Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:38 PM

Chapter 567: 567

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Lu Chang was very moved because the project Ye Chen asked him to complete was a robotic arm.

He also understood that Ye Chen knew from the beginning that there was a problem with his arm.

But Ye Chen didn't say, but instead asked him to study the robotic arm.

Looking at the design drawings, Lu Chang's eyes were full of excitement.

"Principal Ye, is this robotic arm really okay?"

Before, Lu Chang couldn't move his right hand, which became the biggest pain in his heart.

But if the design drawing of the robotic arm in front of him can really come true, he knows exactly what it means.

It means that his hands can be restored and moved.

In that case, the obstacles that prevent him from realizing his dreams will be removed.

Lu Chang looked at Ye Chen nervously.

He was very worried that Ye Chen would say that this design drawing could not be completed.

However, what Ye Chen said made Lu Chang breathe out.

"No problem, as long as you make it, although your right hand cannot be guaranteed to be exactly the same as a normal person, it can recover 80 to 90%."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Lu Chang's heart suddenly became excited.

Eighty to ninety percent, for him, it was already the same as a dream.

Oh my god, if my hands can recover 80 to 90%, then I can realize my dream.

Lu Chang's body was shaking with excitement.

Ye Chen smiled and began to explain to Lu Chang how to make the robotic arm.

Lu Chang read a lot of books about machinery during this period, and it came into play at this time.

It can be said that his theoretical knowledge and comprehension ability even surpassed Lu Gang.

Lu Chang's only poor hands-on ability.

After Ye Chen finished explaining, Lu Chang nodded: "Principal Ye, I understand, thank you."

With that, Lu Chang bowed to Ye Chen.

This is Lu Chang from the heart.

He was really moved.

Because Ye Chen gave him a chance to realize his dream.

And even though Ye Chen knew that he was a disabled person, he never mentioned it from the beginning to the end.

Ye Chen treated him like an ordinary student and gave him the utmost respect.

"Come on, I am optimistic about you." Ye Chen patted Lu Chang on the shoulder.

Lu Chang nodded and took a deep breath: "Principal, I won't let you down."

Ye Chen deployed a laboratory specifically for Lu Chang.

Lu Chang plunged directly into the laboratory.

Although Lu Chang had dreams before, it was the first time that he was so close to his dreams.

And these are the hopes Ye Chen brought to him, so he must not let Headmaster Ye down.

Lu Chang entered the laboratory and began to make parts.

Because only his left hand can move, he pays twice as much for every part he makes.

At the beginning, Lu Chang was very struggling.

The first installation failed.

However, Lu Chang was not discouraged at all and continued to start again.

It still failed the second time.

I don't know how many times Lu Chang finally installed the first part.

Lu Chang spent the whole day soaking in the laboratory.

Although the progress was slow, Lu Chang was very happy.

I have to say that Lu Chang's resilience surprised Ye Chen a little.

At this time, Lu Chang's installation speed was much faster than before.

In the video, Ye Chen watched the failure again and again, but wiped his sweat again and again to start Lu Chang again.

Ye Chen thought that Lu Chang would take at least three days for the first process, but he completed it in just one day.

Ye Chen came to the laboratory and looked at Lu Chang who was already tired and paralyzed and smiled: "You have done a great job, take a break, and you can start the second step."

"Principal Ye, I don't need to rest."

Ye Chen shook his head: "No, you must rest."

Although Lu Chang worked hard, his body was even more important.

There was no way that Lu Chang had to go back to rest.

After sleeping, Lu Chang went back to the laboratory, but saw a few people standing in the laboratory.

It was just a few people from Lu Gang.

Lu Chang would go to the mecha lab every day to see them assembling and he knew a few people.

Looking at a few people, Lu Chang was stunned.

Lu Gang smiled and said, "Principal Ye asked us to work on your project together."

Lu Chang understood, because the subsequent assembly is more difficult, and it would be difficult if he did it by himself.

"It would be great if you could help."

Several people started working together.

With the help of Lu Gang, the progress was indeed much faster.

And Lu Gang and the others were also taken aback by Lu Chang's theoretical level.

When faced with a problem, Lu Chang can always think of a better way.

At the beginning, Lu Chang was not confident, but gradually he found confidence and spoke more.

In three days, a mechanical arm appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at this robotic arm very excited, especially Lu Chang.

Lu Gang smiled and said, "Hurry up and try it with you."

Lu Chang nodded and assembled the robotic arm very nervously.

He tried to raise his arm.

The shocking thing is that the arm actually lifted up.

Tears burst into Lu Chang's eyes.

His arm actually rose.

You know, he hasn't had a hint of intuition in his arm for so many years, but now he can lift it up.

He tried to make a fist.

The fist clenched obediently.

"We succeeded." Lu Chang wept with joy.

Although his right hand control is different from human hands, he can move, which already makes Lu Chang very excited.

Lu Chang took a deep breath. Below is the most important thing. He wants to pick up an item.

He picked up an iron box with his hands.

Very smoothly, the iron box was picked up easily by Lu Chang.

Everyone was taken aback.

This iron box, ordinary people need a lot of strength to pick up, but Lu Chang even raised it very easily with one hand.

If this technology is applied to the mecha, then their work progress will be doubled.

Lu Gang said joyfully: "Lu Chang, if you can, can you join our mech team."

Lu Chang was stunned when he heard Lu Gang's invitation.

This is something he dreams of, but he can't even think about it.

Because he feels that entering the team is completely a burden to the team and can't do anything.

Lu Gang said seriously: "Your theoretical knowledge is very important to our team, and now that you have a robotic arm, you can do many things that we can't do. Lu Chang, I sincerely invite you to join our team."

Lu Chang felt a little excited when he heard Lu Gang's words.

So am I really that important?

Lu Chang nodded vigorously: "Okay, I am very willing to join your mecha team."

In the video, Ye Chen saw several people hugging each other, with a gratifying smile on his face.

Ye Chen's aim is not to give up any student. Now Lu Chang has regained his self-confidence and found his own dream. This is Ye Chen's happiest thing.

At this time, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Ye, I heard that you recently made a fortune and smashed Robin from the Barley Group to earn 100 million." Chen Wan said with a smile.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "You also know about this."

"Haha this has become a joke in the Financial Building." Chen Wandao.

"Mainly this guy likes to pretend too much, and he is so rich that he won't be scammed or scammed."

Chen Wan smiled and said, "Ye Dong, it's been a long time since I got together. Are you free tonight? Have a meal together."

Ye Chen nodded: "No problem."

Chen Wan smiled and said, "At 6:30 in the evening, Tianbao Hotel."

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "Isn't Tianbao Hotel my own hotel?"

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