Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:30 PM

Chapter 574: 574

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In the evening, major media began to report on the overseas box office of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

As soon as the box office of 38 million M yuan came out, the whole China was a sensation.

Huaguo's films have never been successful in going out of foreign markets.

Basically, it is the fate of the street and the bottom.

However, this record not only broke the foreign box office record of Chinese films, it was also included in the world's first ten days before the box office.

For a time, the entire China was a sensation.

Although everyone looks good at this movie, they didn't expect it to be such a huge success.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" became the first day box office champion of Country M."

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon takes off overseas."

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" created a miracle of overseas box office for Hua Guo.


All major entertainment sections are reporting this movie frantically.

Experts who once questioned the "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" movie have been beaten in their faces.

On the second day, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" box office statistics were completed on the first day, with a box office of 120 million on the first day.

This movie can be said to have created a new high in the box office of Chinese-language movies in recent years, and the cold winter in this movie market is like a shot in the arm.

Even this movie blinded many filmmakers.

They have also made martial arts-themed movies, but without exception, they all ended with bashing on the street.

With this movie, Zhou Fa jumped from a group acting into an acting star.

Tong Xiaoya regained her popularity with this movie.

With his outstanding performance in the film, Liu Hua has further established his position in the film world.

Zhou Fa, Tong Xiaoya, and Liu Hua have all improved on the star list.

With Tong Xiaoya and Liu Hua coming to the fire of Star Entertainment, the movie stars of Tiange Group were a little bit ready to move.

Because several films have lost money, Tiange had to cut his salary.

This has caused dissatisfaction with many celebrities in the company.

There are constantly celebrities going away.

And their target is the Star Company.

Originally, Tiange Group was in a downturn.

As a result, most of the celebrities left, causing stock prices to plummet.

Wu Ge never dreamed that he would lose to a star entertainment company that had just started.

With the big sales of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" on the first day, word-of-mouth effects were formed on the Internet, and almost the movie theaters of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" were full.

Many studios have deliberately added more shows to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

In the past few days, Ye Chen's Weibo was almost exploded.

Some people praise Ye Chen for his talent, and praise Ye Chen that Ye Chen's film is good.

But more people asked why Yu Jiaolong jumped off the cliff.

In the past few days, Ye Chen received tens of thousands of private messages asking this question every day.

Ye Chen just replied in a deliberately mysterious way: "When you see through the film, you will realize it."

It turned out that I didn't know the reason, because I didn't see through the film, so many people started to do it twice.

The entire North American box office was also released at this time, and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" made a crazy profit of 280 million.

120 million in several other countries.

Overseas alone, the box office of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has reached 1.8 billion yuan.

No one thought that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which is not favored by everyone, would sell so well.


Inside the mechanical laboratory of Star University.

At this time, the huge mecha stood in the laboratory.

The whole mecha has changed a lot from before.

Especially inspired, the team replaced the mech with a new robotic arm.

This arm is more flexible and more powerful than the previous one.

Now the mecha has entered the final public relations.

Everyone is working day and night.

Every part must ensure that there is no deviation.

During this time, Wang Meng and Lu Gang often went to the principal's office to find Ye Chen.

They have to ask Ye Chen about things they don't understand, or after completing the project, and ask Ye Chen to check them.

After upgrading, the current mecha is very different from before.

The cockpit of the mech has been upgraded to make it more comfortable than before.

Before, Lu Gang was in the operating room, because of the heat and nervousness, he almost collapsed.

Air conditioning is now installed in the operating room, and the temperature is appropriate.

The most important thing is that the whole control is different from before. It is no longer controlled by hand, but is all controlled by intelligent voice.

The entire operating system is the most advanced artificial intelligence operating system.

The current mechas have fully achieved that the human and mechas are controlled almost simultaneously.

Ye Chen looked at the mecha in the laboratory and nodded with satisfaction.

The current mecha is the mecha that Ye Chen is satisfied with.

What satisfied Ye Chen most was the attitude of these students.

Although the production of the entire mecha was supported by Ye Chen's technical support, most of them were made by the hard work of these students.

These students already possess excellent qualities.

With the abilities of these students, even if they leave Star University, they will become the pillars of talent in various fields in China and contribute to the rise of China.

This is also Ye Chen's original intention to establish Xingchen University.

Ye Chen's purpose in founding Star University is to let every student's dream have wings.

In fact, Ye Chen also had some worries at the beginning.

Because this model has never been seen before.

But from now on, Ye Chen's model has succeeded.

He believes that as long as Star University continues to follow this rhythm, he will be the cradle of talents in China.

"Principal Ye, you are here."

Lu Gang ran to Ye Chen and interrupted Ye Chen's thoughts.

Ye Chen smiled and nodded.

Now, Ye Chen's relationship with these classmates is very close.

Ye Chen is not only their principal, but also their elder brother and friend.

It's not as cautious as it was at the beginning.

Ye Chen asked, "How is the mecha completed?"

From the outside, Ye Chen could see that the progress of the entire mecha was already very fast.

But after all, he couldn't see the progress of the entire mecha from the outside.

"The overall design is now 80% complete, and we are still in the final assembly and design."

Lu Gang said: "Hey, for such a big guy, every part of the assembly is hard to assemble. Our entire team is almost tortured to death by this big guy."

He said that he was tortured to death, but Ye Chen could see that from Lu Gang's eyes, there was a sense of excitement.

There was a blast of thunder outside, and then it rained heavily.

"This year has had a lot of rain." Ye Chen looked outside.

"Yes, I heard that it has been raining for more than a month in our hometown."

"I don't know where this heavy rain has suffered again." Ye Chen sighed.

Disaster relief every year is a difficult task.

Especially in some hardest-hit areas, there are casualties in disaster relief every year.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, he must do something.

So Ye Chen got into the laboratory.

One night later, Ye Chen walked out of the laboratory, still holding a device in his hand.

This device can be worn on the feet.

Ye Chen put on the device, and then came to the artificial lake in the center of the school.

At this time, many students saw Ye Chen wearing a strange device, and they were very curious. What is President Ye going to do?

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