Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:29 PM

Chapter 531: 531

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Hearing the sound of police sirens, all those who touched porcelain were dumb.

They have no chance at all if they want to run.

The crowds have surrounded them all around.

At this time, the woman was also limp on the ground, sobbing sadly.

At this time, the crowd around the audience shook their heads secretly.

"This young man is too cruel, one million, this family is estimated to have to stay in prison for some time."

"I think this young man is doing the right thing. It is these people who have broken the social atmosphere and should be severely punished."

Yang Xiaozi let out a sigh of relief as he listened to the discussion around him.

Thanks to Ye Chen, otherwise, today's level might not have been so easy.

But right here, the man showed a fierce look.

"It's all you, all you stinky woman, if you don't help my old mother, will our family go to jail?"

Yang Xiaozi was speechless, this guy is simply too shameless.

Obviously it was his fault, but now he is relying on others.

But at this moment, the man suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed Yang Xiaozi.

Yang Xiaozi did not expect that this bald man would suddenly do something to himself, and it was too late to hide.

Seeing that the sharp dagger was about to stab himself.

Yang Xiaozi closed his eyes.

"It's over, it's dead today."

At such a close distance, stabbed with a dagger, he would definitely not be able to survive.

But at this moment, a big hand reached out from behind and grabbed the sharp dagger.

Afterwards, Ye Chen kicked out, kicking the bald head over.

Yang Xiaozi was stunned, he did not expect Ye Chen would suddenly save himself.

When she saw Ye Chen's hands bleed, her face changed slightly.

"Ye Chen, your hand."

"I'm fine!" Ye Chen shook his head.

"It's okay, your hands are bleeding." Yang Xiaozi's tears flowed out.

If it wasn't for himself, Ye Chen would not get hurt.

At this time, the police came.

The police quickly arrested the crook's family.

A policeman came to Ye Chen and said, "Sir, please make a transcript with me."

At this time, Yang Xiaozi panicked.

You must know that she ran away by stealth, and if the police made a transcript, she would definitely reveal her identity.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "You don't really do anything bad, why are you so afraid of the police."

Yang Xiaozi's face blushed: "No, I sneaked out this time. I don't want the outside world to know."

Ye Chen nodded and made a call.

Inside the police station, Zhou Susu looked at Ye Chen and Yang Xiaozi.

"Okay, I have become friends with big stars after a few days," Zhou Susu teased.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Isn't this accidental? By the way, you must keep this matter secret for us."

Zhou Susu said: "Don't worry, no one else will know except me. Those people have been arrested several times. They are old fried dough sticks, but this time they were miserable by you. They have to eat well in prison. Up."

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "This kind of person has broken the social atmosphere, and deserves it."

Leaving the police station, Yang Xiaozi was embarrassed and said, "I am all to blame for hurting your hand."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It's okay, I can't watch people stabbing you with a dagger."

Yang Xiaozi's face blushed: "Ye Chen, I think you are more handsome than those male stars."

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "I always think so."


Two people came out of the Public Security Bureau.

Yang Xiaozi's stomach groaned suddenly.

Ye Chen couldn't help laughing, this girl seemed to be hungry.

"By the way, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Ye Chen said suddenly.

"What's delicious?"

Ye Chen smiled mysteriously: "You'll know when you go."

The two came to an alley, which was very deep.

When the two were strolling in the sunset, Yang Xiaozi's hand gently touched Ye Chen's bandaged hand.

She felt a little distressed in her heart, and she even grabbed Ye Chen's hand.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Look, I used to go to elementary school there." Ye Chen said, pointing not far away.

Yang Xiaozi took a look: "You lived here before?"

"Well, our house used to be here. Later, when the conditions became better, we moved out."

The two walked for about five minutes and came to a resident downstairs.

Ye Chen pointed to a shed and smiled: "That's it."

"Wow, it's a familiar taste again."

Yang Xiaozi was stunned for a moment, and saw a simple rice noodle shop not far away.

As a big star, Yang Xiaozi usually goes to star-rated hotels, where he has eaten this kind of roadside store.

The shop is very shabby, even the tables and paint are worn out.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I have this store since I was in elementary school, and the rice noodles are delicious."

Yang Xiaozi said: "Okay, I've only heard of it before, but this is the first time I have eaten rice noodles."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Try it, you won't regret it."

Two people walked into the shop, and Ye Chen said, "Uncle Wang, there are seats in the small private room."

"Yes, Xiaochen hasn't been here for a long time, is this your girlfriend?"

Yang Xiaozi blushed when she heard that she was mistaken for her girlfriend.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "No, just ordinary friends."

The boss laughed: "Don't be shy and sit inside."

Ye Chen nodded and took Yang Xiaozi into the box.

"In fact, eating outside is more atmospheric, but you are too troublesome, so you have to eat in the box."

Yang Xiaozi smiled and said, "I envy you so much. You can sit here and eat rice noodles. It's great to live an ordinary life."

Ye Chen said: "Isn't it good to be a star? You can make money and you can have so many fans."

Yang Xiaozi sighed, "Hey, the pain of the star is not something you can think of."

After a while, the fragrant rice noodle smell came out.

Yang Xiaozi raised his nose and sniffed: "It smells so good."

Ye Chen smiled; "Yeah, this small shop has been open for decades, and it has always had this taste. You will not regret it if you taste it."

At this time, the boss brought two bowls of steaming rice noodles.

Yang Xiaozi first took a small spoon and took a sip of the soup.

"Wow, this smells delicious."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "How about it, don't lose to those five-star food."

Yang Xiaozi nodded.

After taking a bite of rice noodles, Yang Xiaozi sighed: "Wow, this tastes good, it tastes better than what I eat in star-rated restaurants."

Ye Chen smiled: "How about it, I didn't lie to you."

Yang Xiaozi ate a large bowl of rice noodles and even drank all the soup.

After eating, Yang Xiaozi patted her round belly.

"Ye Chen, I hate you, I'm going to get fat again."

Yang Xiaozi smiled: "By the way, after eating rice noodles, I will take you to a place!"

"Where?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

Yang Xiaozi pretended to be mysterious and said: "You'll know in a while."

Seeing Yang Xiao's mysterious appearance, Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Okay."

After eating the rice noodles, Ye Chen drove the car and asked, "Now I can say where I went."

Yang Xiaozi smiled: "One of my favorite places to go."

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