Published at 27th of April 2021 12:50:26 PM

Chapter 59: 59

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After returning from the hotel, Ye Chen drove to Su Wanyi.

"Ye Chen, thank you."

"It doesn't matter, what are we doing so politely?"

"Ye Chen, how do you feel about me?" Su Wanyi asked.

"You are beautiful, smart and kind, very good." Ye Chen thought for a while.

"For you to praise me so much, I will give you a five-star praise." Su Wanyi smiled.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting five-star praise, activating the second praise star (25), and rewarding reasoning +9999. 】

Reasoning +9999?

Skill again!

In the evening, Ye Chen went home and received a call from Zhou Susu.

"Ye Chen, thanks to you for the last case, by the way, I will treat you to dinner after get off work tomorrow."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

Ye Chen hung up the phone.

In the morning of the next day, Ye Chen went on filming.

However, Ye Chen found that Master Xing's condition was not right today.

Several times he saw the flaws in the shooting, but the star did not.

Ye Chen frowned.

"What's wrong with Master Star?"

"I'm fine."

Ye Chen knows the personality of Xingye and has strict requirements for every shot he takes.

If it hadn't happened, Master Xing couldn't be in this state.

Ye Chen found Zhang Yuyu: "Do you know what's going on with the star?"

Zhang Yuyu sighed: "Originally, Master Xing didn't let me say, there was something wrong with our film."

"What's the problem?" Ye Chen asked.

Zhang Yuyu said: "I also heard a friend say by accident that the producer wanted to replace you and let a little fresh meat play your role. Master Xing refused, and the producer withdrew its capital."

"That's it." Ye Chen frowned upon hearing this.

"But don't worry, I heard that Master Xing is selling his villa, so I can rest assured that this movie will be finished."

Ye Chen nodded and said nothing.

The current producers only see traffic, which is why so many dramas and so many bad movies are released on the market.

In terms of the quality of the film, Master Xing has always been unable to rub sand in his eyes.

That's why he rejected the producer's proposal for substitution.

Because Ye Chen is the best candidate for the protagonist.

Ye Chen came to Xing Ye's director's room.

Saw Master Xing was about to go out.

"Master Xing, where are you going, take my car." Ye Chen smiled.

"I'm going to the bank, so let's go with me." Xing Ye said.

Ye Chen was about to leave Hengdian when he was driving, but he saw several police cars roaring towards there.

He saw Zhou Susu in a police car.

Could something happen to Hengdian?

Ye Chen retracted his mind and said to Master Xing: "Master Xing, did you have trouble filming?"

Star Master sat in the back seat and closed his eyes and said, "Don't worry, this movie will definitely be filmed with me."

"Well, Lord Star, thank you."

Ye Chen thanked Master Xing from the bottom of his heart.

After all, Xing Ye would rather the investor withdraw, and use the house as a mortgage to let himself be the protagonist of this film.

This persistence really moved Ye Chen.

Ye Chen and Xing Ye came to the bank.

A general manager of a bank met with Master Xing in the office.

"Master Xing, it's an honor to see you."

Master Xing smiled: "Manager Zhang, can I handle the loan thing I talked about on the phone today?"

"Sorry Master Star, we have had a meeting, I'm afraid it won't work." Manager Zhang said with a dry smile.

"Why not? I have taken my house as a mortgage, why is it still not working?" Xingye said with some excitement.

"We have evaluated your film. The protagonist of the film is a little-known character. We can't guarantee the box office of the film for such a character."

"I've made a lot of movies before, and I used new people, aren't they all hot?" Xing Ye said angrily.

"Master Xing, personally, I like your movie very much, but you are old, and this era is not the same era you used to be." Manager Zhang said coldly.

"Fart! Although Star Master is no longer filming, but his background is still there, he is the guarantee of the box office." Ye Chen said unbearably.

Master Xing was his childhood idol, and now he admires Master Xing's dedication to movies, so he does not allow anyone to mock Master Xing.

"Who are you? Is there a place for you to speak here?"

Xingye's face changed slightly: "Xiaochen, don't get excited, say something slowly."

Manager Zhang looked at Ye Chen disdainfully: "Master Xing, since you have this attitude, we don't have to talk about it. If it was ten years ago, it would be easy for you to get a loan, but now... I can only be sorry."

Ye Xing looked a little ugly after hearing this.

His face twitched slightly.

Once he was a guarantee for the box office, and his movies would basically be a big hit.

Later, he focused on directing and filming a few films was indeed a big hit.

But in the past two years, he has indeed played two movies in a row.

It is for this reason that he is full of energy, and this movie must be successful.

But if you can't get a loan, the movie can only stop filming.

Xingye's eyes were a bit disappointed and helpless.

"Forget Xiaochen, I think of a way to sell the house, I must make this movie." Xing Ye sighed.

In fact, Ye Chen can pay for this movie, but he must vent his anger for the star.

"Who is your biggest leader here?" Ye Chen said lightly.

Manager Zhang said: "I'm the person in charge here, do you have anything else? If not, please leave me busy."

Ye Chen glanced at the sign on Manager Zhang's clothes and said lightly: "You are just a deputy manager, let your general manager come to see me, you are not qualified."

"You..." Manager Zhang smiled suddenly.

"Boy, don't think you've made a few films and you are awesome, let alone your little-known little actor, even those big directors, big stars have to behave in front of me." Manager Zhang arrogantly said. .

"Really?" Ye Chen smiled playfully.

"You tell your general manager, I will be the guarantor for this play, and my name is Ye Chen!"

"Ye Chen?" Manager Zhang was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"It turns out that you are the lead actor in this drama. Tell you, if you are a traffic star, we may approve this loan. It is because of you that you will not be able to film the whole drama. You guarantee, what do you have? Qualification as a guarantee?" Manager Zhang said coldly.

Xing Ye pulled Ye Chen: "Xiao Chen is fine, let's think of a solution."

After all, Master Xing understands that banks are all uncles, and if you offend them, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Ye Chen said, "Don't worry, Master Xing, I can definitely get this loan."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Manager Zhang dismissed it.

He is in charge of credit, and he wants to take a loan without his approval unless the manager comes forward.

And just in response to Ye Chen's attitude, Manager Zhang had already thought that no matter who came forward, he would not give them a loan.

With that, Ye Chen dialed a phone call: "Is it President Li?"

"Mr. Ye, hello, what's your order?" A respectful voice came from over the phone.

Ye Chen originally bought 35% of the shares of Hua Guo Bank and was the bank's major shareholder.

Even Ye Chen's words can directly avoid his managerial position, so how can he dare to be disrespectful.

"Mr. Li, you have a lot of face, your deputy manager said, I don't seem to be qualified to see you."

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