Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:14 PM

Chapter 587: 587

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The awards continue.

Teacher He smiled and said: "The following is the best sound effect award, nominations are..."

Hearing the name of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", the scene was in an uproar.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is really too popular, basically all the films have the footprint of this film.

"I announce that the winning work of the Best Sound Effect Award is "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"!"

Ye Chen took the stage again.

Teacher He smiled and said: "Ye Chen, I don't think you need to step down, just wait for the awards on stage."

Hearing what Teacher He said, there was a burst of laughter at the scene.

Several awards were issued next, but none of them had anything to do with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

But there was no silence for a long time and ushered in a climax of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

"The following is the Best Action Award, and the winning work is "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"."

"What I will award below is the best stunt award, and the winning work is "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"."

Ye Chen took the stage twice again.

In this awards ceremony, Ye Chen became the biggest winner.

Next is the best soundtrack award, the winner of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" Ye Chen.

With the continuation of the awards ceremony, it finally came to the awarding session of the blockbuster awards.

Teacher He went on stage again and said seriously: "The next award is for the best director..."

After speaking, Teacher He looked at the directors in the audience.

Ye Chen also looked at Teacher He.

Because of this award Ye Chen is bound to win.

Ye Chen's goal this time is to win the best director award, which is also an affirmation of himself.

After all, Ye Chen paid a lot for this film.

Therefore, he also wants to rely on this film to prove himself.

Teacher He smiled and said: "Ladies and gentlemen, the works nominated for the Best Director Award this time include "Peace Hotel" Li Li and "Xian Xia Qing Yuan" Sun Chen

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" Ye Chen.

The whole venue is very quiet.

Everyone looked at Teacher He.

Teacher He just sold one Guanzi and smiled: "Everyone, please look at the big screen."

When the picture appeared, Ye Chen's hanging heart was let go.

This film introduces Ye Chen's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

After the introduction of the film, Mr. He smiled and said: "Now, everyone should know who the winner of the best director is."

"Ye Chen, please."

There was warm applause on the scene.

Ye Chen got up and hugged the surrounding actors and directors one by one.

Only Dong Bo's face was gloomy.

Ye Chen won the heaviest director award in China.

After taking the stage, Ye Chen smiled and said: "I am very excited to be able to win this award. Thank you all for your dedication. It is you who made this movie and me. Secondly, I also want to thank those who silently contributed behind the scenes. People, it’s you who made this movie so brilliant today, thank you."

On the stage, Ye Chen bowed.

The performance was impeccable and received warm applause.

The best director awards are over, and Ye Chen's awards are almost the same. Below are the awards for other starring actors in the crew.

"The next award is for Best Actress."

Hearing this award, Ye Chen glanced at Tong Xiaoya beside him.

Tong Xiaoya was nominated for this award before.

In the end, Tong Xiaoya lived up to expectations and won this eye-catching award.

Here are the best newcomers.

Ye Chen looked at Zhou Fa who was aside.

Zhou Fa's body was sitting upright, obviously a little nervous.

Ye Chen smiled faintly and whispered: "You relax a little, it's okay."

Teacher He's eyes really fell on Zhou Fa's body: "It is Zhou Fa who won the best newcomer award this time."

There was warm applause on the scene.

Ye Chen stood up and hugged Zhou Fa.

This award is really hard to come by.

When Zhou Fa played this role, I don’t know how many people questioned him. Many people even thought that Zhou Fa would definitely hit the streets in this film.

But no one thought that Zhou Fa used his actions to slap these people in the face severely.

Zhou Fa's performance has won praise from many audiences and even professionals.

His role is even more deeply rooted.

Relying on his performance, Zhou Fa also jumped from a rookie to a big star.

After taking the stage, Zhou Fa was very excited. He took the trophy and began to express his acceptance speech.

"First of all, the person I want to thank for this award is Ye Chen. He gave me the opportunity. He found me from so many group performances and gave me the opportunity to succeed. Mr. Ye is me. My benefactor, I thank Mr. Ye from the bottom of my heart."

As he spoke, tears even shed from the corners of Zhou Fa's eyes.

His deeds also inspired countless group performances wandering in Hengdian.

Teacher He also smiled and said: "The old saying goes that there are many horses, but Bole is not very common. Mr. Ye is really a Bole. Being able to select Mr. Zhou Fa from so many groups shows that your vision is very poisonous, I can understand. Zhou found the feeling of being there, but this is also inseparable from Mr. Zhou Fa’s own efforts. I believe that Zhou Fa will show us more wonderful films in the future."

In the audience, Ye Chen looked at Zhou Fa with a smile.

I chose Zhou Fa at the time because he looked so much like a actor in his previous life.

Sure enough, Zhou Fa didn't let himself down, his performance was really wonderful.

Finally, Liu Hua won the best supporting actor award.

After stepping down, Ye Chen patted Liu Hua on the shoulder.

"Liu Hua, I guarantee that next year's best actor will be you."

Liu Hua nodded.

Although he only won a supporting actor award, Liu Hua was not dissatisfied at all.

After all, if it weren't for Ye Chen, he should have been blocked now, and there would be no chance to appear here.

It can be said that Ye Chen gave him a chance, and he was just grateful for Ye Chen.

At this time, Dong Bo, who was sitting next to Ye Chen, looked very ugly.

Although his film "Orange" was also nominated for the film, but he didn't get a single award, it's just an out-of-the-box.

Dong Bo felt Ye Chen's gaze, glanced at it and lowered his head.

He scolded Ye Chen for trash in front of the screen, but he never dreamed that Ye Chen's movie suddenly became popular, and it was a mess.

The face was slapped.

Ye Chen looked at Dong Bo's current appearance and was very relieved.

Fool, let you quit.

At the beginning, if Dong Bo didn't quit, he would even become a well-known director because of this film and even earn a dividend of 100 million.

Unfortunately, the final result was that he chose to quit.

The film festival awards ended in a round of applause.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" became the biggest winner of this awards ceremony and won a total of eight awards.

This almost created a record for the film festival.

Ye Chen received a call from Lin Wanrou as soon as he came out of the film festival.

It turned out that one of their projects had some technical problems, and Ye Chen needed to go there in person.

Ye Chen didn't drive, but took the bus directly.

The main reason was that the mountain road was very dangerous, and Ye Chen was not familiar with the terrain.

Looking at his side, Ye Chen's eyes lit up, what a beautiful girl.

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