Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:05 PM

Chapter 511: 511

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The one hundred million won from Wei Xian, Ye Chen also took out from Chen Laona, withdrew ten million to Li Shuai.

Li Shuai refused to ask for anything.

Ye Chen said: "Remember the lesson this time, ten gambles and nine loses. Don't gamble anymore in the future."

Li Shuai nodded.

Li Rongrong was embarrassed and said, "Ye Chen, thank you so much for today."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I thank you. If it weren't for you, how could I pick up a hotel for nothing."

Li Rongrong looked at Ye Chen suspiciously: "Ye Chen, do you have a special power."

Ye Chen faintly smiled after hearing it: "You can see this, yes, I have golden pupils to see through."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Rongrong sneered.

"Cut, stop joking, but thank you so much."

Li Rongrong is a smart girl. Although she knows Ye Chen must have some means to excel, Ye Chen doesn't want to say that she will not ask.

Wei Xian was very happy to buy jadeite.

"Mr. Ye, let's go through the transfer procedures now."

Ye Chen nodded, and the two came to the outside of the gambling arena.

Wei Xian arrived in front of a Bentley and smiled: "Brother Ye, have you come?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, my car is over there."

Wei Xian looked for his reputation and saw a Rolls Royce.

"Oh, let's drive there together."

However, when Wei Xian got in the car, he saw Ye Chen get in a Jili car.

I wiped it, and someone who was able to throw a billion yuan gambler was so low-key and opened Jili.

Wei Xian was immediately silly when he saw the car Ye Chen was driving.

Ye Chen's car stopped next to Wei Xian and said with a smile: "Mr. Wei, I'll go first."

Accompanied by the roar, Ye Chen's Jili only saw the rear taillights in the blink of an eye.

Wei Xian Rou's eyes softened.

Today's domestically produced cars are so twisted and speed up so fast.

After completing the formalities, Wei Xian was overjoyed.

He was anxious to present the treasure to the old man, so he said to Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, let's hand over the hotel today."

Ye Chen nodded: "No problem."

The two drove separately towards the Wanbao Hotel.

Ye Chen's speed was so fast that he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wei Xian said to the driver angrily: "What kind of car you are driving, even a Geely car can't keep up."

The driver looked aggrieved: "Boss, that guy's driving skills are so awesome. With so many cars, he can drive the car up to a hundred miles away. If I were a hundred miles away, I guess it would have been a bumper car."

Before Wei Xian arrived, Ye Chen had already arrived at the door of the hotel in advance.

Tempo Hotel is worthy of being a five-star hotel.

Wei Xian has worked hard at this hotel.

Unfortunately, because some people with ulterior motives took the video and posted it on the video website, the hotel was very depressed.

Ye Chen frowned when he came to the door.

The management of this hotel is too loose.

There wasn't even a welcoming guest at the door.

Ye Chen opened the door and entered the hotel.

The hotel is magnificent, just like a palace.

But with this decoration, Ye Chen felt that he really made a profit.

At this time, there is no staff in the hotel lobby at all, but there is a waitress at the front desk who is playing with her mobile phone with her head down.

Ye Chen walked over and saw that the opponent was playing qualifying.

At this moment, the fierce battle is raging, and the opponent is beating on the high ground.

Ye Chen was speechless.

Nima, playing with mobile phones during working hours, the management of this hotel is really okay.

Ye Chen saw that the opponent had lost the game and said, "Hello, I want to see the situation of our hotel's private rooms."

The woman raised her head and glanced at Ye Chen.

What Ye Chen didn't expect was that the other party pointed to the large screen beside him and said, "I see that there are price calculations on it."

Afterwards, the woman lowered her head and continued to qualify.

I rub.

Just now I can bear it very much. I told you to talk to you after playing a round. You threw the guest aside and started another round.

Ye Chen knocked on the table and said, "There are the prices of the presidential suite and VIP rooms. How much is the price of ordinary rooms?"

The woman said impatiently: "Ordinary standard room, on the night of 151st, ours is a five-star hotel, not for a poor **** like you, I think you should go to the express hotel next to it."

Ye Chen was speechless.

There are even such staff members who drive their customers out.

Ye Chen said coldly: "What is your attitude?"

The woman glanced at Ye Chen disdainfully: "What's wrong with my attitude? It's this attitude to treat your poor cock, beeping a lot, isn't it just that you can't afford to live?"

"Where is your Taitang manager? I want to complain." Ye Chen said coldly.

The woman glanced at Ye Chen and jokingly said: "Lobby manager? Excuse me, I am the lobby manager."

Ye Chen: "..."

Such a person turned out to be a lobby manager?

Ye Chen was speechless.

"Okay, okay..." Ye Chen nodded.

He had already made up his mind to buy the hotel and was the first to open this woman.

Seeing that Ye Chen stopped talking, the woman snorted coldly: "Our hotel doesn't welcome you, so take a pee next time you enter the hotel and take a look at your own virtues. A five-star hotel, do you live in it? You deserve to live. ?"

The woman just knelt ten in a row, and she was in a bad mood, just to send all the anger in her heart to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's fire came up at once, this woman really has an inch.

"Where is the security guard? Hurry up and blast this man out."

The security guards and staff immediately gathered around and started to attack Ye Chen.

But at this moment, Wei Xian walked into the hall.

"Dai Lili, how do you talk?"

Seeing Wei Xian, Dai Lili hurriedly hid the phone.

"Mr. Wei, this poor girl came to our hotel to stay. I was afraid that he would affect the image of our hotel so I let him leave."

"Naughty! From now on Mr. Ye will be the owner of this hotel." Wei Xian said coldly.

"What?" Dai Lili's face changed after hearing Wei Xian's words.

Those other employees were also stunned.

Wei Xian said: "Today I have given the hotel to Mr. Ye, and now he is your boss."

The security guards and staff holding the sticks looked embarrassed and sweated.

Fortunately, they didn't do anything just now, if they hit Ye Chen, they would be over.

Those employees immediately bowed to Ye Chen with a smile on their faces: "Hello, boss."

Dai Lili, who had just been arrogant, had a pale face.

Dai Lili said with an ugly face: "Boss, I was wrong, please forgive me."

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "I am not qualified to be your boss. You should go home and play in your qualifying match. You can concentrate on fighting for an early king, and you will be fired."

When she heard that she was fired, Dai Lili's face suddenly turned aside.

You know, Wanbao Hotel is also the hotel with the highest salary in the industry, not to mention that she was fired and how to find a job in the future.

Dai Lili begged: "Boss, give me another chance."

Ye Chen shook his head: "For employees like you, forget it. I don't want my hotel to close down."

Dai Lili gritted her teeth and said, "Mr. Wei, please help me beg for mercy."

Wei Xian has been watching the show. He heard Dai Lili's words with a sneer on his face and said: "Brother Ye, I advise you not to expel this woman. She has a background."

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