Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:53 PM

Chapter 517: 517

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During this time, all the students in the research group of Star University were working on mecha projects.

The students in the computer group are studying the application of artificial intelligence in mecha.

The research of the engine group is the engine of the mech.

The mechanical group is the mechanical assembly of the mecha.

The engine of Wang Meng and his group is the core part.

Last time, Ye Chen gave them drawings, and Wang Meng took several members of the project team to study day and night.

Especially a few students from other schools have been integrated into this team.

Now they have completely fallen in love with Star University.

As for going back to the original school?

How can it be?

Star University is like the sea, and they are fish in the sea, how can they return to those small rivers?

Originally, the presidents of several prestigious universities were thinking.

Let your students learn technology back, and then conduct scientific research in their own school.

But they never dreamed that these talents would never get back.

When Ye Chen came to the school, Wang Meng excitedly held a small nuclear energy concentrator.

"Principal Ye, according to your drawings, we designed the engine of this mecha. He can provide 300 million joules of energy for the mecha, which can guarantee his energy consumption for one month."

Although it was the technology provided by him, these students could complete it so quickly, which made Ye Chen very pleased.

Ye Chen nodded: "Yes, you are doing very well."

"Principal Ye, now we put the engine on the mecha?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Okay."

At this moment, Lin Shiyin walked in with an old man.

"Leader, why are you here?" Ye Chen was taken aback.

"Haha, I have been thinking about your project since I went back, how is it?" Old Wei smiled.

"The engine problem has been solved, and we are preparing to install it."

"What?" Hearing Ye Chen's words, Mr. Wei was stunned.

"So fast?" Wei Lao once asked a nuclear energy expert that this technology will take at least ten years to come out.

As a result, I didn't expect it to be completed in a few days.

What kind of students are recruited by Star University, are they really super geniuses?

"Well, we are just about to conduct an assembly experiment."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Wei Lao said excitedly: "Then can I observe it?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Of course there is no problem."

Wang Meng took out the engine carefully, and assembled it in the heart of the mecha with the classmates of the mechanical group.

As the line was connected, I saw the mecha's eyes lit up.

Afterwards, the classmates in the mechanical group operated, with nuclear power, their hands were also raised.

"Successful?" There was an expression of ecstasy on Wei Lao's face.

Ye Chen shook his head: "It hasn't succeeded yet. This mecha can just be moved, but he still lacks an important thing."

Mr. Wei was taken aback after hearing this, "What is it?"

Ye Chen said: "He needs to be thinking."

"What? Thoughtful?" Hearing Ye Chen's words, not only Wei Lao was shocked, but even the other classmates were confused.

Ye Chen said: "This mecha is just a super-large remote-controlled robot. What we are going to do is a real mecha. This is too much difference."

"But how do you make him think?"

Ye Chen thoughtfully said: "This should require artificial intelligence technology!"

artificial intelligence?

Hearing this name, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Ye Chen then took out a U disk, "There is artificial intelligence code in it, please study it carefully."

Wei Lao and Ye Chen talked for a while before leaving.

Now Ye Chen should take care of the Wanbao Hotel.

First, Ye Chen found the video circulated on the Internet.

A couple was eating, and suddenly the girl said excitedly: "What do you see in it?"

Then another man picked it up with chopsticks and exaggerated: "Isn't this a cockroach?"

"Too much, where's the manager?"

Ye Chen was immediately happy when he saw this video.

Nima's dish was fried, but the cockroach didn't show any traces of oil squeezing. At first glance, it was just thrown into the dish.

Now the video is very popular, the number of viewers has reached 10 million, and the likes have reached several million.

The following thread is even more popular.

"The hotel is so unscrupulous now that there are cockroaches in the dishes."

"It's disgusting. How about a five-star hotel? I ate there two days ago."

"The hygiene of this hotel must be very poor."

Ye Chen also saw the hotel's announcement.

The general idea of ​​the announcement was that the cockroach was mixed into the vegetable because the vegetable farmer's home was not clean.

The common people did not buy it for this announcement.

After all, even if the household hygiene of the vegetable farmer is not good enough, how do you wash the vegetables in your hotel?

It can be said that the public relations of Wanbao Hotel are too bad for this matter.

It was the most serious thing to admit to this matter.

Ye Chen called Lin Wanrou.

"Wanrou, help me find the most authoritative health and quarantine agency in China to test Wanbao Hotel."

"Okay, I'll do it now." Lin Wanrou nodded and said.

Afterwards, Ye Chen opened the computer software and hacked into the computer that posted the video account.

Soon Ye Chen knew that the other party was a team that deliberately created some social phenomena that the people were concerned about to attract people's attention.

This matter is just one of their scripts.

They also threw cockroaches in.

At this time, the monitoring software sent the chat content of the other party.

"Aying, last time our video brought us tens of millions of clicks and traffic is great, this heat is going to pass, let's have another one."

"I have an idea. Now many people throw **** from their cars. We will find a driver on Huqiu Road at 12 noon tomorrow.

"This idea is good, let's get it."

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised.

The next day, Ye Chen came to Huqiu Road and saw that a man and a woman were discussing something.

At this time, a BMW drove over and was waiting for a red light at the intersection.

The woman came to the car and knocked on the window: "Sir, can you give me your mineral water bottle."

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at a mineral water bottle that had just been drunk beside him.

"Oh, here you are." The man handed the mineral water bottle to the young girl.

The girl took the mineral water bottle and threw it directly on the ground, then picked it up again and threw it into the man's car.

"Sir, please don't throw **** in the future."

The young man looked dumbfounded.

"Why is this person sick?"

The young man cursed and drove away.

At this time the girl ran up to the boy and asked, "How is this shot?"

The boy looked excited: "The shot is good, not bad, the subject is very good."

They didn't know that all of this was secretly photographed by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen watched the video and sneered: "Don't you like shows? This time, let you show them thoroughly."

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