Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:23 PM

Chapter 496: 496

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The old man remembered something and said: "Also, all the videos about mechas on the Internet have been deleted, and they must not be circulated on the Internet."

Soon, China's network department began to act.

The online video about mecha immediately disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Ye Chen was also paying attention to the progress of the mecha production.

Ye Chen was shocked when he saw this project.

He didn't expect the creativity of these students to be so terrible.

He was about to make a mecha abruptly.

Ye Chen looked at the design drawing but shook his head secretly.

Although the prototype of this mecha is out, there is still a long way to go before completion.

According to their progress, I am afraid it will take at least 20 years.

In several key positions, such as the use of nuclear energy in the mecha and the conduction function of the mecha, there are big defects.

For twenty years, Ye Chen couldn't wait, but Ye Chen possessed God-level technology.

He decided to help a group of these students.

Ye Chen came to the laboratory, took out a few drawings and gave them to Wang Meng and Wu Gang.

"Principal Ye, what are you?"

I have seen the mechas you made. The creativity is good, but the key points need to be improved. Please study it carefully.

As usual, Ye Chen handed over the drawing to them, and then left.

After all, Ye Chen named them the direction, and they had to do it themselves.

When several people got the drawings, their faces suddenly changed.

This is exactly what they are thinking about.

Ye Chen can be said to help them formulate all the difficult problems.

All they have to do now is to work out these formulas.

Although this will take time, the progress will be fast if the direction is right.

As soon as Ye Chen returned to the principal's room, Lin Shiyin ran in: "Principal Ye is here as a guest."

Are you here?

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

Could it be that the principal of which school sent himself exchange students?

Lin Shiyin shook his head and whispered a few words in Ye Chen's ear.

Ye Chen's expression also became a little serious, because this time it was a big man.

Accompanied by hearty laughter, an old man walked into Ye Chen's office.

Ye Chen stood up: "Good leadership."

The old man is a high-level figure in China, and he was also a soldier with outstanding military service in the past.

Ye Chen still respects such a person very much.

Old Wei smiled and said, "President Ye, I heard that your school is developing mechas."

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, those students are studying."

Old Wei excitedly said, "Can I see it?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem."

The group came to the science and technology building.

Wei Lao was also taken aback when he saw this technologically-savvy building.

"Yeah, your science and technology building feels better than that of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Ye Chen smiled: "Why, we can't compare to the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"Why can't it be compared? I heard that your nuclear reactors were very good last time. If the universities in China are like yours, why not worry about China being strong."

While talking, a group of people came to the mecha production site.

Seeing the mecha standing in the factory, Wei Lao looked excited.

"Awesome, really made it."

Ye Chen shook his head: "Lao Wei, this is just the prototype of the mecha. It may take some time for him to move and be effective."

Wei Lao nodded: "What do you need, materials, manpower or material resources, as long as you bring it up, we will guarantee them all."

If this mech is really made, it will be of great significance to China.

After all, many countries were doing this technology ten years ago, especially island countries, but they were not successful, showing how difficult it is.

Now that the Star University has already figured out a prototype, how could Wei Lao be unhappy.

If this thing is really done, it would be a qualitative leap for the improvement of China's combat power.

With mechas, who would dare to compete with China?

Ye Chen shook his head: "Wei Lao, what we need now is time. These students are studying hard. I believe it will not take long to see the results."

Mr. Wei nodded: "Xiao Ye, if this thing is made, you don't have any objection that the country wants to buy it."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Of course there is no objection. As Chinese, our efforts are also to make China stronger."

Regarding Ye Chen's consciousness, Wei Lao nodded with great satisfaction: "Well, yes, I am waiting for your good news. If you need to mention anything, I promise all departments will give the green light all the way."

"Thank you, Mr. Wei."

Wei Lao chatted with Ye Chen again, and then left with satisfaction.

Ye Chen was looking at the mecha being made and thoughtful.

Ye Chen just added something of his own to the code for Wu Gang and Wang Meng.

Therefore, the absolute control of the mecha is actually in Ye Chen's hands.

The successful production of the mecha will definitely cause an outrage in the world. Although Ye Chen believes that these students will not do things they shouldn't do, Ye Chen must also be prepared.

After all, people lose themselves in the face of interests.

After doing all these things, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief and left the school.

Ye Chen drove the car and listened to the radio.

Suddenly a piece of news attracted Ye Chen.

Today, Tianyu Entertainment announced that it will officially terminate the contract with its artist Tong Xiaoya and take back all copyrights of Tong Xiaoya's music.

The news immediately caused a sensation.

After all, taking back all of Tong Xiaoya's music copyright means that she is no longer qualified to sing the famous songs of Tong Xiaoya in public.

After all, as an artist, the famous song is his life, which is definitely a big blow to Tong Xiaoya.

Tianyu Entertainment also announced that it will release the main album "Youth Storm" for its artist Wu Meimei in October.

Ye Chen remembered that Tianyu’s promotion of "Youth Storm" was tailor-made for Tong Xiaoya.

There is even more sigh on the Internet.

"Hey, what did Tong Xiaoya think? He even left Tianyu."

"I heard it was taken care of by someone."

"The celebrity circle is really messy."

"Yeah, I really like her, I heard that she was blocked."

Almost everyone thinks that Tong Xiaoya's acting career is over when he leaves Tianyu.

Ye Chen also felt warm for Tong Xiaoya's dedication.

In order to defect to herself, Tong Xiaoya really paid too much.

Ye Chen decided to tailor a big fire album for Tong Xiaoya.

After all, people paid such a high price for themselves.

Ye Chen thought of a name, Qiqi.

In her previous life, after Qiqi was hailed as a small song, each of her songs was a classic.

And Qiqi's age is similar to Tong Xiaoya.

So Ye Chen drove home directly.

In the evening, a total of eight songs, demos, and lyrics and lyrics were all figured out.

Ye Chen dialed Tong Xiaoya's phone.

"Director Ye, is there anything?"

Ye Chen smiled and said: "You just signed to our company, I want to release an album for you."

"Okay, I can't wait, the album you made for me must be wonderful."

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