Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:13 PM

Chapter 588: 588

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Ye Chen didn't expect to meet such a beautiful beauty in this kind of car.

At this time, Ye Chen realized that all men basically stopped playing mobile phones, and looked at the beauties next to him.


Ye Chen lowered his charm value, so now ordinary people can't see that he is the messed up Ye Chen now.

The beauty sits next to Ye Chen, playing with her mobile phone.

Feeling the scent of the girls around him, Ye Chen also secretly sighed, his luck was so good that he could meet beautiful women in a bus.

At this moment, a very fashionable young man got into the car.

At first glance, this young man is of that kind of local tyrant, a famous brand, but it is very unmatched, giving people a sense of explosive household.

"Brother, give me this position." After the young man got in the car, he glanced at the beautiful woman next to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen glanced at each other.

The clothes look great.

However, this kind of pretending strength is really not enough in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen ha ha.

This kind of strength also wants to pretend to be forceful with me, it's too tender.

At this time, the beauty pulled the corner of Ye Chen's clothes, which obviously hinted that Ye Chen should not change positions.

It turned out that this man had been with the beauty for a long time, and the beauty finally got rid of him, but she was still found by the other party.

With the hint of the beauty, Ye Chen wouldn't let it go.

He is a good young man who is brave enough to do what is right. Facing such a bad behavior, he will naturally not bow to the evil forces.

Seeing Ye Chen's position, the man frowned.

"Boy, you won't give me face?"

The man's name is Hou Yong. He has a mine at home and is a local tyrant.

In the county, his father is a local tyrant, so he is very arrogant.

Today, seeing Ye Chen not giving him face, Hou Yong suddenly became angry.

The man directly took out his wallet, and then withdrew a hundred yuan from it, and said coldly: "Dude, give you this one hundred yuan. Give me this position."

Ye Chen glanced at the red ticket in front of him and smiled contemptuously.

One hundred dollars? Are you embarrassed to act at this level?

Seeing Ye Chen unmoved, Hou Yong was stunned for a moment and frowned: "Not too young?"

Therefore, Hou Yong withdrew another hundred yuan.

Ye Chen finally spoke at this time: "Get out."

A hint of anger suddenly appeared on Hou Yong's confident face just now.

"My buddy, these two hundred dollars are on top of your four tickets. In order to sit next to the beauties, your poor family won't pay attention to you?"

Ye Chen squinted at the other side and said coldly, "Which eye do you see that I am poor?"

Hou Yong smiled confidently: "Man, it's okay to be poor? There is no need to admit that if you have money, would you take the bus here?"

Many people in the car didn't like this.

"It's a poor person who rides on the bus. Who made this?"

After all, these people are all sitting on the bus now.

As a result, he was labelled as a poor man just because he was riding on the bus, which is too much.

Hou Yong didn't know that his words had already aroused public outrage, and he was still pretending to be compelling triumphantly.

He picked up the key of a Land Rover car and shook it in front of Ye Chen.

"Dude, do you know what car key this is? Land Rover."

Ye Chen couldn't help laughing: "Are the Land Rover keys really awesome? By the way, I heard that some people like to come out with fake keys and pretend to be forced. You are too low and you should buy a fake key for Ferrari or something. ."

"I know, I have bought it before, ten dollars for two such keys."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

The young man just laughed at them as being poor, and everyone finally found a chance to avenge Hou Yong.

Hou Yong's face was pale when he was said, and he said angrily: "Who said that my key is fake? Mine is a real car key."

With that said, Hou Yong directly paid out a thousand yuan in order to show that he was rich: "The kid will give you one thousand, and this position will be given to me."

Many people were stunned to see that the young man actually took out one thousand.

It seems that this young man is very rich.

Ye Chen couldn't bear it. He took out his wallet from his pocket and directly took out two thousand.

"Man, give you two thousand and stop bothering me, okay?"

That buddy suddenly became stupid.

Hou Yong didn't expect that he would meet his opponent today by pretending to be forceful.

He took out a thousand, but the other party directly took out two thousand dollars.

Hou Yong was almost stunned.

This **** actually used two thousand yuan to humiliate himself.

"What do you mean, I have a mine in my house, and I cost you two thousand dollars. Tell you, I'm worth a million. Is your poor **** better than that?"

"I'll rub, this young man has a mine, could it be the son of Hou Sanjia, a mine farm."

"It seems to be? It turns out that I am really rich."

"It is said that Hou Sanjia has tens of millions of fortunes."

After all, the people in the car were all locals. Hearing Hou Yong's words, he immediately guessed the identity of the other person.

There was a burst of exclamation from the surrounding passengers.

At this time, the contempt in everyone's eyes disappeared.

Instead, he looked at Ye Chen with a little awe.

Ye Chen was a little speechless.

This Nima began to pretend to be tens of millions, what should I do if I have hundreds of billions? Can't go to heaven?

Hou Yong originally thought he would see a shocked expression on Ye Chen's face.

But he didn't expect the other party's expression to be very calm.

It seems that the tens of millions of household wealth that I said is nothing at all.

Nima, Lao Tzu has a showdown, why are you still not shocked.

You should have an expression of shame on your face, right? Why is it so calm?

Hou Yong pointed to Ye Chen and said coldly: "Boy, don't be too arrogant, this place is a local snake. If you dare to go to our Shishan Town, you will wait for me."

When Hou Yong acted hard, the car in front suddenly braked, and the bus also hurriedly followed a sudden brake.

It's okay for others to sit in the position, but Hou Yong was standing, leaning directly, and rolling out like a ball.

The driver glanced at the passenger: "Everyone is okay."

At this time, Hou Yong, who was lying on the ground, cursed: "Are you blind? I fell down."

Hou Yong got up from the ground, his head was smashed, and there was a scar on his originally unsightly face.

The driver said: "I just said, get in the car and fasten your seat belt, but you just don't sit. What's up with me?"

Hou Yong was speechless.

Just now I just pretended to be forced in front of the beautiful woman, but I didn’t expect that I couldn’t pretend to be forced to hit the street. What a shame.

The passengers around were amused.

At this time, Hou Yong looked at Ye Chen aggressively.

"It's all this guy, if it wasn't him, he wouldn't be on the street."

But when he looked at Ye Chen, he was about to be mad at once.

This guy is chatting with the beauty beside him.

"Hello, my name is Ye Chen, what do you call it?"

"My name is Li Ruoqi." The beauty said with a smile.

Li Ruoqi? Ye Chen was stunned, the name seemed familiar.

"By the way, when you were in elementary school, did you go to the secondary school attached to the second division of the magic city?" Ye Chen asked.

"Right? Are you going to school there too." Li Ruoqi asked in surprise.

"Coincidentally, we are still elementary school classmates in the same class." Ye Chen said with a smile.

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