Published at 27th of April 2021 12:51:42 PM

Chapter 6: 6

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Ye Chen's sports car can only seat two people, and sometimes it is not convenient to meet multiple passengers, so Ye Chen changed his Bo Xiali again.

I took a few more jobs. Although the customers gave me a five-star praise, there was no praise star for activating the system.

It seems that there is a certain chance of getting a favorable star.

I just went out and took another order. The destination of this order is the BMW 4S shop.

Driving a Xiali car to the intersection, a man and a woman got in the car.

After getting in the car, the man looked at Ye Chen's profile and called out suddenly: "Ye Chen."

Ye Chen turned his head and looked stunned. By coincidence, the two people sitting behind turned out to be his old classmates.

"Ye Chen, I didn't expect it to be you." Feng Tao smiled excitedly.

The girl next to Feng Tao asked in disbelief, "Ye Chen, why are you running?"

Ye Chen smiled: "It's good to run didi didi, and I can earn a lot of free time."

Feng Tao nodded and said, "Yes, now the economy is in recession, and it's not easy to find a job. Look at me, it took me so many years to get a department manager of a listed company. It's difficult."

Ye Chen was a little speechless listening to Feng Tao's sigh.

Is Feng Tao lamenting that life is difficult? Obviously it's pretending to be okay.

After sighing, Feng Tao continued: "I have been working hard in the magic city for several years before I bought a 100-square-meter house in the city center. I also borrowed a lot of money. Don’t let Lily go and buy it with me today. Go to BMW, there is no way, the 7 series can't afford it, so I bought a 5 series, poor!"

Ye Chen drove the car, listening to Feng Tao crying and pretending to be forced, the corners of his mouth raised, and he didn't speak.

Tian Lili said to the side: "Feng Tao, you are really capable. No one would have thought that when you were a scumbag at the beginning, you became a manager."

After finishing talking, Tian Lili smiled deliberately in embarrassment: "Ye Chen, look at my stinky mouth, don't mind you, I don't mean anything else."

Ye Chen smiled: "It's okay!"

Soon the car reached its destination.

Feng Tao smiled and said, "Ye Chen, do you want to help me pick the car and feel the charm of BMW?"

Ye Chen smiled: "No, I want to run a few more orders. By the way, remember to give me a good comment."

Feng Tao nodded: "It's a must for praise. By the way, I almost forgot one thing. The day after tomorrow is our classmates reunion. I have a treat, Huanyu Hotel. You must attend."

"Well, I will definitely go when I have time."

Ye Chen could see that Feng Tao had been pretending to be coerced with him, but in Ye Chen's eyes, Feng Tao's pretending to be coerced was no different from that of stupid.

If you play with Lao Tzu, you are not worthy of shoes.

Seeing Ye Chen driving away, Tian Lili sighed: "Hey, I didn't expect my male **** to be so miserable now."

Feng Tao sneered: "Yes, I don't know what our female classmates would feel like when Ye Chen opened didi."

Tian Lili took Feng Tao's arm: "It's still our brother Tao who has the ability, and Ye Chen is handsome and good at studying, so why not drive didi, your brother Tao has already driven a BMW."

Feng Tao smiled shyly: "Haha, I'm actually quite ordinary."

After checking the time, it was past six o'clock, Ye Chen's cell phone rang, and the call was from his mother.

"Ye Chen, our relatives have a gathering today, at Pengxuan Pavilion 808, come here now."

"Okay." Ye Chen hung up and frowned.

Ye Chen was very resistant to this kind of family gathering.

At every gathering, the uncle would try his best to praise his son who became a manager, and then the elders at the table would criticize Ye Chen, who had been in a fight like a fight.

What's fading? Lost ambition, waste!

If he didn't want to embarrass his parents, he wouldn't be too lazy to go.

When Ye Chen got home, he drove Pagani Fengshen straight to the hotel.

Because of the traffic jam on the road in time for commuting.

Ye Chen frowned and seemed to be sprayed by those relatives again.

Back to the Huxin Villa, changed his clothes, and drove Pagani, Ye Chen came to the Pengxuan Pavilion Hotel.

Seeing Ye Chen's luxury car, the security hurried over.

"Sir, park your car between these two parking spaces."

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "I can occupy one parking space."

Although he drove a luxury car, Ye Chen did not want to occupy public resources.

"No, sir, your car is so expensive, so it should occupy two parking spaces. We can't afford to lose it if it is scratched by another car."

Ye Chen also knew the difficulties of the security guard, smiled and nodded, and drove the car into the parking space under the direction of the security guard.

"Thank you."


Ye Chen walked into the hotel, and the security captain said to the security guard: "You guys stare at this car. If the car of more than 30 million is rubbed a little, we will not be able to pay for the money we earn in our lifetime."


Ye Chen walked into the hotel, and all the relatives had arrived.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"Huh, why don't you tell me why? It's unruly to have a group of elders waiting for you for a meal," the uncle said coldly.

"Big brother, you have to be considerate of Xiaochen, open didi earns less money, and others have to marry a wife. Of course, they have to race against time to run two more deals." The second aunt also said strangely.

"Open didi, our Ye family's face has made him shame." The uncle snorted coldly, looking down on Ye Chen's expression.

If it were before, Ye Chen would definitely be angry, but this time, not only was Ye Chen not angry, but instead sat in the empty seat with a smile on his face.

The father, Ye Zheng, was relatively honest. He was a little dissatisfied with his elder brother scolding his son, but he didn't say anything.

Mother Li Xiuying said honestly: "Xiaochen must be in a traffic jam on the road, and Xiaotao didn't come either?"

The uncle snorted coldly: "Can your family Ye Chen compare with Xiao Tao? Our Xiao Tao is a department manager of a listed group with a monthly salary of 20,000. It is excusable to be late at work."

"Sorry, I'm late."

At this time, another young man walked in with a beautiful 80-point beauty.

Seeing the people coming, the eyes of relatives are different.

They even stood up.

"Xiao Tao is here, oh, this is your girlfriend, it's so beautiful."

"Xiao Tao is so busy as a manager, it's rare to come to a family gathering."

Seeing the appearance of relatives licking the dog, Ye Chen sneered in his heart.

If before, he did feel a little unhappy in his heart, but now, with a monthly salary of 20,000, what is the difference between him and a beggar in his eyes.

Ye Tao and his girlfriend sat down, everyone was there, and the banquet began.

During the dinner, relatives were toasting Ye Tao, and a group of people were about to hold Ye Tao into flowers.

Mother Li Xiuying pushed Ye Chen and whispered: "Xiao Chen, you toast Xiao Tao, now I am a department manager, see if I can transfer you to their company."

"Mom, I don't need it, it's good to be dited." Ye Chen didn't deliberately lower his voice, everyone heard it during the dinner.


Uncle heard angrily and patted the table.

"Ye Chen, look at Xiaotao, then look at you. They all came out of college. Why is the gap so big? Running didi? What can you do with running didi?"

"That's right, Xiaochen, if you are looking for a decent job, everyone will feel light on your face. You said you did didi di di di di di di di di di di di di di di D so friends can see how shame we are." Er Bo reprimanded.

"There is no face, I rely on my own labor to make money, not stealing or robbing." Ye Chen retorted.

" learned to talk back." The uncle trembled all over angrily.

"The third child, how did you raise such an inadequate son." The uncle looked like he hated iron and steel.

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