Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:29 PM

Chapter 575: 575

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Ye Chen put on the device and walked towards the lake.

What shocked everyone was that Ye Chen didn't sink, but could move freely on the lake.

Seeing this scene, the scene was in an uproar.

I rub, it's too awesome.

This is simply the legendary floating on the water.

Many countries have also developed similar devices.

But the device is very clumsy, and there are many uncertainties on the water.

The device Ye Chen studied was as easy as it was on the ground.

Oh my God, what kind of technology is this awesome?

Soon the lake was surrounded by people.

Ye Chen tried it and was very satisfied with this experiment.

In this case, the rescue mission can be successfully completed even in the turbulent river.

At this time, the flood situation in the south became more and more serious.

The disaster situation is constantly reported on TV.

Now the heavy rain continues in the south. If this continues, the situation will be very serious.

On TV, Ye Chen saw that many villages were flooded.

Seeing our soldiers sitting on the assault boat, risking their lives to rescue the trapped people, Ye Chen's eyes were red.

He immediately contacted Lin Wanrou to stop VR production, and all the factories produced his water walking system.

All major media in China reported on the flood disaster.

Traffic was suspended, planes were suspended, and most importantly, some villages were besieged by floods because many villagers did not have time to evacuate.

At this moment of embarrassment, our soldiers rushed to the forefront, using their young lives to save the masses.

At this time, the water walking instruments made by Ye Chen have been sent to Star University continuously.

At this moment, the floods are almost circularly reported in the news.

The people's soldiers, reporters, volunteers, and local government personnel all rushed to the front line of fighting the flood in the first time.

The whole country is united to fight this natural disaster.

Even the devil was unable to supply electricity due to heavy rain.

At this time, nuclear energy gathering power generation played a role.

During this time, nuclear energy-concentrating power stations have been established all over the country, and they have been tested.

This disaster made the nuclear energy-concentrating power station play a role for the first time.

Major cities rely on nuclear energy to generate electricity to ensure the supply of electricity.

Although the rain is pouring, the impact on people's lives has been minimized because of the power guarantee.

In Shonan City, it has been raining heavily for a week.

Suddenly, the **** was destroyed by the landslide.

The village was instantly flooded, and many people could only stand on the roof to avoid the flood.

Although the local rescue force had arrived, the assault boat couldn't get close because the situation was so bad.

The lives of tens of thousands of people are at stake.

The leader in charge of the rescue looked solemn.

"We must rescue the masses at all costs."

At Star University, Lu Gang watched the news on TV with tears in his eyes.

That is his hometown.

These days, he has been following the news in his hometown. The dam was destroyed and the surrounding villages were flooded.

Lu Gang found Ye Chen: "Principal Ye, I want to take a leave of absence with you, and I want to go home to help the disaster."

Ye Chen frowned upon hearing this.

Now the school has formed a volunteer team to go to the disaster area.

Ye Chen understands that the students’ motivations are good, but what can they do?

The other students in the disaster area were also very excited.

After all, their own home is gone, and their lives are unclear, which is a torment for each of them.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, went to the playground, and gathered fifty classmates.

These students are carefully selected, members of the rescue team.

This time Ye Chen personally led the team, and he would take these fifty classmates to the frontline of disaster relief.

He gave all his equipment to his classmates.

These equipment include water walkers.

Ye Chen first instructed these students to put on the equipment.

When these people walked on the water wearing a water walker, everyone was stupid.

Oh my god, walking on the water is no different from peaceful ground, it’s really amazing.

Ye Chen said: "Dear students, there are difficulties and support from all sides. The purpose of our Star University is to cultivate talents for the country. When the country needs us most, we can contribute our strength. Now it is time to test us."

Looking at those immature faces, Ye Chen said solemnly: "The Star Rescue Team is starting."

Two hundred students rushed to disaster areas across the country.

Although Modu was not affected by the disaster, in the face of this disaster, so many people were besieged, it was impossible for Star University to stand idly by.

Therefore, Ye Chen let his factory produce these equipment overnight.

Star University, also contributes its own strength to this disaster relief.

These two hundred students all applied for the rescue voluntarily.

Originally, Ye Chen didn't allow the students to go to the disaster area without authorization.

After all, these are still children, and if they go, not only may they not be busy on the list, they may also be life-threatening.

But with a water walker, it's different.

At the very least, they have a guarantee of safety.

No matter how big the wind and waves are, for a person wearing a water walker, it is just like climbing a mountain and will not fall into the water.

Moreover, these students are also wearing special life jackets, even if the walking instrument fails, they can save themselves if they fall into the water.

When Ye Chen announced, many of the students' eye circles were red.

All the students in the school saw off these heroes.

Ye Chen walked in the forefront, he felt a kind of responsibility.

Because of the heavy rain, the plane was suspended and they could only travel to the disaster area by car.

On the dam of Shonan City.

Lu Ran, commander-in-chief of Anti-Flood, frowned as he watched the pouring rain.

Now the heavy rain is still constant, and more than a dozen villages are besieged, and the situation is unknown.

The most important thing is that the assault boat simply cannot travel on such turbulent waters.

Although it is eager to save people, it can't let the soldiers take their lives in vain.

Helicopters cannot fly at all in such harsh conditions. The most important thing now is the supply of the masses.

According to the information sent by the Meteorological Bureau, the weather will not improve until three days.

But if there is no food for six or seven days, I am afraid that the people trapped in the house will not insist on the rescue team.

So the most important thing now is how to send supplies to these people.

The plans were denied one by one, Lu Ran's eyes flushed red in a hurry.

He is the local parent official, and the safety of the masses is more important than his life.

But now, looking at the rushing flood, he has nothing to do.

At this time, the secretary came to Lu Ran's side.

"Road Commander, according to statistics, there are 15 villages under siege this time, with more than 1,200 trapped people."

"It's the third day now. According to the news we got, many people have already eaten their food. If there is no more supply..."

With that, the secretary choked a little.

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