Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:48 PM

Chapter 562: 562

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China has set up a Star Award, which makes the countries jealous of China unable to sit still.

They didn't expect that Hua Guo would be so rigid this time.

In the past, as long as they imposed sanctions, China would definitely soften.

But this time, their methods completely failed for China.

But they thought of a more vicious move.

Almost the same day, mobile phone manufacturers from all major brands in China received a message.

Countries stop the supply of mobile phone chips to China.

Now mobile phones have become a must for people.

Since Huaguo's chips have not mastered the core technology, they have been relying on foreign supplies.

The other party's move was really too cruel.

The major mobile phone companies were all stupid in an instant.

If there is no chip, then the mobile phone can only be discontinued.

The news quickly spread across all major networks in China.

Ye Chen frowned when he saw the news.

He understands that this is a countermeasure against China's refusal to hand over nuclear energy accumulation data.

After all, China's mobile phone chip technology is still underdeveloped.

As long as the other party curbs the import of mobile phone chips, it is like curbing the throat of China.

After all, mobile phones have become a must for the Chinese people.

If it cannot be manufactured, China can only buy foreign mobile phones.

In that case, the privacy of the Chinese people will not be guaranteed.

At this time, the senior officials in China were also embarrassed.

No one thought that these countries would use such methods.

In the meeting room, Wei Lao looked solemn.

"Everyone, everyone knows the situation. This time we absolutely cannot give in. We must do our best to make a chip."

"However, we lack the core technology. If this problem cannot be solved, it is impossible for us to design a chip."

"In any case, we must make our own chips." Wei Lao took a deep breath.

At this time, he thought of Star University in his mind.

Unfortunately, he still shook his head.

Although Star University is very good in some fields, after all, Star University is not a panacea.

This kind of precision field has not been researched by scientists in China for so long. How can Star University produce it?

At this time, the conference room of Star University.

Ye Chen looked at several microelectronics students in the school.

"Everyone has heard about chips recently."

Several students also showed indignation on their faces.

But their expressions were a little bit depressed.

In fact, they have been doing research on chips.

But this research is too difficult and involves many fields.

Although these students have studied for a long time, they have no clue.

Ye Chen saw everyone's eyes lightly and said: "We will use three days to make our own chips."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the students at the scene were shocked.

How is it possible to make your own chips in three days?

Lu Hang, the monitor of microelectronics, stood up: "President Ye, the production of chips is in the groping stage in China. It is impossible to make them in three days.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Our Star University can make nuclear reactors, can make mechas, why can't we make our own chips?"


Ye Chen put a document in front of several microelectronics students.

"Give you three days to make it for me."

Ye Chen got up and left.

This information was compiled by Ye Chen all night.

It can be said that there are detailed chip manufacturing techniques.

These students have been engaged in the field of microelectronics.

Ye Chen can say that he taught them the method, and it is not difficult to make it.

Lu Hang looked through the information, and was immediately stunned when he saw the contents inside.

"how can that be?"

Several other people also gathered around.

Everyone was stupid seeing the information edited by Ye Chen.

If we say that the chip technology is countless doors without keys to them, and Ye Chen almost gave them the keys.

Twelve students majoring in microelectronics immediately entered the laboratory and started research.

At this time, Huaguo Rice Mobile Headquarters.

The boss Luo Fei listened to the report with a solemn expression.

"Our current chips can only maintain the production volume for three days, and we will not be able to continue working on this batch of mobile phones."

"Can't other countries buy it?" Luo Fei asked solemnly.

"We have contacted many countries, and they seem to have negotiated, and they will not sell to our Chinese companies at all."

Not only rice, but almost all other mobile phone manufacturers have encountered the same problem.

The chips that China now imports can only maintain a supply of half a month at most.

If the problem is not resolved, all cell phone manufacturing will stagnate.

Mobile phones are now being updated very quickly. If they cannot continue to be updated, then China's electronic technology will be completely backward.

"How to do?"

Even the Internet has exploded.

Many netizens even advocate compromise.

But more netizens firmly support their own research and development.

The Chinese government even released a message to use the power of the whole country to study chip technology.

Facing the blockade, the Chinese people united again.

At this time, the chip of the Star University is also in full swing.

For three days, these students almost lived in the laboratory.

Ye Chen has also been paying attention to the skills of these students.

Three days later, when a small chip appeared in front of everyone, the electronics majors all cried with joy.

"We succeeded."

Ye Chen came to the laboratory and nodded in satisfaction when seeing the results of these students.

After testing, the performance of the chip researched by Star University is even higher than the production level of foreign chips.

Whether it is technology or consumables, it is completely crushing today's technology.

At this time, Mr. Wei hadn't slept for several nights.

Research on chip technology has been stagnant.

Even the voice of whether to compromise has appeared inside.

Old Wei sighed.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, and China must become stronger so as not to be so angry.

At this moment, Mr. Wei's cell phone rang.

Seeing the number, Ye Chen called.

"President Ye, is there something to do?" Wei Lao asked.

"Oh, it's about the chip." Ye Chen said.

"Chip?" Hearing Ye Chen's words, Wei Lao's heart moved, and even became a little nervous.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "We have already researched the chip, you can bring an expert to see it."

"What? Researched it out?" When Wei Lao heard Ye Chen's words, he almost didn't jump up with excitement.

"Really?" Old Wei said with a trembling voice.

"Well, we have done the test, and the performance is even better than the current international level."

Wei Lao immediately organized an expert group and took a special plane to the Star University overnight.

Hua Guo has the Star University, and Ye Chen is really lucky for Hua Guo.

Old Wei sighed in his heart.

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