Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:32 PM

Chapter 572: 572

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After listening to Ye Chen's explanation on cooking, Yu Mansion admired Ye Chen even more.

He felt that being able to worship Ye Chen as a teacher was the most correct decision he had made.

The two chatted for a while, and Ye Chen's stomach was already screaming.

Because Ye Chen had been chatting with Yufu, Ye Chen didn't eat a meal.

Yufu embarrassed: "Master, I am not good, so you don't have a good meal. You see that the food is cold, I will cook you some dishes."

At this time, the door of the box was pushed open, and Yu Ming came up with the steaming dishes.

"Master Ye, I have made a few more special dishes, can you please give me some pointers."

Su Wanyi took a bite and frowned: "This taste is so unpalatable?"

Yu Fu also grabbed a chopstick and finished eating, but he was dissatisfied and said: "Xizi, your cooking skills have regressed. How can you make this food for people to eat?"

Yu Ming said: "Master, your taste must be that you have finished eating the dishes made by the master. Don't compare me to the master, otherwise, how will we cook in the future?"

Yufu nodded: "You kid, although this is the truth, but you have to strive for perfection and strive to reach the level of one-tenth of your master. Your restaurant will definitely become more popular."

Ye Chen's cheeks flushed by these two.

So, while eating vegetables, he gave guidance to Ming again, and then left.

Yufu and Yu Ming brought their disciples and grandchildren to the gate.

This posture attracted the attention of countless customers.

Ye Chen sent Su Wanyi home, and Su Wanyi smiled and said, "Ye Chen, I am very happy today. Thank you for having such delicious food."

"Haha, you just want to be happy."

Su Wanyi walked out a few steps and suddenly remembered something: "Right, five-star praise."

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving five-star praise, activating the second praise star, and obtaining a system reward of 40% of Tianmei Cinema. "

Tianmei Cinemas owns 45% of the theater resources in country M, and has more than 1,000 large screens in country M.

Ye Chen is trying to open up overseas markets, this reward is too timely for him.

At this moment, Ye Chen received the call.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is finished.

Ye Chen came to Star University, watched the samples of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and nodded in satisfaction.

This project, Ye Chen was handed over to the design team of Star University.

It was given to them because the post-production design team of Star University owns special effects software for film and television edited by Ye Chen.

The strength of this software completely kills the current technology.

On the same day, Ye Chen took a whole floor at the Marriott Hotel to celebrate the end of the shooting.

At the banquet, all the cast and crew came.

Ye Chen was also very bold, and gave everyone a red envelope in one breath.

The average person’s is 10,000, and even the red envelopes of a few main persons in charge are millions.

With hundreds of cast and crew members, Ye Chen even sent tens of millions of red envelopes in one breath.

Especially Liu Hua, Zhou Fa, and Tong Xiaoya have millions of red envelopes.

Now, Liu Hua and Zhou Fa are short of money.

Millions of red envelopes are really a huge sum of money for them.

The main reason why Ye Chen sent such a big red envelope is that these actors are really bitter.

After all, his energy is limited, and several assistant directors actually supported the logistics of the entire film.

Ye Chen only directed the filming.

And Ye Chen was also very satisfied with the quality of the shooting, basically meeting his requirements for the entire film.

The most important thing is that Ye Chen signed Liu Hua and Zhou Fa, which is a lot of blood.

Ye Chen believes that this drama will be on the line.

Being rich is self-willed, and Ye Chen's purpose is to tell everyone that as long as you work hard with me, there will never be less red envelopes.

A message appeared in the entertainment section that day.

At the celebration scene of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", Ye Chen sent out tens of millions of red envelopes.

As soon as the news came out, the entertainment circle was in an uproar.

"I rub, this is really too rich."

"What a local tyrant."

"If you send out tens of millions of red envelopes before the screening, Ye Chen is too confident."

"Haha, I heard that he is just a rich and rich second generation. Can you watch the film?"

Ye Chen gave people the feeling that he was just a prodigal son.

Soon Ye Chen got the news that the film was reviewed and the schedule was set for the eleventh prime time.

Not only that, Ye Chen arranged for Lin Wanrou to take the film to arrange the foreign screening of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

Tianmei Group has theaters in major cities throughout North America, so Ye Chen not only wants to make "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" popular in China this time, but also all over the world.

Soon Lin Wanrou came back with news that under the operation of the Tianmei Group, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was scheduled to be launched in island countries, Bangzi countries, and more than a dozen countries in Europe.

I have to say that Tianmei Group is really awesome.

Ordinary movies are not supported by Tianmei.

But Ye Chen is the boss who owns 40% of the shareholders. Now Ye Chen can be said to be the largest shareholder. He dare not care about the movies he made?

Everything is done, Ye Chen is waiting for the final result.

The first is the pre-sale activity.

The film has been sent to the theater chain, and the entire film advertisement Ye Chen has been given to the marketing department of Star University.

Sure enough, these children did not let him down.

The publicity is very in place, even in the game of Kings Canyon, the movie poster is implanted.

The final film is scheduled for October 1st.

The zero point film will be screened in China.

Late at night, Ye Chen lay in Washington, with Lin Wanrou beside him.

For this film, Lin Wanrou rushed to and fro, very hard.

After coming back, Ye Chen would naturally pamper her well.

After the two people finished exercising, it happened to be more than one o'clock in the morning.

The audience watching the premiere should have been out of the theater.

He kept refreshing his Weibo and wanted to see what netizens said about the film.

Sure enough, netizens began to comment on this film. "I just came out of the theater. I haven't watched such a great martial arts movie for a long time. My girlfriend was crying."

It's a pity that the heroine jumped off the cliff in the end.

"@叶辰, why did the heroine Yulongjiao jump off the cliff?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly.

In the previous life, this topic was the focus of the fans' attention. In fact, the director did not give an explanation at the time, and Ye Chen naturally did not know the reason.

If you have to ask Ye Chen the reason, that's how the script is written, and she just wants to jump off the cliff.

Ye Chen continued to scan Weibo.

The evaluation of the film is almost all positive.

Seeing the evaluation of these films, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The film is stable.

Ye Chen looked at Lin Wanrou who was aside, kissed her gently, and fell asleep.

Ye Chen opened Weibo the next day.

This movie has already exploded.

Even boarded the hot search list.

The first hot search was that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" created a box office miracle, with zero sales exceeding 20 million.

The second hot search is director Ye Chen's face-to-face questioning, with a box office of 20 million, which is expected to break through the sales champion.

The third hot search, Ye Dao, has a unique eye, and Fa Ge's acting skills exploded.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" ignited the movie market in China as soon as it was released.

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