Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:24 PM

Chapter 535: 535

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Ye Chen said lightly, "Everyone knows Zhou Fei."

Hearing this name, everyone's face changed slightly.

Old Wei's eyes narrowed even more.

Zhou Fei is well-known in the antique industry.

He is a master of counterfeiting.

His stuff can almost be fake and it's hard to be recognized.

Wei Lao pointed to the Ming blue and white porcelain in a trembling voice and said, "You mean, this blue and white porcelain was made by Zhou Fei."

The fat woman on the side quit: "You are talking nonsense."

The fat woman just lost a priceless painting is depressing enough, if the vase is fake, she will go bankrupt.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Although Zhou Fei is a master of counterfeiting, everything he does has a secret sign."

Ye Chen pointed to an inconspicuous pattern and said, "Look there."

Wei Lao took the magnifying glass and looked at where Ye Chen was pointing.

When he saw the words on the pattern, Wei Lao's face suddenly changed.

I can see the word Zhou Fei through a magnifying glass on the pattern.

"It turned out to be a fake."

"What? Fake?" The fat woman's face changed.

Zhou Fei is just a modern person, and her vase would be worthless if it were fake.

She bought this vase for six million.

Wei Lao took a deep breath and said, "Every piece of Zhou Fei's work will have its own name engraved on it. There is indeed the word Zhou Fei on this pattern."

Hearing what Wei Lao said, the scene was deadly silent.

The fat woman sat directly on the chair behind her and collapsed.

Wei Lao's eyes narrowed: "According to the rules of the antique industry, any imitations that meet Zhou Fei must be smashed."

"Can't smash." The fat woman said with an ugly face.

Wei Lao snorted coldly: "You want to break the rules of the antique industry."


The fat woman dared not speak.

Wei Lao let out a cold snort, and directly smashed the vase with a hammer.

Looking at the smashed vase, the fat woman rolled her eyes and fainted.

Ye Chen left Taobao Street with Xiaomei and Meng Wanting.

Meng Wanting said, "Mr. Ye, thank you so much."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It's nothing, thanks to Xiaomei this time, I picked up such a big leak and got such a famous painting for nothing."

Meng Wanting smiled bitterly: "Thanks to you today, otherwise, hey, how can we afford to pay for such an expensive vase."

Ye Chen said: "That fat woman also made her own way, and deserved it."

Sending the mother and daughter home, Ye Chen received a call from Li Yao and Liu Hua came to the company.

Ye Chen came to Guangying Group.

In the conference room, Liu Hua was waiting for himself.

Ye Chen walked over: "Mr. Liu Hua welcomes."

Liu Hua smiled bitterly: "I am not very welcome in the entertainment circle now."

Ye Chen said: "Who dare not welcome a star with both virtue and art like Mr. Liu Hua."

Liu Hua said, "I am here to join Mr. Ye this time."

Since the fallout with Tiange Film and Television, Liu Hua has been blocked.

All news reports and even some programs have been cancelled.

It can be seen how strong the strength of Tiange Group is.

Liu Hua also defected to other companies at this stage, but the other party directly refused.

After all, Liu Hua is just an artist. For an artist to offend a large film and television company like Tiange, no one wants to do this loss-making business.

Ye Chen faintly smiled: "Welcome Mr. Liu Hua to join us!"

After hearing what Ye Chen said, Liu Hua was stunned.

"Will you take me in?"

"Ye Chen shook his head: "This is not called taking in. It is our honor for Mr. Liu to come to our group. "

Liu Hua was very grateful and said: "Thank you Mr. Ye, I understand my situation and I am willing to lower my annual salary."

Ye Chen shook his head: "It doesn't matter if the annual salary is lowered, not only will it not be lowered, but it will be raised."

"This..." Liu Hua was completely stunned after hearing Ye Chen's words.

Now is the time when oneself is at its lowest point. According to the normal routine, shouldn't the other party squeeze the price severely? But the other party is actually willing to raise the price for himself?

Liu Hua was really moved by Ye Chen's sincerity.

"Mr. Ye, thank you, I will work hard."

Ye Chen smiled faintly, Ye Chen understood Liu Hua's strength.

Although he was blocked, it was only temporary. As long as he returned to the entertainment circle, after his own packaging, he could fully reach the strength of the previous life Liu Tianwang.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Mr. Liu, I have a small job now and I need your help. We have a role, of course a supporting role, but there are also many scenes. It just happens that the other party is gone. Can you top it first? I promise, the lower part will A protagonist's role is tailored specifically for you, and I want you to be the actor."

After all, Zhou Fa, the protagonist of this movie, is not very famous now, and he is afraid that Liu Hua will feel uncomfortable when he asks Liu Hua to play a supporting role for him.

However, Liu Hua didn't even think about it after listening to it: "No problem, as long as there is a drama for me to act, I will be happy."

Liu Hua's love for performing arts comes from the heart.

When he fell out with Tiange Group, Wu Ge was too defiant. He even beat himself in front of so many news media, so he couldn't bear it.

He has also seen the news about "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". Although this role is a supporting role, it is also a very personal role.

The next day, the major media broke out an explosive news.

The famous movie star Liu Hua signed a contract with Guangying Film and Television Group and joined the crew of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

At the beginning, Luo Xiaohu's actor was just a second-tier star. This time, Ye Chen directly played the first-tier star Liu Hua. This movie once again attracted attention.

Wu Ge almost exploded when he saw this news.

"Ye Chen, this is Ye Chen again."

Last time Tong Xiaoya left and went to the light and shadow, now Liu Hua left and went to the light and shadow.

In the blink of an eye, both of his Tiange's top cards were dug away by Ye Chen.

Wu Ge took a deep breath. Tomorrow is the day when the new album is released.

At this time, the assistant hurriedly walked in: "Boss, the date of Tong Xiaoya's song is set to be tomorrow."

"What?" Wu Ge's expression became even more ugly when he heard the news.

But there was a sinister smile on his face.

This time, he invited several gold medal singers from China to create this song for his artist.

Whoever dared to write songs for Tong Xiaoya is against his Wu Ge.

Therefore, Tong Xiaoya is a song, and it must be that kind of **** song.

Wu Ge snorted: "This time I let everyone know how miserable the artist who left me will end up."

At this time, Tong Xiaoya was also very nervous.

"Ye Chen, it's okay for us and Tiange Group to release an album one day."

"Of course there is no problem, I just want to fight him, don't you have confidence in your own songs?"

"Of course I have confidence, those songs you wrote are great."

Ye Chen smiled: "We'll just wait and beat him Wu Ge in the face tomorrow.

At this time, Ye Chen saw a Weibo.

"Some artists no longer want to write songs for her and dare to release albums. Don't ask, it must be a piece of garbage albums."

Seeing this news, Tong Xiaoya's pretty face flushed.

Ye Chen faintly smiled and directly replied: "What is the dog barking? Tomorrow I will see who gets beaten."

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