Published at 27th of April 2021 12:32:00 PM

Chapter 555: 555

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The Noel Prize is the world's highest award for science and technology.

The content of the letter is that Mr. Ye Chen was nominated as a Noel Prize candidate for his outstanding achievements in new energy.

After all, within the scope of science and technology, Ye Chen was the first shortlisted person.

The Noel Prize is the most authoritative award in any field.

Those who have won this award must have made outstanding contributions to the world in their respective fields.

Ye Chen's nuclear shaped energy reactor can be said to have created a precedent in the energy industry. This award Ye Chen won is uncontroversial.

After all, this is a supreme honor for Ye Chen.

This is also the pride of the Chinese people. The science and technology of the Chinese has now leapt to the forefront of the world, and it is no longer the one that was backward and beaten everywhere.

The Eastern Dragon has awakened.

The news quickly spread throughout China.

Major websites scrambled to report.

At this time, the major media in China rushed to report.

After all, this is a major event that will inspire China.

Soon the news of Ye Chen's nomination for the Nuoer Science and Technology Award became the top news search.

"Awesome, President Ye is too bullish."

"Well deserved, I heard that this nuclear shaped reactor was only made by China."

"Star University is the school of my dreams."

"My goal is no longer Huaqing, Kyoto University but Star University."

I don't know how many people there are, because Ye Chen has changed the goal of his struggle.

This news was like a cardiotonic, and the popularity of Star University was fired again.

After all, the Noel Technology Award, this honor is too heavy.

Star University, Ye Chen's name is also popular on the Internet.

But out of protection for Ye Chen, Ye Chen's photo did not appear in the news media.

At this time, Star University was also immersed in excitement.

After all, their principal was nominated by Knoll, which is the greatest honor for them.

Ye Chen looked at the news and also felt very happy.

This award is also a great affirmation for him.

Now it has not only gone out of business in the business circle, but also created new miracles in technology.

If these technologies are applied all over the world, the world's energy problems can definitely be solved.

But Ye Chen knew that this kind of technology could not be taken out casually.

You must know that the technology of nuclear energy accumulation is so terrible, he even let an ordinary gun shoot the effect of a missile.

Therefore, this technology China is not directly given to other countries.

After all, some countries must obtain this technology for the first time and apply it to war, which Ye Chen didn't want.

This is also the main reason why Ye Chen rejected the high patents in many countries.

In his eyes, the Noel Prize is nothing but world peace is the most important thing.

Wei Lao came to the school personally to congratulate Ye Chen.

"Brother Ye, congratulations, you have created the history of China."

This matter is also taken seriously by the senior management.

After all, this honor can be said to be the world's recognition of Ye Chen and even China.

You know, those who can win this award are people who have changed the world.

Now we Chinese have finally reached such a pinnacle.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It's just a fake name, it's nothing."

Seeing Ye Chen's calm appearance, Wei Lao was also taken aback.

You know, even he was very excited when he got the news, but Ye Chen was able to treat this matter calmly.

But soon, Wei Lao was relieved.

Ye Chen's reaction like this is also normal.

After all, Ye Chen didn't need to prove anything to others at all, he had already proved everything with his strength.

The two chatted for a while, and then left.

Noel's selection of Ye Chen just entered the list of candidates, and a final evaluation is needed to determine the final candidate.

In other words, Ye Chen's award is just the first step.

But Ye Chen's discovery was really awesome.

It can be said that his discovery is sufficient to solve the world's energy problem.

How could it not be awarded for such a big contribution.

Everyone was waiting for the moment when Ye Chen won the prize.

But soon the letter came again.

Ye Chen thought it was a letter inviting him to participate in the awards, but after opening it, Ye Chen's face suddenly changed slightly.

Because the content of the letter requires Ye Chen to announce the technology to the world to qualify for the award.

This can be said to be a set for Ye Chen.

If you want to get the highest honor in science, you have to announce the technology.

Ye Chen's face was very gloomy.

The announcement was very high-sounding, saying that only if Ye Chen released the technical data, can he truly benefit mankind and have the final right to win the prize.

He finally understood that this award is just a bait.

The other party's purpose is simple, to force him to surrender nuclear energy technology.

You know, the Noel Prize is the dream of every scientist.

Ye Chen refused to buy from other countries, so they came up with this method to force Ye Chen to hand over the data.

Once Ye Chen publishes the data, although he can be awarded, the data will be mastered by scientists in other countries.

Once they have nuclear energy, these guys may not only benefit mankind, but also destroy mankind.

This is something Ye Chen absolutely cannot allow.

Soon, Ye Chen also received a call from Wei Lao.

"Ye Chen, we also received a notice, what do you think of this matter."

Wei Lao is also very nervous. After all, the data is in Ye Chen's hands. If he insists on making it public, he can't say anything.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It's just an award, nothing remarkable."

With that said, Ye Chen made an announcement directly in the official forum of Star University.

"From now on, the current students of Star University will no longer accept any nominations from the Knoll Award."

This is Ye Chen's response.

Arrogant and domineering.

Don't you threaten me? I won't play with you anymore, I won't participate in the selection.

Of course, Ye Chen's premise is the students at school. If the student graduates, then Ye Chen will not interfere.

Soon, the official website of Star University issued an announcement that the students of Star University will no longer accept any nominations for the Noel Prize.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Star University exploded.

The whole China exploded.

Even the academic world of the world exploded.

You know, the Noel Prize is the highest honor in all fields in the world.

Any one person or group won this honor, which is equivalent to becoming a god-like existence in the academic world.

However, Star University publicly announced that it would no longer accept nominations.

Soon, news about the Noel Prize requesting Ye Chen to announce the nuclear energy accumulation technology also came out.

No one blamed Ye Chen, and even supported Ye Chen's decision.

Especially the students of Star University, no one complained.

What is the Noel Prize? Ye Chen let their dreams have wings. Without Ye Chen, they might not even have the chance to go to university now.

Many of them have become migrant workers, takeaway brothers, and restaurant waiters.

Therefore, they would unconditionally support any decision of Ye Chen.

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