Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:08 PM

Chapter 508: 508

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Lin Wanrou's work efficiency was very high, and she quickly prepared a list for Ye Chen.

The top star of Tiange Film and Television Group is Liu Hua, an international superstar.

There are also some first-line and second-line popular stars who are very strong.

Ye Chen directly turned on the headhunting function of the system.

Search for Liu Hua.

Liu Hua's message appeared on the system.

The king of film and television in China also has an extremely strong position in the music scene.

Ye Chen directly clicked and selected Liu Hua.

[Ding, we have started to excavate the golden film and television song talent Liu Hua for the host. Liu Hua will report to the host company within three days. 】

That's it?

Seeing this digging software, Ye Chen was also slightly taken aback.

Unexpectedly, just click directly and Liu Hua will come to the Light and Shadow Film and Television Company in three days.

At this time, a barrage popped up in the phone.

The movie "The Thief" starring Liu Hua, a famous movie star, sold well and won the box office champion of the season.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised.

Liu Hua's popularity must have risen a lot, so Liu Hua's commercial value will be even higher.

When I got up in the morning, Lin Wanrou prepared Ye Chen early.

"Mr. Ye, do I need to do something about digging people?" Lin Wanrou asked.

Ye Chen shook his head: "No, leave this to me."

"Yeah." Lin Wanrou nodded.

"VR has been put on the market and the trial operation has begun. Now the first pre-orders have started, and all 100,000 VR machines have now been sold out.

Ye Chen nodded: "Yes, hurry up and prepare to launch the second batch on the market at any time, and the game design side asks them to speed up the progress and must keep up with the subsequent games."

"Don't worry, son." Lin Wanrou nodded.

Ye Chen drove **** for two hours, and then came to the set.

But Ye Chen got a message when he arrived on the set.

The male partner who played Luo Xiaohu suddenly left without saying goodbye.

Luo Xiaohu is the number two character in this movie, which is very important.

Ye Chen didn't expect that this guy would suddenly turn back.

No need to ask, it must have been poached by Wu Ge.

At this time, the major entertainment channels were in an uproar.

"The cast of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" can't stand the director's amateur and left angrily."

""Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is a rebirth variable, actor Luo Gang leaves the crew."

Ye Chen did not respond to public opinion on the Internet.

He has a god-level director, and his level of directorship will never lose to any major international director.

Say you are amateur?

It's hilarious.

And Ye Chen had already thought about Liu Hua's replacement for Luo Xiaohu.

If Liu Hua joins the show, it will definitely add to the show.

In this movie, Ye Chen wants to compete for Hollywood awards, so the stronger the actor, the greater the chance of winning for Ye Chen.

After the filming, Ye Chen continued to run didi.

"Today, Tianbao Hotel, a famous five-star hotel in the magic city, fell into the cockroach door."

Ye Chen was stunned after listening to the broadcast.

Tianbao Hotel seems familiar.

Ye Chen remembered his previous life, and Tianbao Hotel also encountered the Cockroach Gate.

However, it was a blessing in disguise, because after the survey results were released, the excellent service quality of Tianbao Hotel was awarded three Michelin stars, making it one of the top three hotels in China in one fell swoop.

Ye Chen took a business, and a man and a woman got into the car.

The woman looked panicked, while the man looked fierce.

Ye Chen felt that things were not quite right after getting in the car.

After searching through the resume system, Ye Chen understood.

This woman was kidnapped by a man. The reason why the woman dare not speak out is because the man's knife has been against her.

Ye Chen drove the car calmly, and then sent Zhou Susu a text message.

"There are robbers in the car, we will arrive at Happy Hotel on Pudong Road in 20 minutes."

Zhou Susu was leading the police on patrol and suddenly received Ye Chen's WeChat.

Suddenly, her face changed slightly, and she quickly contacted the special police.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Chen's car stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Welcome to take the Didi special car. The beauty will give me a five-star praise."

The woman listened and glanced at the man.

The man snorted coldly: "What five-star praise do not delay my time."

With that, the man pulled the woman out of the car.

From the car, Ye Chen saw that there were already a lot of plain clothes around.

The welcome lady at the door was Zhou Susu.

Obviously, the police are ready.

The robber grabbed the woman and got out of the car.

However, the knife in his hand was always on the woman's waist.

Ye Chen understands that the police dare not act lightly in this situation.

He got out of the car and ran after him with a wallet in his hand.

Hearing footsteps, the robber looked alert.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Sir, your wallet is in the car."

"Wallet?" The robber was stunned.

Now he happens to be short of money. The reason why he hijacked this woman was because he knew that the woman's husband started a company.

Don't give him money for nothing.

When the robber stretched out his hand to pick up the wallet, Ye Chen's eyes condensed, and he grabbed the man's wrist.

The man's expression changed, and it was too late to resist. Ye Chen pressed the man to the ground with a beautiful capture.

At this time, Zhou Susu rushed over with the police.

Handcuff the robber, Zhou Susu said, "Ye Chen, come to our police force."

I have to say that Ye Chen's capture just now is simply too powerful, even those special police officers of the special police team are very difficult to make that kind of difficult action.

Ye Chen smiled: "Just go to your police force, I have more important things."

Zhou Susu was taken aback for a moment and asked, "What is more important?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Keep dick."

Zhou Susu!

The policemen next to him were also very speechless.

According to the police, they are also state workers. How can they be better than Kaididi.

The woman said gratefully: "This little brother Didi, thank you for saving me. I will ask your husband to give me how much money do you want."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Forget the money, just give me a five-star praise."

The woman was stunned for a while.

But she still took out her mobile phone and gave Ye Chen a five-star praise directly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting five-star praise, activating the 4th favorable star, and winning the master of stone gambling. 】

Betting on rocks?

Ye Chen had also heard about it before, it's a cut in **** and a cut in heaven, and you can go and play with a master stone gambler.

At this time, not far from Shicheng, Ye Chen decided to try his luck.

After parking the car, Ye Chen walked into the gambling city.

There was a rush of people inside, the first floor was jade, and the second floor was a place for gambling on stones.

Some of them are happy, some of them have hope in their eyes, but more people have depression on their faces.

"Ye Chen, why are you here?" A voice came from behind.

Ye Chen turned around and froze for a moment. It turned out to be Li Rongrong.

"Rongrong, long time no see, aren't you playing antiques? Why are you here to gamble in Shicheng."

Li Rongrong said, "I came with my brother."

At this time, not far away, a man's arrogant voice came.

"Li Shuai, do you dare to bet?"

"Gamble, I'm afraid of you, this is the rough stone, whoever loses 10 million."

"Okay, kind."

Li Rongrong's expression changed, and she quickly said to Ye Chen, "Ye Chen, wait a minute."

She ran over to a handsome guy and said, "Li Shuai, didn't I say it? You gamble on rocks and lose nine."

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