Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:04 PM

Chapter 551: 551

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This birthday banquet for the old man of the Yan family was all local celebrities.

So they must all wear formal dresses.

As a woman, Su Wanyi naturally wanted to help Ye Chen dress up.

Actually, at this banquet, the reason why Yan Lao had to Ye Chen was to thank Ye Chen in public.

After all, if it weren't for Ye Chen, I guess Mr. Yan would not have the chance to hold this birthday banquet.

Since Su Wanyi said so, Ye Chen did not refuse.

Two people came to the mall.

When he came out of the mall, Ye Chen had completely changed his appearance.

Just now, it was like a college student.

Now he is exactly the appearance of a young son, the president of the wealthy family.

Ye Chen's current image is simply too handsome.

Many of the girls who provoke cast their gazes at Ye Chen.

This time, the Yan family's banquet was defeated by the Pujiang Hall.

This is one of the most luxurious halls in the magic capital.

For a banquet here, the minimum consumption is millions.

However, as an established family, the Yan family naturally has such strength.

At this banquet, almost all celebrities from the magic capital came.

Luxury cars gathered at the entrance of the hall.

Ye Chen glanced at the lively doorway and couldn't help but sigh.

Worthy of being a big family, this background is really awesome.

When Ye Chen and Su Wanyi arrived, many people had already arrived in the hall.

Today’s banquet takes an autonomous form, so it’s all gathered together in twos and threes.

Sure enough, the guests attending today are men's suits and girls' dresses. After all, this is a banquet on the surface. Isn't it a pretending to be a convention?

Ye Chen and Su Wanyi walked in and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

After all, Ye Chen is too handsome, and it is hard not to attract attention with Su Wanyi who is like a goddess.

Originally, there were many well-dressed celebrities.

But as soon as Su Wanyi appeared, these ladies no longer had the gorgeousness they had just now, and were completely obscured by Su Wanyi's light.

"Miss Su, it's been a long time since I saw you, it's really getting more and more beautiful."

After all, Su Wanyi has always been in the business world, so she has a lot of acquaintances.

When they saw Su Wanyi carrying a man, some people asked curiously: "This one is?"

Su Wanyi smiled: "This is my boyfriend Ye Chen."

"Your boyfriend?"

Hearing Su Wanyi's introduction, the man also looked up and down Ye Chen.

After all, as the goddess of business, Su Wanyi has many suitors, but none of them can approach Su Wanyi.

The man who can make Su Wanyi fall in love must be extraordinary.

But after watching for a long time, the other party didn't even recognize this young man.

Ye Chen is usually very low-key, so in addition to opening didi, such high-level gatherings do not attend at all, so it is normal for the other party to not know him.

At the banquet, many people talked to Su Wanyi and Ye Chen.

These people are business elites.

In previous gatherings, they would find a way to show their courtesy in front of Su Wanyi, but this time, they were depressed.

Because they didn't expect Su Wanyi to bring a boyfriend, who was still her boyfriend.

"Hey, have you heard? Su Wanyi actually has a boyfriend."

"That kid is unreliable, do you know the background?"

"Hey, don't you have a good relationship with Su Wanyi? Do you know the identity of that kid?"


These people were not reconciled, and they inquired about Ye Chen's identity.

However, Ye Chen was too low-key. These people asked for a long time without asking about Ye Chen's background.

At this time, someone sneered and said: "Everyone doesn't know each other, it's likely that the other party is a little boy."

"Looks at this kid is very handsome, but he is definitely not in our aristocratic circle."

After hearing a few people's comments, everyone was determined.

After all, if it is an elite in the business world, it is impossible that so many people do not know it.

In fact, they don't know that the main reason they don't know is that their level is not enough.

Only the real boss of Demon Capital would know Ye Chen.

However, these men knew that Su Wanyi's boyfriend was a dick, and they were ready to move again one by one.

After all, Su Wanyi is so beautiful, it would be difficult for a man to see her not tempted.

It's just that they thought Su Wanyi was single before.

Moreover, Su Wanyi has always been a rejection of men, but she didn't expect to suddenly have a diosi boyfriend.

At this time, these people were full of hostility and even contempt for Ye Chen.

For what reason, the goddess in their hearts is looking for a diaosi to be a boyfriend.

"Wanyi, come over and let's talk." A girl dealt with Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi was a little embarrassed, after all, there were all girls there.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Come on, I'll just go around by myself."

As soon as Su Wanyi left, several people came up maliciously.

"Your kid is Wanyi's boyfriend?

Ye Chen just picked up a piece of ice cream and ate two bites when he saw a few men approaching with improper faces.

All of these people are wearing designer suits, and they are all about the same age as themselves, and all of them have arrogance on their faces.

Ye Chen looked at these rich second generations for a while and was speechless.

Hey, now these rich people's children owe money?

"Yes, I am Wanyi's boyfriend." Ye Chen said lightly.

Ye Chen's current strength is that these rich second-generation Laozi will be respectful in front of him, so is he afraid of these rich second-generation?

Seeing Ye Chen's disdainful eyes, a rich second-generation snorted coldly: "Boy, very proud, what are you doing?"

Ye Chen said indifferently, "Oh, I did."

Hearing Ye Chen's answer, these people were taken aback for a moment, and then let out a burst of laughter.

"Fuck, dare you say it."

"Deep dick, awesome."

"Kaididi can be said so rightly and confidently."

These people's faces are now full of strong malice.

If Ye Chen was a young or old family member, they would recognize it.

It turned out to be a beep.

Originally, these people were still a little afraid of Ye Chen's identity.

After all, the man Su Wanyi can admire is definitely extraordinary.

When Ye Chen said that he was a dick, these people had already determined that Ye Chen was nothing more than Su Wanyi who was able to catch up with him by virtue of being handsome, just a little white face.

"Boy, I advise you to leave Wanyi, do you think a beep can match Wanyi?"

"Yes, brothers are all Wanyi's admirers, robbing women from us, do you think you will end well?"

"It's just anxious, Lao Tzu abolished your hands and feet."

At this moment, suddenly a cold voice sounded.

"Whose hands and feet are you going to abolish."

At this time, Yan Chuang walked over with a cold face.

Seeing Yan Chuang, the faces of these people suddenly changed, and there was also a look of jealousy on their faces.

"Shao Yan, it's okay, we are just joking with these little brothers."

Seeing Yan Chuang, these guys who were still awesome just changed into licking dogs in seconds.

Yan Chuang has a name in the circle of nobles, and those who offend him have no good end.

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