Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:36 PM

Chapter 526: 526

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Principal Zhu sighed and became a lot older at once.

Originally thought Ye Chen was the hope of the school.

It seems that I think too much.

Ye Chen obviously didn't have this ability either.

It's no wonder that there are three thousand students, who has the ability to arrange them all at once.

Zhang Ming looked smug.

"Have you seen it? Your proud senior Ye Xuechang turned out to be a tortoise with a shrunken head, and ran away in fright."

The eyes of the students were disappointed.

Yes, Ye Chen is the idol of many students.

It can even be said that many students regard Ye Chen as their goal.

But now even Ye Chen has flinched, who can save them?

He sighed.

It seems that this time the school board has completely failed.

At this moment, Ye Chen came back.

Zhang Ming snorted coldly, "Ye Chen, didn't you slip away? Are you embarrassed to come back?"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "When did I slip away? I was just going out to pick up a few guests."

"What?" Zhang Ming was taken aback for a moment.

It was only then that a dozen people followed Ye Chen.

Principal Zhu was also stunned: "These are all?"

Ye Chen said with a smile: "This is Manager Li of Magic Law Firm, this is the Human Resources Director of Yongan Accounting Firm, this is the manager of Universe Hotel, and this is the property manager of Magic Commercial Street. This is the personnel director of Longdun Security Group, this is the manager of Tianyuan Technology Company, and this is the personnel director of Ari Group..."

Listening to Ye Chen's introduction, everyone was stupid.

You know, Ye Chen introduced all the well-known big-name companies in the industry.

For example, Ari Group, it is difficult for students from colleges and universities like 985 to enter.

Yongan Accounting Firm is a top-ranking accounting firm in China.

If you want to enter, you must be a graduate student in finance at a prestigious university.

Why are they here?

Ye Chen smiled and said, "These are the bosses and personnel directors I invited. They will be recruited on-site at our school today?"

After hearing what Ye Chen said, the scene suddenly became a sensation.

Any company here is what they dream of, and they can't even think of it.

It’s too awesome to recruit here today.

Principal Zhu is already stupid.

He was dizzy at these companies, so he came to their company to recruit people together?

Moreover, the positions offered by these companies are different from Zhang Ming's bricklayers, bricklayers, and cashiers. They are all white-collar jobs.

The students of Mordu Polytechnic University jumped up in excitement.

But they all know that the reason why these awesome companies come here to recruit people is because of their elder brother Ye Chen.

President Zhu even held Ye Chen's hand with excitement: "Ye Chen, thank you, you really did a great good deed for our Mordu University of Technology and for your younger students. ."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "This is only a part, there are Eastern Airlines, Ferrari Group, Patek Philippe behind, but because of the long distance, I haven't arrived yet."

Principal Zhu: "..."

Zhang Ming: "..."

All high-level schools.

Everyone was stunned.

How big is Ye Chen's energy?

There was any company in it, all top-notch, Ye Chen actually invited it all at once.

This is too awesome.

Recruitment begins.

Each company provides more than one hundred positions for the Polytechnic University.

And the annual salary starts at 200,000 yuan.

For those 985 prestigious schools, it is unattainable.

Any big boss is a Chinese or even a Fortune 500 in the world.

These dizzying companies have all come to Mordu University of Technology.

The only thing for this is to recruit people.

The scene immediately became a job fair.

Originally, the students of Mordu Polytechnic University were second-rate schools wherever they went, and they always stood aside, but now they have become delicious.

Those students were almost stupid.

Companies they didn't even dared to think of before rushed to grab them.

You know, before this, these people are even ready to move bricks.

But I didn't expect that because of Ye Chen's arrogance, he would even get him into a multinational company.

The treatment given by these companies makes them unimaginable.

Even some classmates are picky and don't know which company to invest in.

These classmates got the position they wanted, and began to pretend to be coercive in the high school group.

After graduation, with the help of senior Ye Chen, I joined Yongan Accounting Firm.

A high-achieving student who graduated from the Department of Finance of Huaqing University: "Don't be teased. My interview at Huaqing University was brushed off yesterday. You from the Magic University of Science and Technology? Are you teasing me?"

However, when the student issued a contract, the Huaqing University was immediately dumbfounded.

Nima, I had known that I also applied to the Magic University of Technology.

The news immediately spread throughout China.

After all, these classmates have students in various universities.

Just now, they were still the object of ridicule, and now they naturally have to pretend to be forced.

"I'm rubbing it, there is no reason for it, the **** school of Magic University of Technology can have such a good job."

"I can't find a job with 985, so where does it make sense?"

"I heard that the basic salary of students in their school is 200,000."

"Do you know what their employment rate is? One hundred percent, and they all have an annual salary of 200,000 yuan."


These students are former academic masters.

These students are very happy to be admitted to a prestigious school.

At this moment, the enrollment of Magic University of Technology is in full swing.

The principal and the teacher all smiled.

"Mr. Ye, you really saved our Magic City University of Technology."

"Yes, alma mater thank you."

"Hey, I really didn't expect that we were worried about the employment of these students just now, and this was solved in the blink of an eye."

Ye Chen looked at all this with a plain face.

There is no fairness in this world, there are opportunities.

It can only be said that these students had good luck and met Ye Chen.

Principal Zhu asked suspiciously: "Ye Chen, these are all famous companies in China, how do you make them come to our company to recruit people?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Why do they want to persuade, they like to come over to recruit people?"

Everyone was stunned.

Principal Zhu and these teachers are still a little bit compelling.

They still know the status of their school in society.

If you say that these top 500 companies, looking at their school's name to recruit people, they would not believe it if they were killed.

They were extremely shocked.

What is Ye Chen's background?

It's incredible that so many awesome companies have given Ye Chen face.

In the crowd, a thin figure stood messy in the wind.

This person is exactly Zhang Ming who wants to be ashamed.

There was no one to respond to him at the moment, and he was very angry.

Originally, he wanted to pretend to force a few people to leave, but now they are all taken away by the company Ye Chen called.

"Hey, do you think you are getting in the way? Stand by the side." A classmate said bluntly.

Zhang Ming originally wanted to be the most beautiful boy in Magic University of Technology, but he suddenly found that he seemed to have gone back to the past and became a little transparent who was ridiculed.

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