Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:23 PM

Chapter 536: 536

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Ye Chen and Wu Ge also attracted the attention of fans on Weibo.

"Tong Xiaoya, I like it very much, but I heard that she was blocked. No one wants to write songs for her, okay?"

"It's probably just a wave of heat, this song will definitely not work."

"The two bosses of Guangying and Tiange are fighting, let's see who gets beaten in the face in the end."

The next day, Tiange Group.

Wu Ge looked at the results of the new album.

One song made it into the top ten, and the other songs all made it into the top 30 of the new song chart.

This result is a good result for the new album that has just been released.

Seeing this result, Wu Ge was full of confidence.

"Haha, our singer's performance is great, I want to see who slapped her face."

As soon as Wu Ge's Weibo was published, many netizens followed up.

"I listened to the new album, it's really good."

"That's right, a very good new album, very nice."

"Tomorrow Xiaoya will be under pressure. It is estimated that her grades will be difficult to surpass each other."

Ye Chen saw the comments on the Internet and replies directly.

"I am embarrassed to show such **** results. Tomorrow we will see how Xiaoya slaps her face."

As soon as Ye Chen's Weibo appeared, Wu Ge was going crazy.

Nima's new song that has just been listed is already very impressive to airborne the top charts. Okay, this kid dared to clamor.

Netizens also left messages.

"Haha, Mr. Ye is a bit fluttering. This result is really good. It would be good if Xiaoya could get into the top 20 in one song tomorrow."

"Yeah, it's so awesome, waiting for tomorrow to be beaten in the face."

"I heard that Xiaoya's songs were written by Ye Chen."

"I'm rubbing, I heard that this guy is still making movies? I'm so laughing, I guess he has the money to play by himself."

"I'm very worried, can you listen to the songs written by Ye Chen?"

Ye Chen looked at the comment and smiled faintly.

He didn't even reply.

Because he is very confident in Tong Xiaoya's album.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Tong Xiaoya's new song was officially launched.

The album went viral as soon as it went online.

"I'll wipe it, this song is too good to hear."

"I love that song "Bubble" so much."

"I like "Devil from Heaven" which is very personal."

"Beyond Light Years" also likes it very much."


Ye Chen raised the corners of his mouth when he saw the comments on the Internet.

Tong Xiaoya's single is stable.

Ye Chen is now waiting for twelve o'clock to make the list.

At this time, Wu Ge was also sitting in the office.

He drank red wine comfortably, surrounded by two small net reds beside him.

Wu Ge waited for Tong Xiaoya's single score to come out, and then humiliated Tong Xiaoya.

Twelve o'clock finally arrived.

At this time the secretary ran in in a panic.

Wu Ge glanced at the flustered secretary and said dissatisfied: "Xiao Wang, how many times have I said, don't be frizzy."

The secretary said with an ugly face; "Boss, Tong Xiaoya's album."

Wu Ge said proudly: "It's not impossible to have two or three singles in the top 20."

The secretary said a little ugly: "It's not six."


Wu Ge's face was a bit ugly.

"Six poems entered the top twenty."

The secretary said with an ugly expression: "No, six of them are in the top ten, and the other two are estimated to be in the top ten in the afternoon at the twelfth and eleventh places."

"What are you talking about?" Wu Geteng stood up.

He pushed away the internet celebrities around him and came to the computer.

Turning on the computer, his face changed completely when he saw the top rankings.

Six of Tong Xiaoya's new songs even made it into the top ten, and the top three on the list were all occupied by Tong Xiaoya's songs.

The other three songs ranked fifth, eighth and tenth respectively.

This achievement is simply a miracle in the music scene.

"How can it be!"

Wu Ge's face was pale.

He originally wanted to use this new album to let everyone know how miserable Tong Xiaoya left him.

But Wu Ge never dreamed that Tong Xiaoya's new album would be a big hit.

Even in the Chinese national anthem, there has never been such an impressive performance on a single day of an album.

"Damn, impossible, impossible."

Wu Ge was still reprimanding his secretary just now, and now he has completely lost his mind, and even smashed the keyboard in front of him.

At this time, the Huaguo Internet has been crazy because of Tong Xiaoya's album.

The major media broke out one after another.

"Tong Xiaoya returned strongly, and the new album set a record."

"The new album was well received by fans, and Tong Xiaoya made a strong comeback."

"Tong Xiaoya's new album dominates the charts, after becoming a Chinese singer."


The Internet is even more exploded.

"Xiaoya's song is so good."

"I've listened to "Bubbles" countless times, and it's amazing."

"Have you noticed that all the songwriters are actually the light of stars."

"Oh my god, who the **** is this starlight? It's awesome."


Ye Chen was driving di di di di di di di di di di di dily, and the phone rang suddenly.

"Ye Chen, my album is on fire."


After hearing what Ye Chen said, Tong Xiaoya was taken aback.

"It seems you are not surprised at all."

Ye Chen said: "It's hard to be surprised if I don't want to write a song."

Tong Xiaoya: "..."

"Ye Chen, thank you." Tong Xiaoya said gratefully.

Tong Xiaoya used to develop very well in Tiange Group, but since Wu Ge took control of Tiange Group as the heir, everything has changed.

The other party has always been thinking of ways, wanting to routine her, wanting to be on herself.

If it weren't for Ye Chen, I'm afraid he would have been poisoned by the opponent.

However, Tong Xiaoya thought that she would be banned, and there would be no future.

However, Tong Xiaoya never dreamed that Ye Chen not only made herself angry, but also a mess.

"Haha, why do you thank me?" Ye Chen smiled.

"Well, I'll invite you to hot pot."

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, I heard that a Juxianzhuang hot pot has been opened in Pudong recently, which is very good. This time your album is selling well. I have to kill you well."

Tong Xiaoya smiled faintly: "Okay, no problem."

"Well, we'll see you at Juxianzhuang Hot Pot Restaurant that night." Tong Xiaoya said.

"no problem."

At eight o'clock in the evening, Ye Chen ran a few more deals and came to the hot pot restaurant.

When he arrived in the box, Tong Xiaoya had already been waiting for herself.

Tong Xiaoya took out her mobile phone and said excitedly: "Ye Chen, my eight songs are now in the top ten."

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "As expected."

Tong Xiaoya couldn't help sighing: "Ye Chen, you are really amazing."

Ye Chen smiled: "So so so."

After eating the hot pot, Ye Chen and Tong Xiaoya left the restaurant.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw a little boy painting something on Ye Chen's sports car?

I wiped, I drove a Lycan today.

Ye Chen hurriedly went over and reprimanded: "Little guy, what are you doing?"

Seeing Ye Chen, the little boy wanted to run quickly.

But Ye Chen grabbed it.

Ye Chen saw a little turtle painted on his car.

"Where is your parent?" Ye Chen asked coldly.

At this time, a woman swayed over.

"What are you doing? Bullying the kid."

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