Published at 27th of April 2021 12:31:02 PM

Chapter 597: 597

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Lu Meng often deals with those female anchors, so girls with ordinary looks can no longer satisfy him.

When he saw the pure and innocent Su Xiaomei, he was immediately attracted by the other party.

The last time he was negotiating a contract, he saw Little Sister Su, but this girl didn't get in.

This time I encountered him again, how could he let Su Xiaomei go?

He had been playing with Sun Yue some time ago, but he felt tired after a long time.

So Xiaomei Su became Lu Meng's new target.

The reason for lowering Su Xiaomei's salary was actually his first plan.

Originally, Lu Meng thought that Su Xiaomei would beg for herself, but he never dreamed that this girl would have no reaction at all.

It seemed indifferent.

If it were other female anchors, she would have succumbed to herself.

However, as a veteran of picking up girls, he began to implement his own plan.

He stood up and walked towards Su Xiaomei with a smile on his face.

Although Lu Meng wears brand-name suits, he is very fat.

It feels like a fat pig, very awkward.

Su Xiaomei was serving ice cream, but she suddenly frowned when she saw Lu Meng approaching.

Lu Meng didn't care at all, and walked towards Su Xiaomei with a smile.

"Miss Su, let's do a dance."

Su Xiaomei glanced at Lu Meng and frowned, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

When Su Xiaomei refused, Lu Meng's face suddenly changed.

He Lu Meng is the one who has the power to kill these Internet celebrities.

It doesn't sound good, whoever he makes fire will be able to fire.

If he sees who is not pleasing to the eye, you won't be popular no matter how good you are.

This little sister Su actually didn't give him face in public.

Lu Meng snorted coldly: "Sister, don't you want to upgrade your contract to S-level?"

Su Xiaomei glanced at Lu Meng: "If I need to dance with you, I can get the S-level contract, then forget it."

Lu Meng was stunned. It was the first time he saw such a difficult girl.

But the more Su Xiaomei refused to agree, the more excited Lu Meng was.

He just likes this kind of little pepper which is difficult to conquer.

In this way, it is interesting for him to conquer each other.

Lu Meng said, "Little girl, this is an opportunity for you. Let's do a dance and then go to the room to take a break. I guarantee that you can become the hottest female anchor of Douyu live broadcast."

This is Lu Meng's intermediate big move.

Generally, no Internet celebrity will refuse this big move.

After all, becoming the hottest female anchor means that you can earn a lot of money, and many girls will lose themselves under such temptation and agree to it.

Just as Su Xiaomei was about to refuse, a figure walked over.

The person who came was Ye Chen.

Ye Chen grabbed Lu Meng's collar directly, and then raised his hand involuntarily.


There was a loud slap in the face.

"Are you going to die?"

The loud slap in the face made the whole hall suddenly quiet.

The hall was originally singing and dancing, and it was very noisy.

This slap in the face immediately silenced the hall.

Everyone looked in the direction of the accident.

Ye Chen looked at Lu Meng coldly, his eyes flashing coldly.

Lu Meng was so dizzy with this slap that almost none of them staggered to the ground.

The face drawn by Ye Chen also swelled up quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Originally, Lu Meng's body shape was like a pig, but now it is more like a pig.

The hall was silent.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen in disbelief.

Is this young man crazy?

Lu Meng is Douyu's vice president, Ye Chen actually slapped the opponent directly.

Moreover, as a vice president, but very powerful.

All the Internet celebrities in this area have to rely on others to survive.

Even a word from the other party can determine their future destiny.

And Ye Chen even slapped the opponent directly indiscriminately, which is too amazing.

Ye Chen's eyes were very cold, and his eyes were even more murderous.

"He is the little brother Didi."

"Ah, that's the big man who fights fish."

"It seems that he is the eldest brother of Su Xiaomei. Just now Lu Meng seems to have said something that shouldn't be said."

"No wonder, it turned out to be for Su Xiaomei."


At this time, someone had already recognized Ye Chen's identity.

Everyone whispered, many people secretly relieved their anger when they saw Ye Chen slap Lu Meng's face.

Even many female Internet celebrities who were bullied by Lu Meng secretly applauded in their hearts.

But many girls admire Su Xiaomei even more.

Look at how arrogant his eldest brother is, he even dared to fight the high-level Betta fish.

An angry confidante, simply too handsome.

Ye Chen had heard of Lu Meng's deeds, and of course he would not keep his hands on him. Now the other party openly wants to molest his girlfriend, and the other party is looking for death, how could Ye Chen let him go.

For the girl next to him, Ye Chen's principle is to die.

This Lu Meng, Ye Chen looked unpleasant a long time ago.

And now he is the majority shareholder of Douyu, this guy must be cleared.

"Who do you dare to hit me?" Lu Meng covered his face and looked at Ye Chen in disbelief.

He felt his head buzzing and his face was hot.

Lu Meng is usually arrogant and arrogant in the company. How could he have been wronged like this?

He has always been domineering in the company and no one dared to provoke him, but now he has been slapped in front of so many people.

Ye Chen didn't speak, and raised his hand again.


The second slap fell on Lu Meng's face.


Lu Meng is going crazy.

Ye Chen snorted coldly, "What's the matter with me? Don't you think you are dying?"

At this time, everyone on the scene looked stupid.

This is too awesome.

At the annual meeting of Douyu, the vice president of smoking Douyu.

Lu Meng was slapped twice in a row, and also felt a little embarrassed.

Not only that.

Ye Chen opened his bow left and right, and did not give Lu Meng a chance to speak.

Bang bang bang!

After a few more slaps, Lu Meng's face was completely swollen, and there was even blood on the corners of his mouth.

At first, Lu Meng wanted to respond arrogantly, but as soon as he opened his mouth and slapped him, he dared to speak no matter what.

Lu Meng looked at Ye Chen bitterly, he had already made up his mind to wait for the security to come, and he must make this kid die miserably.

Ye Chen didn't care at all. If a woman dared to touch him, he had to let him know what a peach blossom was.

After a few more slaps, Ye Chen said, "Are you staring at me?

At this moment, everyone was shocked by Ye Chen's pressure.

Arrogant and domineering, angry as a beauty.

Ye Chen now completely fascinated the girls in the audience.

For the sake of his girlfriend, even the executives of Douyu dared to fight, it is simply too awesome.

At this time, Lu Meng saw Ye Chen stop, and finally reacted and shouted: "What are you looking for? Get this kid up for me, I'm going to abolish this kid."

Everyone looked at each other and no one dared to do it.

Lu Meng gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't abolish this kid today, I'm going to block you all."

After hearing Lu Meng's words, the faces of the Internet celebrities at the scene changed.

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