Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:21 PM

Chapter 538: 538

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The next day, at the gate of Fu University, Ye Chen followed Tang Xiaofei to the auto show.

"Ye Chen, didn't you just buy a car a few days ago?"

Tang Xiaofei was speechless.

Rich people are really too arrogant. They bought a car in such a short time. You must know that Ye Chen spent tens of millions on the last car.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "This car was given to my dad for his birthday. I want to give him a calmer one. It just happened that you sold the car, so you can give me some suggestions."

Two people walked into the auto show center.

The auto show center is crowded with people.

Ye Chen came to Bentley's booth.

At this time a salesperson came over: "Sir, do you look at the car?"

Ye Chen nodded, pointing to a Bentley and said, "How is that car sold?"

The style of this car is very stable, and the body is also very heavy, very suitable for his father's age.

"Mr. has a good vision. This car is a new limited edition commercial car from our Bentley company." Sales enthusiastically introduced.

The salesman is Chen Ming, the sales manager of this auto show.

Chen Ming's experience is very sophisticated. Seeing Ye Chen wearing a Patek Philippe and Hermes suit on his wrist, he knew that this young man was definitely extraordinary.

"This car is priced at 8.88 million yuan and has the most advanced electronic brake system. The safety of the car can be maximized. The car's shell is also made of carbonized material, and its collision avoidance is also world-class. It is equipped with a 4.8T turbine. The engine, although the body is heavy, has a speed increase of 3.8 seconds."

Chen Ming continued: "As a commercial vehicle, this car has a cruise system, a deviation warning system, a night vision system, etc., which can fully meet all your needs."


Chen Ming patiently introduced the various performances of the car, and Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, yes, just this car, swipe your card."

Chen Ming was stunned.

Although he had met many wealthy people, it was the first time he had encountered such a grandiose.

Chen Ming said in disbelief: "Sir, you just booked like this? Don't look at it again?"

Ye Chen shook his head: "No, this car is a birthday gift for my father. Just pick up the car on time."

"Okay, don't worry." Chen Ming nodded excitedly.

This car has been here for a week. Although there have been questions, no one cares about it because the price is too high.

He can also get a lot of commissions when he sells this car.

"By the way, because this car is my father's birthday present, I hope that our 4S shop can cooperate and prepare for a formal ceremony." Ye Chen continued.

"Don't worry, sir, these are all left to us."

Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, there are no more questions, just swipe your card."

Tang Xiaofei was speechless on the side, Ye Chen was simply too arrogant. Buying a car for tens of millions was like buying Chinese cabbage.

Chen Ming was even more in awe.

It is worthy of being a big brother with Patek Philippe, this car with about 10 million yuan directly swipes the card, which is too arrogant.

In fact, old people like to save money, but who doesn’t like driving luxury cars?

So this time, Ye Chen decided to surprise his father directly.

After all, I bought the car, so my father couldn't let himself return the car.

After Ye Chen paid the money, he got the car purchase contract.

Chen Ming handed over the contract to Ye Chen with respect.

"Mr. Ye, please rest assured that we will deliver the car on time within the stipulated time."

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, contact me directly when the car arrives."

On the side, Tang Xiaofei said silently; "Ye Chen, how much money do you have? It's the same as buying Chinese cabbage."

Ye Chen thought for a while: "Actually, I don't have any idea about money. I don't know how much it has."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Tang Xiaofei gave him a blank look.

This is simply pretending!

"By the way, in order to thank you for helping me choose a car, why don't I invite you to dinner tonight?"

Tang Xiaofei said: "Forget it, let me invite you, you have helped me so much."


Tang Xiaofei asked Ye Chen to have barbecue.

Although it is not expensive, Ye Chen actually likes this kind of atmosphere.

Although high-end restaurants have a good environment, they always feel restrained.

On the contrary, this kind of food stalls, being able to talk and laugh casually, feels very relaxed.

Looking at the time, Tang Xiaofei said, "Ye Chen, let's go back early. It's messy outside now."

"Really? What happened?"

"Recently, there was a murder case near our school. A girl was killed by someone. I heard that her face was smashed. It was very scary."

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

After all, the law and order in China is very good, and such vicious cases rarely happen.

"Well then, I'll send you back sooner."

Ye Chen drove to the Magic City University and sent Tang Xiaofei to the dormitory before leaving.

At this time, a news report came on the radio.

"Recently, a major criminal case occurred in our city, and the police are currently collecting clues from the society."

"The deceased, Wu, female, 23 years old, a student of Mordu University, left the school at noon last night. The body was found in a grove one kilometer away from the school. Now we are collecting witness clues from the society and offering a reward of 100,000."

Hearing this report, Ye Chen frowned.

Obviously this case is the same case as Tang Xiaofei said.

Ye Chen received an order as soon as he drove.

The location is near Mordu University.

Ye Chen drove to the pick-up point. It turned out that it was a policewoman in a police uniform who was hitchhiking, and this policewoman was not someone else but Zhou Susu.

"Susu is a coincidence," Ye Chen said with a smile.

Zhou Susu was also stunned when he saw Ye Chen: "It's a coincidence that I met you in a ride."

After getting in the car, Zhou Susu looked tired.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chen asked.

Zhou Susu sighed: "Isn't there a murder case? We have been spinning around for 24 hours, and the leader will solve the case within three days, but now there is no clue."

[Ding, the didi selection system is activated, and every week you randomly encounter a passenger with a special attribute, complete the selection task, you will receive the ultimate reward, and the auxiliary host will become a global leader! 】

[Passenger occupation: police! 】

[Option 1: Take the beautiful policeman to the hotel, let the beautiful policeman have a good rest, and get a system reward of 30% of the Baideli Hotel. 】

[Option 2: Persuade the beautiful police officer to work for herself, give up this hard work, and get system rewards for mastering goddess skills. 】

[Option 3: Help the beauty police solve the case, catch the criminals, and get the system rewards for God-level detectives. 】

The first reward is that the hotel shares are no longer attractive to Ye Chen.

As for the second reward for controlling the goddess skill, Ye Chen has always used feelings to fuse women. As for controlling women, this is not what Ye Chen wants.

If a girl likes herself, Ye Chen will naturally be happy, but if the other person doesn't like herself, Ye Chen will never force it.

In the end, Ye Chen chose option three.

After all, this kind of guy is too hateful and endangers public order. As a good citizen, of course, he must choose to help the beautiful police solve the case.

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