Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:21 PM

Chapter 498: 498

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Li Yangyang thought Ye Chen couldn't make it, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to come so quickly.

While those people were in a daze, Li Yangyang dragged his friend and ran behind Ye Chen.

I don't know why, seeing Ye Chen, Li Yangyang's heart is extremely at ease.

Ye Chen said coldly: "Yangyang, I'm here, no one can hurt you."

Li Yangyang nodded, his pretty face even slightly red.

The girls all imagined that their own prince charming would appear in danger and save themselves.

Ye Chen is his own Prince Charming.

On the side, Li Yangyang's best friend was stunned when she saw Ye Chen.

This handsome guy is really handsome.

Even Ye Chen didn't know how many times stronger than those little fresh meat.

But even though Ye Chen is here, both of them have concerns on their faces.

After all, Ye Chen is single-handedly. There are seven or eight big men in this warehouse, as well as photographers. Can Ye Chen deal with these people alone?

The big man saw Ye Chen's eyes coldly: "Boy, if you dare to venture into my Chen Wu's site, it's almost like death."

At this time, a woman next to the big man smiled with bright eyes: "Brother Wu, this little brother is not bad. I can shoot a movie with him. It will definitely be a big hit."

Hearing the words of the woman next to him, the big man's face showed a touch of joy, and he nodded and said, "Well, your idea is very good."

Ye Chen glanced at the warehouse and knew what these people were doing.

Fortunately, Li Yangyang called himself just before coming in, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Ye Chen looked cold: "Are you going to surrender yourself, or should I beat you down and wait for the police to arrest you?"

These people are just a group of social scum, and Ye Chen will naturally not show mercy to these people.

After listening to Ye Chen's words, the big man suddenly became happy.

This young man is in his early twenties and is thin and mad.

Immediately, the big man sneered and said: "Your brain is flooded? Let us surrender and beat us down, do you think you are a martial arts star?"

Others are also mocking.

They are all mixed up in society, fighting is commonplace, and Ye Chen alone, to them, is like fish on the chopping board.

Ye Chen's face was icy: "Have you finished laughing?"

The big man sneered: "Boy, I'll give you a chance to accompany Sister Yu obediently to make a film, I can spare you."

Sister Yu on the side was fat and ugly.

Ye Chen felt nauseous at the first glance.

"Brother, come on, sister loves you."

Ye Chen looked cold, stepped on his feet and appeared in front of the big man.

The big man didn't expect Ye Chen to be so fast, his face changed slightly when he saw Ye Chen.

However, before he could react, Ye Chen had already started.


Ye Chen kicked directly on the big man's stomach.

The big man flew upside down, fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood, and screamed like a pig.

A wicked smile appeared on Ye Chen's face: "Since you don't choose, I will choose for you."

At this time, a yellow hair wanted to hug Ye Chen from behind Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen, as if he had eyes long behind him, directly hit the opponent's face with a fist.

The guy was hit by a punch, fell heavily to the ground, and fainted directly.

In the blink of an eye, the two **** were knocked down by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's expression was cold: "Do you still resist?"

At this time, Sister Yu's face changed slightly: "This kid has a hard idea, you guys go together, remember not to hit this kid in the face, leave this little white face to me."

It's been a long time since Jade Jade had seen such a man of water and spirit, she naturally didn't want to let Ye Chen go.

At this time, those **** pulled out their iron rods and rushed towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked cold: "I don't know whether to live or die."

Afterwards, the body rushed out again.

A **** stick hit Ye Chen's head.

But the stick stopped just after it was swung into the air.

Ye Chen was holding the stick in his hand. As soon as his wrist was hard, the stick was already in his hand by Ye Chen.


Ye Chen's stick hit the bastard's calf directly.

Hunzi could not stand steady and thumped on his knees.

Ye Chen's cold voice resounded through the warehouse.

"Dare to start with my woman, none of you can leave today."

Hearing Ye Chen's voice, the expressions of those **** changed slightly.

Bang bang bang!

There were screams in the warehouse, and after a minute, all the **** fell to the ground except for Sister Yu.

Ye Chen carried the **** stick and walked towards Sister Yu step by step.

Seeing that her little brother was beaten down by Ye Chen, Sister Yu took a few steps back with an ugly expression.

"who are you?"

Ye Chen sneered: "Who am I, you are not qualified to know."

Sister Yu looked at Ye Chen coquettishly and said, "Brother, I was also intimidated by them, so let me go."

Ye Chen snorted coldly. He had already seen that this Jade Sister was actually the black hand behind the scenes.

"Say these things to the police."

At this time, the other girls who applied for the job all ran out as if they saw a savior.

Their clothes are disheveled and their hair is messy. Obviously, they must have encountered something unbearable just now.

Ye Chen picked up the photo and was even more angry when he saw the unsightly photo inside.

"Brother, you let me go, I'll give you money."

Ye Chen walked towards Sister Yu step by step.

Sister Yu was overjoyed and pulled out a wad of banknotes from her bag.

"This is 10,000 yuan, as long as you let my sister go..."

However, before she finished speaking, Ye Chen slapped her face with a slap in the face.


Sister Yu was slapped to the ground by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen pointed at the girls coldly and said: "You beast, you are also a woman, and you threaten girls to do this kind of thing."

Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise, Li Yangyang might become one of these unfortunate girls.

Ye Chen directly took out the phone and called the police.

Zhou Susu took the police to the warehouse and found photos of many girls.

These **** have all been taken away, and what awaits them is the severe punishment of the law.

Ye Chen accompanied Li Yangyang out of the warehouse.

Li Yangyang took a deep breath, still a little worried.

Fortunately, Ye Chen came in time, otherwise they would be finished.

"Thank you, brother, you are Yang Yang's boyfriend," a girl whispered.

Li Yangyang shyly said, "No, don't believe those rumors."

"Haha, keep it secret with me, Yang Yang, you are so happy, your boyfriend is not only handsome, but also rich, but also so safe. If it's not your boyfriend, then I will chase him."

"Dare you!" Li Yangyang stood in front of Ye Chen like a cat protecting food.

Seeing Li Yangyang's appearance, the girl smiled and said, "How about showing off?"

The girl came to Ye Chen generously and smiled: "Hello, thank you for saving us. My name is Wu Tongtong and I am Yangyang’s roommate. I also blame me for what happened today. If it weren’t for me to let Yangyang come, this kind of thing wouldn’t happen. ."

Ye Chen looked familiar with this girl, and she looked a bit like Ying Bao from her previous life.

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