Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:07 PM

Chapter 549: 549

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A big man looked at Lu Fan with a grin.

"These chips are all on credit. She hasn't given the money yet. You have lost a total of 2.87 million now. Please pay."

Lu Fan's face changed abruptly when he heard the words of the big man.

"What, why did I lose so much."

He just thought that woman would invite her, so he didn't care how much money.

"I live in a hotel with that woman, and I can go to the hotel to find her."

"Huh, you can call that woman."

"Phone... Me!"

Lu Fan was stupid.

Where do I know the phone?

"If you don't have money, then call home and send you money."

Lu Fan was dumbfounded.

Who is he looking for to send money.

Now he has no home at all, so he relies on abduction.

"No one gave me money."

"What?" The big man's face condensed.

At this time, a few people rushed over and beat him violently, then locked him up.

At this time, Ye Chen's phone rang.

"Boss, things are done."

Ye Chen nodded.

Yes, all of this was arranged by Ye Chen.

He knew that people like Lu Fan would definitely not let Xiao Mei off easily.

So he wants to let him disappear.

Of course it is illegal to kill, and Ye Chen would not do it.

But he can use other methods.

No one in Lu Fan gave him the ransom, which meant that the rest of his life would be miserable, he could only do coolies, and it would be impossible to return to China.

Meng Wanting called Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, that **** called me. He was detained in Myanmar and asked me to pay for him."

"Do you want him to come back to harass Xiaomei?" Ye Chen said lightly.

Meng Wanting said: "Of course I won't redeem him, Ye Chen thank you."

Ye Chen said that day that it would make Lu Fan disappear. At that time, she thought Ye Chen was going to use any means, but she didn't expect Ye Chen to be so clever.

In the video, Lu Fan was beaten badly, almost crying and begging.

But thinking of what he had done before, Meng Wanting could only relieve her qi in her heart.

At the beginning, he and his sister asked for money, but if they didn't give it, they would be violently beaten. This is also the retribution of this guy.

The next day Ye Chen was running didi, but received a call from Wei Lao.

"Mr. Ye, I have a ruthless please."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Wei Lao has anything to do, just say it."

Wei Lao said: "Mr. Ye, our domestic mechanical experts are very interested in your project. They want to go to Star University for research and study. I don't know if it will work."

After all, the mechas were manufactured by Star University and belong to other people's patents. They have to send someone to study it, which is indeed somewhat unreasonable.

Ye Chen faintly smiled after hearing this: "Wei Lao is okay, they can come."

In fact, Ye Chen knew very well in his heart that even if these experts studied and studied, they could indeed improve, as there would be no leaks.

They can only study the appearance of mechas, but the essence is still in Ye Chen's hands, they can't learn it.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Wei Lao was overjoyed.

The next day, a car drove into the Star University.

Eight mechanical experts who came to work in China got out of the car.

These people are very old.

Seeing these people, a mechanical major suddenly screamed: "Oh my God, isn't that Wang Kai, the hero of the mechanical world?"

"Yeah, I saw him on TV."

"Wang Kai is the originator of Huaguo Machinery, how did he come to Star University?"

The news that Huaguo mechanical experts came to Star University immediately spread throughout the school.

But soon the students guessed the reason.

These people must have come here because of the mecha.

Sure enough, these experts have entered the mecha laboratory since then.

No one thought that these famous Chinese experts would come to Star University.

And most importantly, they are here to learn.

The news spread quickly among the universities.

The Huaguo Machinery Expert Group stationed in Star University to study technology.

The universities were shocked.

These people who came to the school were all deity-level figures, and they went to the Star University to go back to the furnace for further study, which was amazing.

These experts are soaked in the laboratory every day.

At first, these people had some doubts about the mecha, but after researching, they were completely stunned by this big guy.

Although the production level of the entire mecha does not use advanced technology, it is incredible to be able to make the mecha so delicately.

Even these experts were stunned by this scene.

And these experts are like students, devoutly surrounding Lu Gang.

After Lu Gang answered, these experts all looked happy, and even kept on being reporters on their small books.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

You know, these are the top experts in China. It is incredible to ask a college student for advice.

Soon this matter spread on campus.

It even quickly spread to major academic forums in China.

Everyone is curious about what kind of magic power the Star University has.

You know, these students are all scumbags at school.

Even those with a score of more than 400 points in the college entrance examination of Star University are already the scores of Xueba.

It is these scumbags that people look down upon that have created one miracle after another.

For a time, Star University became a myth in academia.

Even many people finally understand why Star University does not need teachers.

Even the top experts in China have to ask the students of Star University for advice, who can teach them.

Especially those students who came to the University of Stars for further studies, they finally saw the magic of the University of Stars.

This is really a paradise for realizing dreams.

They originally came here to study, and then brought their knowledge back to school.

But at this moment, these students have made a decision in their hearts.

They are not leaving.

Because only here can they fight for their dreams with all their hearts.

Only here can they learn what they want to learn.

Most importantly, here, every student is their teacher.

They have never had this feeling of communicating with each other and researching each other before.

After learning, these experts were completely conquered by the exquisite craftsmanship of this mecha.

They even recorded an entire notebook, which requires them to go back and study the jokes slowly.

Now Star University has some technical cooperation with the country.

Star University will provide the technology of nuclear power engines, but the country will also pay the corresponding fees.

Ye Chen also meticulously improved the nuclear shaped energy reactor, after all, it is used by the country.

Although Ye Chen is only a small improvement, it is already fully capable of becoming the world's top technology in various fields.

Such an engine has brought Hua Guo's technological level to a new level, reaching the top level in the world.

When the expert group left, Wang Kai shook Lu Gang's hand.

"Student Lu thank you so much, I have learned a lot from you." Wang Kai said gratefully.

Lu Gang was also a little embarrassed.

These are all goals in his heart. He didn't expect these people to learn from him now, and he turned out to be their teacher.

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