddenly a domineering mecha appeared in the phone.

"I wipe it, this mecha is real and fake."

"I feel like it was synthesized by a computer."

"No, really, don't you think this is Wu Guang?"

Seeing Wu Guang who was working on the mecha, everyone was stunned. Oh my God, this turned out to be true.

At this time, an old man in Hua Guo couldn't help but shine in front of him watching the video.

"Is this mecha real?"

A middle-aged man in uniform said: "We have verified that the video is real."

"In other words, we Hua Guo has already made mecha?" The old man looked excited.

"This, there shouldn't be, but it should have made a prototype. Our technical department has analyzed that the integrity of the mecha is even stronger than the current progress of the mecha in the island country."

"Check which university it is right away, I want to go there myself." The old man said excitedly.

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