Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:58 PM

Chapter 556: 556

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The news quickly spread throughout China.

Many people also questioned this matter.

After all, this is the highest honor that Chinese people can obtain in the world.

"The University of Stars is too floating, it turned down the Noel Prize."

"I'm really disappointed. I originally thought that Ye Chen could create the history of China."

"Why refuse? Is Ye Chen afraid of disappointment?"

"Why don't you dare to deprive other children of their rights?"


All websites are discussing this matter, and everyone does not understand Ye Chen's choice.

But Ye Chen did not explain.

Hua Guo, a high-level executive nodded with satisfaction when he saw this announcement.

"Yes, our descendants of Yan and Huang should have such a backbone."

Ye Chen gave up the award, but what he did was to rejuvenate the entire China.

If Ye Chen really accepts for the award, then Star University will lose all official support.

Since Ye Chen has made such a high posture, naturally this matter cannot be left to Ye Chen alone.

Soon, the notice of the Noel jury was published on the official website.

Seeing the announcement, the people in China were angry.

"It's too bullying. Why should we give you the things we have worked so **** for nothing?"

"Support Ye Chen, Principal Ye is doing the right thing."

"Isn't it just a broken award? We Chinese do not accept it."

Soon the major universities in China issued announcements.

"Huaqing University will no longer accept nominations for the Noel Prize."

"Madoo University will no longer accept nominations for the Noel Prize."

"Jiang University will no longer accept nominations for the Noel Prize."

All major universities in China issued the same announcement.

The unity of the Chinese people is fully condensed at this moment.

On the Internet, there was a lot of scolding for the Noel Jury.

"This is simply bullying."

"We Chinese people don't rare this kind of reward at all."

Almost everyone supported Ye Chen's choice.

Those who originally questioned Ye Chen silently deleted the post.

Even the major news media have stepped up and accused Noel's organizing committee of hegemonic behavior.

At this time, the Knoll Organizing Committee was also shocked by the news.

That's right, they just want to let Ye Chen publish the data through this harsh decision.

They never dreamed that Ye Chen would be so spineless, that he would break with the Noel Prize.

What is even more frightening is that Hua Guo has already issued an announcement and will no longer accept any nominations for the Noel Prize.

You know, the Noel Prize can be said to be the most authoritative award in the world, and now China has broken directly with it.

Noel executives also secretly regretted.

They did not expect that such a decision would have caused such a big loss.

In their eyes, when Ye Chen got the news, he would hand in the data honestly.

But they misunderstood the backbone of the Chinese.

China is no longer a backward country that can be manipulated at will.

So they issued a new announcement.

"Ye Chen has taken technology as his own in the face of the world's deteriorating environment because of his own selfish interests, and he is unwilling to contribute to the earth's energy. Now the Ye Chennuoer Prize is officially disqualified."

The news was immediately publicized.

Ye Chen even became a villain like Thanos.

Even some people in Huaguo were instigated to blame Ye Chen on the Internet.

But at this moment, Hua Guo suddenly announced a major decision.

Established the Star Award in China.

This award was even named after the stars, just to tell the world that Ye Chen has a strong backing.

This backing is China.

When this news came out, the entire country of China was shocked.

An award was set up specifically for Ye Chen.

But everyone thought that Ye Chen deserved this award.

When China was poor and white, it lacked technology. Did foreign countries give it to us?

Isn't it the result of our little effort.

Now that we have the technology, they want to take it away for nothing. Where is such a cheap thing.

Therefore, the establishment of this award also shows the state's attitude to support Ye Chen.

At this time, Ye Chen also knew the news.

Ye Chen didn't bother to take care of the other party's act of labeling himself.

He is frank and frank, and what benefits mankind. Haven't they thought about the threat that this technology will fall into the hands of a few countries and be used in the military field?

At this time, Ye Chen saw the news that China was building a cross-sea bridge, but the technology of the undersea tunnel project was in the hands of another country.

Hua Guo sincerely wanted to buy it, but the other party actually offered a sky-high price of 50 billion.

This is simply lack of sincerity.

Haha, you have to take our technology for nothing, and we have to buy your technology at sky-high prices.

Ye Chen suddenly remembered the skills of the master builder.

Ye Chen drew a drawing directly overnight.

One night later, Wei Lao suddenly received a call from Ye Chen.

"Lao Wei, are we building a cross-sea bridge?"

"Well, it is, but I'm in trouble now." Wei Lao is also worrying about this matter.

If the negotiation fails, you must rely on your own research, but how can this research take three years, which means that the success of the project will be delayed for three years.

Ye Chen said: "Wei Lao, I have a solution, you can let them see if it works."

Later, Ye Chen directly sent the document to Wei Lao's mailbox.

Wei Lao received the email, opened it, and his eyes lit up.

The design scheme of the sea-crossing bridge.

Could it be said that Ye Chen has this technology?

Thinking of mechas and nuclear energy, Wei Lao felt that this might be very big.

He quickly dialed Chen Dong who was in charge of the cross-sea bridge project.

Chen Dong hasn't slept all night.

Everything is ready now, but it's stuck on this key technology.

If this problem cannot be solved, the construction period of the cross-sea bridge will be extended indefinitely.

"How about we go talk to them again?" the deputy commander said.

Chen Dong shook his head: "They just didn't want to give us technology to offer sky-high prices. These guys don't see us rising."

At this moment, Chen Dong's phone rang.

"Old Chen, I have a design plan for a sea-crossing bridge."

"Ah, where did you get it from?"

"A friend of mine, first see if it works."

Soon the plan was sent.

The moment Old Chen saw the plan, his hands trembled slightly.

"Oh my god, it's absolutely amazing, why didn't I think of it."

Several other technicians gathered around: "Old Chen, what's wrong, why are you so excited."

Chen Dong said excitedly: "Our design plan for the sea-crossing bridge has been solved."

"What? Solved?"

Everyone was stunned.

You know, this technology can be solved so easily at a price of 50 billion in a certain country?

Chen Dong excitedly dialed the phone: "Wei Lao, tell me quickly, where did your plan come from?"

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