Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:35 PM

Chapter 569: 569

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Baitang snorted coldly: "In our country, we are scolding us Chinese people, and you also make terms with us? Someone throws it out for me."

Robin frowned upon hearing this, his eyes were cold, and put on an air: "I am a black belt in Taekwondo."

Several security guards punched and kicked directly and threw Robin out.

There was a round of applause.

Robin saw what Ye Chen was talking to Brother Teng at this time.

"Ye Chen, it really is Ye Chen, it must be this guy who messed up behind him."

Ye Chen looked dumbfounded.

"What did I do? I'm so wronged."

The next day, Ye Chen was running beeping, Su Wanyi's phone rang.

"Ye Chen, didn't you promise me to buy some bedding for me today?"

"Well, I almost forgot, no problem, let's go buy it now."

The two went directly to the Binjiang Mall.

Ye Chen took Su Wanyi to the bedding counter.

After all, I was buying things for Su Wanyi, so of course I had to buy the most expensive.

At this time, a female salesperson saw two people smile and said: "The two are buying bedding."

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, show us the best of you here."

"OK, all right."

After that, the saleswoman brought a few beddings and smiled: "The two must be decorating a new house. Look at our auspicious dragon and phoenix, it's the most suitable for your newcomers."

Su Wanyi's pretty face turned red when she heard the female salesperson's words.

Su Wanyi said embarrassingly: "We are not newly married."

The saleswoman froze for a moment and asked: "Ah, the two have been married for a long time? You are quite young, I'm sorry, it turns out that you are already an old couple and an old wife."

Ye Chen: "..."

Su Wanyi:..."

At this time, Su Wanyi's blush was like a big apple.

"We won't buy it anymore."

Saying that Su Wanyi pulled Ye Chen and ran away.

The saleswoman was stunned: "I didn't say anything, why did this girl blush and drag her husband away?"

Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi and couldn't help but laugh.

Finally, Ye Chen took Su Wanyi to buy a few sets of bedding. Of course, Ye Chen was very willing to Su Wanyi, and they bought the most expensive ones.

Several quilts actually cost more than 20,000 yuan.

Su Wanyi smiled and said, "Thank you."

"It's okay, wife." Ye Chen smiled.

"You still said." Su Wanyi's face blushed again.

When two people buy bedding, the waiter thinks they are a pair.

After visiting the mall, it's time for dinner.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I have been walking around with you for a long time, so you have to invite me anyway."

Su Wanyi listened and said, "Well, what do you want to eat?"

Ye Chen looked at a restaurant not far away: "I heard that Master Yu's restaurant is very good, why don't we go there?"

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi nodded.

In fact, Su Wanyi wanted to go home to eat.

Because she is still greedy for Ye Chen's noodles.

But after all, Ye Chen bought so many beddings for himself, and it would not be appropriate to let someone go home to cook.

Two people came to Master Yu's restaurant and asked for a box directly.

Just after entering the box, a waiter girl walked in.

Su Wanyi also often visits this restaurant, so she is very familiar with the cuisine and directly ordered two signature dishes.

Ye Chen also ordered two dishes, four dishes and one soup.

After a while, the waiter came with the dishes.

The waiter smiled and said: "The two are very lucky. Today, Mr. Yu, the founder of our restaurant, personally cooks the dishes. The taste must be very delicious."

Su Wanyi was also overjoyed.

Yu Fu, the founder of Master Yu, is said to be a well-known chef in the world.

The cooking was very famous at the time.

Unfortunately, after retiring, he seldom eats the dishes he cooks.

Su Wanyi picked up the chopsticks and happily took a sip.

But soon, Su Wanyi's face showed a disappointed look.

Ye Chen asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

Su Wanyi said dissatisfied: "I heard my father say that Master Yu was the number one chef of the Magic City at the beginning. Isn't he getting old? This dish is not very good."

Ye Chen was taken aback after hearing this.

After a bite of the dish, the taste is actually very good.

Of course, it is still incomparable with his own god-level cooking skills, but this level in the catering industry is already very powerful.

Ye Chen suddenly understood.

It should be Su Wanyi who ate the noodles she made yesterday and had a mess.

Su Wanyi smiled and said, "Maybe the master is older, so why don't you order a few more favorite dishes and see how the apprentice is doing."

Ye Chen said to the waiter: "Waitress, let your original chef cook these two dishes again."

The waiter was stunned for a moment: "Could it be that you are not satisfied with the dishes Master Yu cooked?"

Su Wanyi said: "Well, I feel that his cooking is not as good as the apprentice's."

"Ah, how could it be possible? This is what Master Yu cooked. Many people want to eat it but haven't had a chance." The waiter was a little puzzled.

Su Wanyi was dissatisfied: "Huh, this is the famous Demon Chef at the beginning. I feel that his dishes are not as good as my boyfriend's noodle soup."

Ye Chen smiled helplessly: "Okay, the waiter will just do what my girlfriend said."

But after a while, an old man entered the box angrily.

"Huh, where did the little Huangmao girl say that my dishes are not as delicious as noodle soup."

At this time, the waiter also followed: "Lao Yu, don't be angry..."

Ye Chen understood, it must be the waiter and Yu Lao who said that Su Wanyi didn't like his dishes, and the old man had a temper.

Su Wanyi was also a little embarrassed.

After all, the other party is also in his 70s, and he just said casually, but he didn't know that the waiter actually talked to the old man.

Seeing the old man, Su Wanyi was also a little guilty.

After all, they are already in their eighties, and they say behind their backs that they are not good at cooking, which really hurts the face of the elderly.

So Su Wanyi said apologetically: "Yu Lao, but I am used to the taste of the original master, so it is not that you did not taste good, it may just not meet my taste."

Originally, Su Wanyi wanted to give Yu Lao a step down.

I don't know that Yu Lao didn't buy it at all.

He snorted coldly: "I did a state banquet in Yufu back then. Who wouldn't say that the dishes I cooked are delicious? You said that it doesn't suit your taste. Little girl, what right do you have to say that the dishes I cook are not delicious?

Su Wanyi originally wanted to give the other party a step down, after all, she was an old man in her eighties.

But I didn't expect that they didn't give themselves face, and came back in shock, also a little ugly.

On the side, Ye Chen was a little dissatisfied when he saw that his girlfriend was being taught by others.

"Old man, you are wrong to say that. You are a chef and people have different tastes. It's impossible for everyone to like your dishes. Even if your dishes are delicious, isn't it allowed as a guest? Is it true that the dishes you cook must be said to be delicious?"

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