Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:59 PM

Chapter 514: 514

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The middle-aged woman was holding a porcelain plate and said with a smile: "Sir, you want the most expensive jewelry in our shop. This bracelet is the treasure of our shop. It is worth 20 million. I will give you a 10% discount."

Seeing the store manager selling products to Ye Chen, those salespersons were sour.

According to regulations, employees can earn 3% of profits from the products they sell.

It can be said that the store manager made a crazy profit by selling this bracelet.

Ye Chen frowned when she saw the female store manager.

"Where was the girl just now?"

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the female store manager smiled embarrassedly: "The clerk just now has some other tasks. I asked her to do it. I will be responsible for this business."

Ye Chen heard it, and naturally knew Xiao Jiujiu in the store manager's heart.

He said lightly: "Okay, I'll go first, and I'll buy it when she comes."

Upon hearing Ye Chen's words, the female store manager was anxious.

For such a big deal, the boss would definitely not forgive himself if his selfishness was sullied.

The female store manager said quickly: "Sir, wait a minute, I'll let her come."

After a while, Li Xiangxiang returned.

Ye Chen looked at Li Xiangxiang and smiled and said, "You are too unreliable. I will let you serve me. If you do, just throw me here."

Li Xiangxiang blushed: "I'm sorry, Principal Ye."

"Are there any discounts on this bracelet?"

"This bracelet is 15% off." Li Xiangxiang said honestly.

The reason why the female store manager said 10% off just now was because she knew that Ye Chen had to buy it, so she deliberately increased the ratio so that she could earn more.

Li Xiangxiang was too real, and directly told Ye Chen the reserve price.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Okay, I'll sell it. Swipe the card."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Xiangxiang was taken aback for a moment.

The girls next to them were also a little surprised.

Ye Chen bought such an expensive bracelet without blinking his eyes. It's really a local tyrant.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "By the way, can you add a WeChat account?"

The female salesmen next to her were envious when she saw that Ye Chen took the initiative to add her to WeChat.

This girl is really blessed to know such a handsome man.

But Li Xiangxiang blushed: "I'm sorry, I don't have one?"

The female sales at the scene, including the store manager, were almost mad.

Gao Fushuai takes the initiative to ask for WeChat, even if you don't have you, you must register immediately.

Ye Chen was also taken aback.

In fact, Li Xiangxiang specializes in culinary arts and never talks about WeChat.

"Then there is always a phone call."

"Well, you, President Ye?" Li Xiangxiang was a little shy.

Could it be that President Ye wants to...

Ye Chen knew that Li Xiangxiang had misunderstood and quickly said, "Oh, actually, I want you to call to tell you something. Are you interested in being a chef in a five-star hotel?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Li Xiangxiang was taken aback for a moment, and then an expression of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"Mr. Ye, what are you talking about, let me be the chef of a five-star hotel?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Yeah, I just bought a five-star hotel and lacked a chef, so I thought of you."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone at the scene was stupid.

Oh my God, how rich this handsome guy is, he bought a hotel easily!

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "If you think about it, go to the Wanbao Hotel to report. I have already agreed with the manager."

After speaking, Ye Chen left in a hurry, leaving everyone with a bewildered look.


At this time, Ye Chen's alma mater, Magic University of Technology, the president's room was solemn.

This year, the employment rate of major schools has come down, and our Magic City University ranks first in the bottom of the Magic City.

Everyone's faces became difficult to look.

This employment rate is linked to enrollment.

If your employment rate is not good, who will report to your school.

"Everyone, is there any way?"

At this time, a teacher suddenly said: "Principal, I have a student named Zhang Ming. I saw him on financial reports two days ago. He is now the richest man in Xishan City. It is said that there are several chain companies under his control. We can Ask him to help."

The headmaster's eyes lit up.

"Yes, this is a good idea."

Last time the school celebrated, there were a lot of awesome characters in the school.

Especially that Ye Chen.

The principal looked at the built playground with thoughtful eyes.

He nodded: "Ms. Hou's suggestion is very good. The school board during our school celebration should play a role now."

In the last anniversary, Mordu Polytechnic University established a board of trustees with the purpose of bringing together successful people who graduated from this school.

On the one hand, when the school encounters difficulties, these students can come forward to help in the name of the school board.

Of course, these students also like the title of school manager.

After all, I went out and said that I was the director of the Magic City University, and I was very cultural after hearing it.

Because of Ye Chen's outstanding performance last time, he is now the vice chairman of the school board.

The school board?

Several vice principals on the scene also lit up.

The principal said: "This time the board of directors calls all the powerful celebrities we graduated from, and then asks them to give lectures to the students and help them pretend to be coercive. Then, are they embarrassed not to help us?"

After listening to President Zhu's words, the vice-principals and school officials on the scene nodded.

Worthy of being the principal, really scheming.

The school pretends to be coercive for you, then you have to do things for the school.

Principal Zhu said: "There are two people who must be invited to the school board this time. Ye Chen, Zhang Ming, and Vice Principal Chen, who just mentioned, you personally catch this matter. Be sure to invite both of them."

Principal Chen nodded: "Okay, I will try my best to do it."

After the meeting, Principal Chen was also a little worried. After all, the school board of directors is not all students want to come.

These people are very slippery, knowing that the school has a management committee, there will be no good things.

Either fundraising, or there is something to do.

He had convened before, but those students always refused to excuse that they were not available or for other reasons.

This time, Principal Zhu was also worried that Ye Chen would not come.

Suddenly, Principal Zhu's eyes lit up.

Last time Ye Chen seemed to have a good relationship with Xie Yingying, the school flower, and had an idea.

Soon, Xie Yingying came to the principal's office.

As soon as he entered, Principal Chen's eyes fell on Xie Yingying.

"Yes, yes, it's a school flower."

Seeing Principal Chen's weird eyes, Xie Yingying tightened her school uniform.

"Principal, what do you want?"

Principal Chen smiled awkwardly: "Yingying, don't get me wrong."

Xie Yingying looked at Principal Chen vigilantly: "What the **** is the principal? If there is nothing to do, I will go back to self-study."

Principal Chen said: "Yingying, the school wants to give you a glorious task. If you can handle this task well? Your tuition will be free next year. If it is not done well, I am afraid that the school's qualification for aid will be given to others next year. Of students."

Xie Yingying's face suddenly changed when she heard Principal Chen's words.

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