Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:06 PM

Chapter 550: 550

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After the experts left, Star University returned to calm again.

The students continue to fight for their dreams.

And Lu Gang and the others are continuing the work of upgrading the mecha.

Wang Meng and the others continued to upgrade the nuclear shaped energy reactor.

Not only these fields, but other fields of Star University are also in full bloom.

In the fields of music, food, architecture and even physical chemistry, Star University has achieved good results.

As for the transfer students, they have fully integrated into the Star University, and it is impossible to return to the original school.

At the beginning, these students came to Star University for half a month.

Several presidents actually want these students to learn the advanced concepts of Star University management so that they can apply them in their own universities.

However, the time has come, and none of these students have come back.

The principals couldn't hold back their breath.

After all, these students are the elite of their school.

The principals came to the stars of the University.

However, these students have no intention of going back at all.

Because, at Star University, they found that they had found a stage to realize their dreams.

So why are they willing to leave here like this.

Ye Chen had expected several principals to come, so he waited for several people in the office.

After teasing and chatting for a few words, several principals began to ask for someone.

President of Mordu University: "President Ye, our student exchange period has come, why are you not letting people go?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "No, we haven't let anyone go. We have already notified them, but they are not willing to go. I can't blast these kids to leave."

"What? Don't want to leave?" The principals looked at each other.

Before these students came, the school gave very good welfare, but they didn't want to come back.

Seeing a few principals who didn't believe it, Ye Chen smiled lightly: "Well, let me show you all."

In fact, several principals have long discovered that the situation is not right.

Because now, when they call these students, their phones are unanswered.

Now hearing what Ye Chen said, the hearts of several people sank even more.

Ye Chen sighed: "Hey, these children, I am also very embarrassed now. These several principals have come to help me persuade them."

Several principals were speechless.

Ye Chen kicked the ball directly to them.

But since Ye Chen didn't want to keep these students, they were relieved.

After all, the country now attaches great importance to the University of Stars. If Stars insists on staying, they really have no choice.

Ye Chen directly sent a notice to the students and asked them to gather in the conference room.

Several principals came to the conference room and saw their students sitting in the conference room.

But when these students saw their principal, their expressions were obviously a little unnatural.

Several principals also looked at their own elites.

But they found that changes have also taken place in these students.

In the past, these students looked arrogant one by one, but now these students have no such arrogance on their faces.

There are even a few students who are almost like workers in a factory, with oil stains all over their bodies.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Dear students, the time for the exchange period is up, and your principals will pick you up at the school. You are welcome to visit Star University again in the future."

From Ye Chen's tone, there was no intention to stay.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, several principals also let out a sigh of relief.

"I won't go back, my project has not been completed yet."

"I just made a breakthrough in my field, and I don't want to go back."

"The principal, I won't go back, I want to stay at Star University."


Almost all of these students found their own reasons, with only one purpose, to stay in Star University.

The faces of the principals of those prestigious schools changed.

This is the elite of their school. At the beginning, it was the pride of these students to be able to enter their school.

But now, they came to Xuezhu University, and they didn't even want to come back.

how can that be.

"You guys, you must go back to school." The president of Magic University said sternly.

"We don't go back, this is the stage to realize my dream."

"That is, if I have to go back, I will drop out and retake the college entrance examination and enter the Star University."


These students have a firm attitude, and they even regard Star University as their alma mater.

The principals were almost mad.

The students of several other universities have almost the same attitude.

As a result, the trouble was very stiff, and these students insisted that they were the students of Star University.

After all, they can't tie these students back to school, and they have no choice but to leave.

They originally wanted these students to learn the technology and advanced teaching concepts of Star University.

In the end, it was a chicken fly, and he gave his elite to Star University in vain.

Several principals left the school gate with a gloomy expression.

"Star University is too much."

"I can't cooperate with Star University in the future."

They only now understand that the result of cooperating with Star University is that outstanding students beat dogs with meat buns and never return.

Ye Chen looked at the classmates in the conference room and said lightly: "You really want to stay here."

"Principal Ye, please don't drive us away."

"We are born to be the ghosts of the University of Stars, and die are the ghosts of the University of Stars."


Ye Chen: "..."

After sighing, Ye Chen said, "Well, as long as you are willing to stay, you will be students of Xingchen University in the future."

Ye Chen was naturally happy that Xingchen University had picked up so many students for nothing.

Moreover, these university presidents had an impure purpose at the beginning, and the people were sent by them. How could Ye Chen be polite.

The most important thing is that these students are willing to stay.

Soon this incident once again caused a sensation in the education industry.

Originally, some universities were very depressed because they did not get the opportunity to cooperate with Star University.

But when I learned that the university students from these prestigious universities were all being routine, they all immediately enjoyed themselves.

Fortunately, I didn't cooperate with Star University, otherwise their elites would have never returned.

You know, it is not easy for every school to cultivate a talent. Can it be given to other universities without vomiting blood?

Ye Chen received a call from Yan Chuang that day.

The old man of the Yan family invited Ye Chen to participate in his 80th birthday.

Ye Chen readily agreed.

Last time, Ye Chen saved the life of Mr. Yan, so the Yan family has always regarded them as guests.

Ye Chen ran for a day and drove to pick up Su Wanyi at night.

After all, it's a dinner party, so I have to bring my real girlfriend.

Su Wanyi was stunned when she saw Ye Chen: "You don't want to wear this suit to the dinner party."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I think it's pretty good."

After all, it was the Yan family who invited him, and said that he was kind to the Yan family.

So it doesn't matter what you wear.

"Forget it, I'll take you to buy some clothes first."

Ye Chen's casual clothes, if he attends a banquet, it is estimated that the guests will be out of place.

Although Su Wanyi didn't care, it was better to dress appropriately after all.

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