Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:34 PM

Chapter 528: 528

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Yang Xiaozi is a kind girl, she ran over without even thinking when she saw the old grandma fell.

The old grandma fell to the ground, even convulsing all over.

Yang Xiaozi panicked.

"Grandma, what's wrong with you."

The grandmother said tremblingly: "I have a heart attack, and the medicine is in my pocket."

Yang Xiaozi reached into the grandmother's pocket, looking for medicine, but found that there was only a purse in her pocket.

"Grandma, you don't have medicine in your pocket. Did you remember something wrong? I'll call you 120."

With that said, Yang Xiaozi was about to get up.

But when she was about to stand up, the dying grandmother suddenly grabbed Yang Xiaozi's wrist.

"You little girl, how can you run away after hitting someone with such a conscience."

Yang Xiaozi was stunned immediately.

Obviously it's good or not that you fell yourself.

At this time, the old grandmother was not as weak as just now, but very energetic.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes: "I was walking well just now. You knocked me down. You don't want to pay me, so I don't want to leave."

Yang Xiaozi had read the news about Pengci before, but he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to him.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Obviously you fell yourself, I came to help you." Yang Xiaozi argued.

With that said, Yang Xiaozi wanted to break free of the old grandma and leave.

But the old grandmother's hands were very strong, and she didn't even break free.

The old grandma pulled her while yelling at passers-by.

"I'm so depressed. After hitting someone, this little girl is about to run and beat my old lady."

Yang Xiaozi was going crazy, and none of the actors in the TV series could act like this old lady.

At this moment, Yang Xiaozi just wanted to get rid of the old lady behind him.

At this moment, a humming sound rang: "You stinky girl, what happened to my mother."

I saw a big bald man staring at Yang Xiaozi with a fierce face.

Yang Xiaozi hurriedly said: "I didn't. She just fell down. I want to help her."

The old lady cried and howled: "The people in your city are so bad, you obviously knocked me down."

The bald man snorted coldly: "Little girl, you dare to lie when you hit someone. If you didn't hit my mother, why did you come and help her, you must have hit him."

Facing the bald man's accusation, Yang Xiaozi was speechless.

Could it be that I saw the grandmother fall down to help?

At this time, there were already a lot of people watching the excitement.

A woman jumped out and pointed at Yang Xiaozi and said, "This little girl is lying. I clearly saw that she hit the person just now."

"I also saw it. She knocked the old woman down, and she just turned over the old lady's pocket? I guess she wanted to steal money while the old lady fell fainted."

After hearing this, the people around also accused Yang Xiaozi.

"How can this girl be like this."

"That's right, the quality is too bad."

"Young people now."

Yang Xiaozi shed tears when he was wronged: "I really didn't hit him."

The big bald man pointed to Ye Chen coldly and said: "You little girl is too bad. She bumped into my mother and wanted to steal money. Let's see how you can solve this matter today."

Yang Xiaozi gritted his teeth and said: "You are talking nonsense, I didn't hit her at all, she fell down by herself. I wanted to do good things, but I didn't expect her to touch porcelain... I was looking for medicine for her, not stealing money."

"There is no reason. She obviously knocked me down and I still don't admit it."

The old lady lay on the ground crying and howling, splashing.

The middle-aged woman who just jumped out said: "Huh, little girl, I just filmed the process just now, do you still want to quibble?"

The women took out their mobile phones to show them around.

"Look, this little girl is looking through the pockets of the old lady. Why is she stealing money?"

"Really, this little girl is so bad when she looks soft and weak."

"No wonder wearing a mask and sunglasses, covering so tightly, you must be afraid of doing bad things and being photographed."

"This kind of person can't be let go."

People around have accused Yang Xiaozi.

Yang Xiaozi couldn't argue, she regretted that she shouldn't be nosy.

Now she finally understands that this must be a gang that touches porcelain.

This was a trap at the beginning.

Yang Xiaozi had to explain to the people around: "I really didn't hit anyone. She said she had a heart attack, and I was helping her find medicine."

At this time, an old man in the crowd came out and pointed at Yang Xiaozi and cursed: "You still quibble, the social atmosphere is messed up by people like you."

Grandpa's words immediately resonated with the people around him.

"That's right, if you bump into someone and say that you are doing good deeds, do you want to be shameless?"

"It's too much to steal money from the old man."


The middle-aged woman said triumphantly: "I have video evidence here. This girl is even sophistry. It's too much."

The emotions of the onlookers were also stirred up.

At this time, the bald man showed a triumphant look on his face: "Hmph, I suspect this girl is not a good person, or why should she surround herself so tightly? Everyone takes off her mask and sunglasses to see her real face."

The woman also echoed: "Yes, expose her and let everyone know her."

Yang Xiaozi was a little scared when he heard what these people said.

After all, she is a celebrity. If she takes off her sunglasses and mask, these people will recognize herself.

Don't think about it, if she is really recognized, she will definitely make entertainment headlines the next day.

The most important thing is that now I am framed, if it is reported.

Thinking about this serious consequence, Yang Xiaozi's heart is already cold.

"You are too much, it is my personal freedom to wear a mask and sunglasses."

The old man sneered, "Hmph, I don't think you dare to see people, maybe she is a wanted criminal, and she might be recognized by the police."

The surrounding people were also instigated by several people: "Yes, yes, take off her mask and sunglasses and see if she is a wanted criminal."

"Yes, yes, don't let the bad guys run away."

For a time, everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

In fact, many people don't understand the situation, so they just join in the fun.

Yang Xiaozi almost cried.

This group of people is too hateful, and they continue to stir up everyone's emotions.

Under the accusation of everyone, the man stretched out his hand and grabbed Yang Xiaozi.

"Smelly girl, I want to see what you look like."

Yang Xiaozi's face changed, and when it was over, this time he was dead.

She even regretted sneaking out.

Just as the man's hand grasped Yang Xiaozi, a cold voice sounded: "Stop."

The man was taken aback by the harsh shout, and turned his head to look behind him.

At this time, Ye Chen stood in front of Yang Xiaozi: "Let me see who dares to do it."

When Yang Xiaozi saw Ye Chen, the desperate heart immediately seemed to have found support.

"Ye Chen, you are here."

He just saw that these people were already angry at Yang Xiaozi.

He directly pushed the man's hand away, and then pushed the old woman away.

Seeing the domineering man suddenly appeared, everyone's face changed slightly.

I like to choose the president of the Yiwan Group for the opening, please collect it: ( Choose the president of the Yiwan Group for the fastest literary update.

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