Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:37 PM

Chapter 568: 568

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In the evening, Ye Chen drove the car and came to Tianbao Hotel early.

Seeing Ye Chen, the waiter at the door bowed quickly: "Hello boss."

Ye Chen nodded at several people.

"How is our hotel recently?" Ye Chen asked.

"Since our restaurant changed the head chef, the business is very good. It is full every day. If you want to order food, you need to order half a month in advance."

Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction.

I have to say that the students of Star University are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Since the chef team of Star University moved in, the restaurant has gained a reputation in the magic city.

Otherwise, Chen Wan would not invite Ye Chen to dinner at the Tianbao Hotel.

"Boss, are you here to inspect the work?"

Ye Chen shook his head: "No, I'm here to eat today, you don't have to worry about me if you are busy."

"Yes, boss please."

"Ye Dong, it's been a long time."

When Ye Chen turned around, it turned out to be Brother Teng.

"Brother Teng, come to eat too."

"Yes, the dishes at the Tempo Hotel are very good. I have eaten it once, and I will come once a week. I don't want to discuss business with a customer here. I specialize here."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Well, I have to come often in the future, I also come to eat."

Brother Teng looked at the time: "Well, my guest hasn't come yet, so let's talk about your VR project first."

Ye Chen nodded, and the two of them went directly to Room 118.

"Ye Chen, can your VR technology cooperate with our company?"

With the efforts of Lin Wanrou, the VR project of Star Company has become very popular.

This made Brother Teng also very enthusiastic, and later learned that the VR technology was originally from Ye Chen.

He wanted to talk to Ye Chen himself, but he didn't expect to meet Ye Chen here.

Ye Chen laughed and said, "Okay, as long as Brother Teng is willing, we can of course cooperate. We can also be considered a strong alliance."

The most difficult thing facing VR now is promotion.

Brother Teng owns WeChat and Penguin, the most popular communication software in China. If VR games are embedded in these two software, it will be a mess.

At this time, a luxurious Lincoln sedan stopped in front of the Tianbao Hotel.

A pressing man got out of the car.

This person is no one else, but Robin, the king who was forced by Ye Chen.

Robin had just got out of the car and suddenly his face sank.

Because he saw a very familiar car, Jerry.

The car stopped directly in front of the hotel.

When he saw this car, he knew Ye Chen was also here.

For some reason, Robin had a bad feeling when he saw this car.

Robin felt that Ye Chen was his nemesis. Since seeing Ye Chen, he has been unlucky.

But he shook his head.

Ye Chen is just a local tyrant in China. He is a super white-collar worker in M ​​country and the president of Damai Group Huaguo. How does Ye Chen compare with himself? Isn't there a commercial building? Maybe, it's just a rich second generation relying on the old man.

I am a graduate of Yale University's finance department, the most powerful country in M, a Chinese tycoon, how can I compare with me.

Thinking of this, his face was filled with pride again.

But when he came to the box, Robin frowned.

It turned out that the brother Teng whom he had appointed did not come.

Suddenly his brow frowned.

The Chinese are too unpunctual, and it's obviously time for the date.

"Trash Chinese people, the quality is too bad, if the company hadn't sent me, I really wouldn't want to stay in this trash country for one more minute."

Although Robin speaks English, the people who come to eat here are all elites. Naturally, everyone around him has heard what he said.

Rubbish country, **** Chinese, this guy or something, even scolds Chinese **** on the land of China.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit said solemnly: "Sir, please be careful when you speak. Since you are on the land of China, you should respect our country, and you must apologize to us Chinese people."

Robin was upset when he heard what the man said.

After coming to China, his luck has been bad.

First, the woman I liked was robbed, and then another 100 million yuan was cheated. Now I was accused of cursing a few words.

Robin said arrogantly: "Let me apologize, do you deserve it? Do you know who I am?"

"I am the president of M Country Barley Group Huaguo, and it is a joke to apologize to you."

The faces of everyone in the Damai Group changed.

As the top ten investment company in China, many people have heard of the name of Damai Group.

"It turned out to be the Damai Group. No wonder it's so awesome."

"The president of Damai Group Huaguo turned out to be the top management of Damai."

"No wonder you are so bullish."

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "President of Damai Group, since you are here to develop in China, the first thing is to learn to respect, not to be arrogant. You must apologize for this matter today."

"That is, come to earn our money and scold us."

"When we are fools?"

"You must apologize and give an explanation."

The surrounding Chinese are gone, what about the president of your Damai Group?

It perishes early in the morning, and is still a bully for China, isn’t it?

At this time, Ye Chen, Brother Teng, and Chen Wan, a few of them were chatting, and they watched the excitement when they heard the noise outside.

Ye Chen was stunned when he saw Robin. Isn't this the forced king from Country M?

At this time, Manager Bai also came over.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen asked.

Manager Bai said: "This guest called us Huaguo **** in the living room because our customers from Huaguo arrived late, and said that our Chinese people are of low quality."

Brother Teng's face was ugly.

Robin is talking about himself.

What's so special, it's obviously that the other party is late and scolds himself for rubbish.

Teng Ge suddenly became angry.

Did you guys come late and scold me now, and still want to make my money and cooperate with me?


At this time, Robin was very unhappy being besieged by a group of Chinese.

In his eyes, white people are arrogant.

The Chinese are just a group of low-class people.

This time he even lost the bottom line and exploded directly.

These elites in China are not easy to mess with either.

"You dare to be so arrogant on the land of China."

"Exposure him."

"Yes, put the video of him scolding Chinese people on the Internet, and let the whole Chinese country boycott the Damai Group."

At this time, Baitang rushed over.

Because these guests are already going to beat people.

"Calm down, everyone, he has no quality. We Chinese people can't have no quality, right."

At this time, a young man said: "This kind of **** also wants to develop in China. I have already filmed the video of him scolding us in China. It will make all the Chinese boycott the Barley Group when it is posted on the Internet."

Robin was also anxious when he heard the young man's words.

After all, if this incident were really exposed, wouldn't it be miserable for me.

Baitang saw Robin aroused the anger and said coldly: "Mr., we do not welcome you in our restaurant, please leave immediately."

Robin frowned. He knew that he would not be able to do it here, so he said, "Let me go, but I must promise me one condition."

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