Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:26 PM

Chapter 577: 577

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Fifteen villages were flooded this time.

Therefore, after Ye Chen and these children completed the transportation, they went to the next destination again.

Lu Ran could see that Ye Chen and the children were already very tired and wanted them to rest.

But Ye Chen waved his hand, time is life.

At this moment, even Lu Ran was moved by these children.

With them, materials can be delivered to the masses continuously.

In this way, when the weather improves, the rescue team can be dispatched.

Although he was very curious about the equipment on Ye Chen and their students' feet, it was these students who moved him the most.

After all, the city magic city where Star University is located was not affected by the disaster.

These children can lie on a comfortable bed, even watch movies and play games.

But they withstood the heavy rain, carrying heavy material backpacks and shuttled in the wind and rain.

Star University, what kind of school is it?

Why are their students so good?

Lu Ran had seen the level of scientific research of the Star University on TV, but this time he saw the qualities of the children of Star University.

School is not only to teach children knowledge, but also a place to educate people.

Many school students know how to play games and fall in love every day, and there are a few who can really teach and educate people.

Lu Ran saw Ye Chen walking ahead, although his steps were a bit difficult, but Ye Chen was extremely determined.

That's right, because Star University has a different president.

Perhaps only such an excellent principal can educate such a differently excellent student.

Not only Lu Ran was moved by these students, but also the reporters on the scene.

These reporters come from all over the country.

They all came here to report on the disaster.

Reporters have seen too many touching stories these days.

Desperate fighters, staff guarding the dam day and night.

But today, they are still moved by these students.

These students, they didn't need to risk their lives and come here against the wind and rain.

However, they did not hesitate to hesitate, and even regardless of their exhaustion, they continued to deliver materials to the victims of the disaster.

Their spirit is really touching.

These reporters picked up their cameras, recorded their figures, and reported them.

They are role models for all college students in China.

They deserve the people to remember them.

When the news report went out, the entire country of China was shocked.

Seeing those immature faces, everyone was stunned.

These children are only eighteen or nine years old, but their figure is so shocking.

You know, this age should be in a university classroom, and they should be flowers in a greenhouse.

The name of Star University appeared in the hearts of everyone again.

At this time, in a small community.

A middle-aged woman saw her son.

"Old Wang, don't you think this is our Wang Meng?"

Although there was a trace of worry in his eyes, it was more of pride.

They feel that their children have changed.

Become responsible and become even better.

This is something they couldn't even think of before Wang Meng entered the university.

At this time, in a cell.

A couple gathered in front of the TV.

"Lao Lu, look, isn't this Lu Chang from our family?"

"You see his arm can move.

Seeing their children, the husband and wife felt a strange feeling in their hearts.

In the past, their children were very autistic because of their arms.

He is not even willing to go out of the house, and even less willing to communicate with others.

Now, they couldn't believe that Lu Chang's arm was not only healed, but also appeared at the disaster relief scene.

This scene is simply amazing.

You know, after going to Star University, they found that their child was completely different.

On TV, they saw that their son not only didn't feel as inferior as before, he even talked with others very confidently.

Tears flashed from the eyes of the couple when they saw their son.

The two were crying for joy. They were happy and proud of their son.

They can't imagine that a son who was so autistic before is now so sunny and confident.

Not only them, but the parents of other children also saw their children on TV.

They are all proud of their son.

Although they are also worried about their children, none of the parents complained.

Because it proves that their children have responsibility and responsibility.

In the past, these children were little emperors at home and did nothing.

In the end, even the university failed to pass the exam.

But when they go to Star University, these children have changed a lot.

Now their son has become a disaster relief hero and their pride.

Every child's parents have excitement written in their eyes.

They all feel that the child has grown up.

In the hearts of these parents, they are all grateful to Star University.

Other schools only teach children knowledge, but Star University has taught children how to behave.

Not only these parents, but seeing those strong children on the screen, the parents of other students are more yearning for Star University.

At this time, Ye Chen led the students back and forth to transport supplies between the various villages.

Although everyone is tired, no one wants to stop.

Because of their tiredness, they are likely to get fresh lives one by one.

Especially seeing the expressions of the trapped villagers when they saw them, they felt that it was really worth it.

Lu Gang followed the rescue team to his village.

When the familiar village was soaked, Lu Gang's tears flowed out.

Lu Gang came to the village and kept sending supplies to the villagers.

Many people in the same village know Lu Gang.

"Gangzi, Gangzi came to save us."

Lu Gang was also very excited.

They gave the materials to the folks.

Everyone was so hungry that they couldn't help but start eating.

"Did Uncle Song see my parents?"

Lu Gang asked anxiously.

He has just gone to his house, but there are no parents on it.

Uncle Song shook his head: "No, you can look for it again."

Lu Gang searched the entire village but did not see his parents.

At this time, Lu Gang's heart sank.

Could it be that the parents have suffered misfortune.

Ye Chen saw Lu Gang's expression and said, "Lu Gang, don't give up, don't you have an orchard in your house? Let's go there and have a look."

Several people came to the orchard.

At this time, suddenly a voice came: "Gangzi."

Lu Gang saw his parents on a tree.

"Parents?" Lu Gang couldn't help crying when he saw his relatives.

They gave the food to Lu Gang's parents.

Ye Chen took a look at the situation of the old couple. Although they were a little weak, it was fine to add.

Two people were in the orchard when the flood was coming. They climbed onto the tree and escaped.

They waited for three days with strong perseverance, and finally waited for rescue.

After finding his parents, Lu Gang's mood improved.

At the end of this round of rescue, almost all the villages have obtained resources. Now, as long as the rain drops, the rescue team can save people.

Looking at the tired children, Ye Chen was very excited and said earnestly: "Children, you are my pride. Now you have successfully completed the task. Take a good rest in the evening and continue to fight tomorrow."

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