Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:56 PM

Chapter 558: 558

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Robin walked out of the VIP passage surrounded by several assistants.

VIP channels are all star business elites who can walk, representing identity and status.

Robin walked in the VIP aisle full of pressure.

It's like a super **** descending.

At this time, a luxurious extended Lincoln parked at the airport gate.

You know, this car is a special car for leaders of many countries.

Looking at Lincoln, Robin looked at Su Wanyi behind him triumphantly.

"In this car is a small luxury office, conference table, entertainment equipment, and even I can hold a meeting in it, worth 20 million, the company gave me a match."

With that said, he wanted to see expressions of shock, envy and even admiration on Su Wanyi's face.

But Su Wanyi didn't look at his car at all, but looked at the crowd.

Soon she found Ye Chen and ran over excitedly.

Su Wanyi plunged into Ye Chen's arms.

"My husband wants to kill me."

Robin: "..."

But when he saw Ye Chen driving the car, a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

This car looks like a domestic car, and it seems to be very low-grade.

"What car is this?" Robin asked a Chinese employee.

"That car is Geely, a very resistant car in China, worth 100,000 yuan."

One hundred thousand?

Robin sneered at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Robin's Lincoln car was surrounded by many people.

"I rub, this car is so awesome."

"I watched it on TV. It seems that the leader of a certain country rides this kind of car."

"This must be somebody."

Robin has a proud face, Chinese, tremble in front of the arrogant king.

Su Wanyi plunged into Ye Chen's arms and said affectionately: "My husband, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, let's go."

The two had just left when suddenly Robin stood in front of them.

Robin said with an arrogant look: "Are you Su Wanyi's boyfriend?"

Unfortunately, Robin wants to speak Chinese, but his Chinese is pretty good.

Ye Chen saw that the opponent was full of force, and he knew that he was another king of force.

Moreover, this forced king is still an airborne foreign forced king.

Especially looking at the other person's eyes at Su Wanyi, Ye Chen understood the outline.

Hey, beautiful women are a disaster.

Su Wanyi's temperament is really great, no matter where she goes, she is the focus of men's attention.

So attracting men is very normal.

If it is another man, I am afraid there will be pressure, but Ye Chen will naturally not be pressured.

Someone dared to hit his woman's mind and just hit the face.

In fact, many men are worried about their women being targeted by others.

That is his strength is enough.

When you are strong enough, there will be no such concerns.

After all, there are very few beautiful women in this world, so since you have it, you must have this strength to protect her.

If you don't have the strength, then don't blame the woman for cheating. This world is so realistic.

So you have to become very strong to get the chance to have beautiful women.

For example, Ye Chen, the woman next to her is a beautiful woman, but he doesn't have any pressure.

He who has the system dares to touch his woman's mind.

Pretending to be compelling with Laozi, you can't force the king at best, Ye Chen's strength is already compelling, OK?

Although you are a foreigner, you will be crushed here as well.

Robin said coldly: "You are driving a one hundred thousand car and want to chase Su Wanyi. Do you think you are worthy? So leave her acquainted."

In Robin's eyes, Ye Chen is a scum, so he can just crush it directly.

On the side Su Wanyi was unhappy: "Robin, please pay attention to your words and deeds. Ye Chen is my boyfriend, so it is not your turn to make irresponsible remarks."

Ye Chen smiled and patted Su Wanyi on the shoulder and motioned to him to deal with it.

"What reason do you let me leave Wanyi?" Ye Chen's expression was as plain as water, not like ordinary people who were offended and depraved.

Robin smiled faintly: "Does a reason still need a reason? Because your strength is too rubbish."

As he said, he pointed his hand to the car and said coldly, "Did you see my car? Twenty million, and it's in U.S. dollars."

Ye Chen almost didn't laugh when he saw the car Robin was pointing at.

Originally I thought that foreign countries forced the king to pretend to be able to pretend to be able to pretend to be able to pretend to be a level.

Robin still looks arrogant.

"I am the president of the China Division of Damai Group. You know the gap between you and me now, right? What do you do?"

Ye Chen pointed to his car and said, "Oh, I'm running dick."

Robin was stunned for a moment. In the Chinese vocabulary he learned, there seemed to be no word didi.

Aside, a Huaguo employee quickly explained to him.

Robin suddenly realized.

At this moment, his eyes were filled with shock.

God, such an Oriental goddess as Su Wanyi, how could her boyfriend be a beep.

At this time, the assistants also laughed arrogantly.

In their country, taxi drivers are all lower class.

Robin even resisted the urge to laugh: "Wan Yi, seeing how you love your boyfriend so much, I thought he was so good, I didn't expect him to be such a rubbish. How can a person like Wan Yi be worthy of it? you."

Su Wanyi was going crazy.

Is this foreign man sick?

What kind of man you find has nothing to do with you.

The most important thing is that he actually laughed at Ye Chen, which she couldn't bear.

But Ye Chen stopped her.

"Well, we don't need to be angry with this kind of brain damage."

Robin slammed the door open: "My goddess, this should be your car. That Jili is not worthy of you at all."

In his eyes, Ye Chen didn't have any qualifications to compete with himself.

As long as it is a woman, she will choose to be with herself.

At this time, the people around also understood what was going on.

"I'll rub, that foreigner wants to grab the girlfriend of that little brother Didi."

"Too bully, how can our beautiful women in China be taken away by foreigners."

"Distressed brother, I guess my girlfriend will run away with a foreign guy."

"Hey, there is no way, strength determines everything."

There are also some green tea women who said: "Now it's all international. Look at that man, but the president of the big group, how can that little brother Didi compare."

"If it were me, I would also choose a handsome foreign guy."

"That's right, look at how handsome foreign men are gentlemen, I don't know how much better than that little brother Didi."

The Chinese men were very heartbroken when they heard the words of these scumbags.

Hey, it seems that you have to work hard. Look at how miserable the little brother Didi is. He finally found a beautiful woman, but was pried away by someone else.

Su Wanyi sneered, and in the incredible gaze of Robin and everyone, she turned and got into Ye Chen's car directly.

The door closed, leaving Robin with a bewildered look.

He still maintained the very gentleman's bend over, but he was exhausted after taking a look.

Robin's face stiffened as he watched the car passing by.

Su Wanyi turned down him and chose a trash didi, how could this be possible.

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