Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:26 PM

Chapter 534: 534

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Hearing what the woman said, the scene booed.

Just now, this woman vowed that her porcelain was genuine, and she was ashamed to ask an expert to appraise it.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "What is the method?"

"Let’s choose an item in the store and ask an expert to appraise it. Whoever chooses the most expensive item will win. If you lose a million, you will lose it to me. If you win, the item you choose will be given to you. I don't want one million either." The fat woman said.

Hearing the fat woman's words, the scene was in an uproar.

This fat woman is too shameless. When you choose something in your store, you naturally know which product is the most expensive in the store. Isn't this bullying?

"Boss Hu, you are not authentic. Of course, you know best whether the items in your store are expensive or cheap?"

"That's right, this is too bullying."

"It's not fair at all."

The fat woman sneered: "If you don't dare to compare, then forget it. Anyway, I'll give you a chance. I don't dare to compare things with compensation at the price."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Since you like to compare, then compare it."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Meng Wanting hurriedly pulled the corner of his clothes.

"Ye Chen, you are stupid, of course she knows the price of the things in their store."

"Don't worry, they can't win. People take the initiative to give us antiques. Why don't we want them." Ye Chen said confidently.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the fat woman sneered.

"It's really stupid. We will give you an antique. Do you deserve it? If I lose this time, I see what you have to say." The fat woman sneered in her heart.

At this time, everyone was also worried for Ye Chen.

"This young man is so stupid, he made a line and jumped inside."

"That's right, this time I lost, even if the porcelain is fake, there is nothing to say."

"I really don't understand, where is this young man confident that he will win."

The fat woman sneered: "Well, let's start choosing now."

Speaking of this, the fat woman walked straight to a counter in the shop and took out a porcelain from a dark grid.

"This piece is a Ming blue and white porcelain worth 8 million yuan, and it is the treasure of the town in our shop."

Seeing this porcelain, everyone was amazed.

This blue and white porcelain glaze is very beautiful, and many discerning people see it as authentic.

The fat woman sneered, "Now you can choose whatever you want."

The vast majority of her shop is fake, that is, the real thing is more than 100,000.

How could her blue and white porcelain be expensive?

Everyone shook their heads: "Hey, this young man is so stupid, he must have lost this time."

"That's right, what is the bet? How can there be anything worth more than eight million in this store after it's over?"

Ye Chen was not in a hurry, he walked around the store, and then his gaze was fixed on a painting.

This painting is a landscape painting, signed by Zhang Xiaoqian.

Ye Chen pointed to the painting and said lightly: "I choose it."

Seeing the painting, the woman burst out laughing.

"You lose. Although this painting is signed by Zhang Xiaoqian, it is an imitation, so it is worth less than 100,000 at most."

Everyone sighed when they heard the fat woman's words.

They thought Ye Chen really had the ability to turn the tide, but they didn't expect to lose to the other side.

Ye Chen said firmly: "If the value of this painting exceeds your Ming blue and white porcelain, then it is mine, right?"

The fat woman sneered, "Of course, everyone is watching."

Ye Chen shook his head: "It's useless to say, just make a note."

The fat woman sneered: "I want to see what tricks you play. Even if you set up a written record, how can you be afraid? I paid 1,000 yuan for this painting. It was later identified as an imitation by experts. It is just hanging here. It’s a facade."

After the written evidence was established, the fat woman said: "Let's Taobao Street, the expert who is most adept at appraising treasures is Mr. Wei Dongwei. He is also the fairest to let him appraise you."

Ye Chen nodded: "Of course there is no opinion."

Everyone nodded one after another.

Wei Lao has a famous treasure appraiser on Taobao Street, and he can tell the authenticity of the treasures in his hands at a glance.

After half an hour, Mr. Wei was invited.

Wei Lao is in his seventies, but his body is very straight and he wears a Washington suit.

He glanced at the blue and white porcelain on the table and said: "This porcelain does not need to be appraised. I have appraised it before and it is worth eight million."

With that, Mr. Wei looked at the painting.

"This painting is a fake, it's expensive to sell for 10,000 yuan."

Hearing what Wei Lao said, everyone sighed.

Originally they wanted a miracle, but the miracle did not happen.

Sure enough, this painting is a fake.

The value difference between the eight million blue and white porcelain and the counterfeit less than 10,000 is too much.

The fat woman sneered: "Boy, you lose."

However, Ye Chen looked indifferent.

"I didn't lose, Mr. Wei, you punched the eye. The values ​​of these two are about the same in reverse."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone was stunned.

"What? The value of the two reversed?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "This blue and white porcelain is a fake worth less than 10,000, and this painting is a famous painting worth 8 million."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, the scene fell silent.

Then there was a burst of laughter.

This kid has something wrong with his head.

Everyone knows that blue and white porcelain is the treasure of this shop, but the painting can be seen as a fake.

The fat woman sneered: "Young man, can't you not afford to lose? I want to shame you!"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "If I lose, I will admit it naturally, but I didn't lose."

Old Wei raised his brows and said, "Young man, you said I punched my eye. What evidence is there?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Of course there is evidence."

With that, Ye Chen said to the guy: "Give me a knife."

The man took a knife.

Ye Chen carefully cut open from the edge of the painting.

I saw that there was a mezzanine inside.

Wei Lao's eyes narrowed slightly.

This is picture-in-picture!

During the war, some collectors deliberately hid the paintings in the interlayer of some fake paintings in order to protect the paintings.

As the painting was cut open, another painting appeared in front of everyone.

When Wei Lao saw this painting, his face changed slightly.

This is, this is Tang Hu's painting!

His hands were shaking slightly, holding a magnifying glass.

"The real thing, this is the real thing. I didn't expect that I would be able to see Tang Hu's real thing again."



There was a dead silence at the scene.

No one thought that this fake painting actually hides the real work.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Wei Lao, how much is this painting worth?"

Wei Lao took a deep breath and said, "This painting is priceless. It is much more valuable than the blue and white porcelain."

The fat woman trembled slightly after hearing what Wei Lao said.

She never dreamed that there was a priceless picture hanging on the wall of her home.

The most ridiculous thing is that she didn't even know it.

Wei Lao said, "Although I missed this painting, why do you say that the blue and white porcelain is fake?"

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