Published at 27th of April 2021 12:50:25 PM

Chapter 60: 60

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Li Ming was shocked when he heard Ye Chen's words.

"Mr. Ye, where are you?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "I'm in Manager Zhang's office at your bank."

"Mr. Ye, I'll go over immediately."

Ye Chen hung up the phone, Zhang Tao's expression changed slightly.

Could it be that Ye Chen knew Mr. Li.

At this moment, the door of the office slammed open.

A middle-aged man rushed in.

Zhang Tao saw Li Ming hurriedly said: "Mr. Li, you..."

However, Li Ming didn't even look at Zhang Tao, and quickly came to Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, it's my negligence in my job. Please forgive me."

Zhang Tao widened his eyes on the side, and instantly became stupid.

Xing Ye was also taken aback. Li Ming was the general manager of the Magic City Branch of China Bank.

With this status, all the bigwigs in the circle are going to curry favor.

Xing Ye specially toasted Li Ming with investors at the cocktail party last time.

This guy was very proud at the time.

What Xingye didn't expect was that this arrogant fellow was actually like a grandson in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen said lightly: "Mr. Li, Manager Zhang said that I am not qualified to see you. It seems that your style is quite big."

Li Ming was so frightened that he was in cold sweat, and gave Zhang Tao a fierce look.

"Mr. Ye, I didn't know you were here, otherwise, I will meet you at the door in person."

Seeing Li Ming like a pug in front of Ye Chen, Zhang Tao was also dumbfounded.

As the general manager of the Magic City branch, Li Ming, even those big businessmen who have to give up three points when they meet him, why are they so afraid of this young man.

Suddenly a name flashed in his mind.

"Ye Chen!"

By the way, the protagonist of this play is called Ye Chen.

Zhang Tao suddenly remembered that recently a mysterious young man had suddenly acquired 35 percent of the shares of China Bank and became the largest privately held shareholder.

That person is also called Ye Chen.

No, is he the mysterious major shareholder?

Zhang Tao's face suddenly became difficult to look.

He now finally understands why Li Ming treats Ye Chen respectfully.

There is only one possibility, this Ye Chen is the company's major shareholder.

Zhang Tao took a breath, his face instantly pale.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, I don't know you are a major shareholder, I was wrong, please forgive me."

Zhang Tao woke up and hurried to Ye Chen, bowed and apologized.

Master Xing saw the two incredible bank executives in front of Ye Chen like grandsons.

Who on earth is Ye Chen, can make two bank executives respectful in front of him.

"You said that the movie where I'm the protagonist has no investment value?" Ye Chen said lightly.

"How is it possible? Your film must be a classic." Zhang Tao said pale.

"Oh, so how much do you plan to borrow, Mr. Zhang?" Ye Chen said lightly.

"Mr. Ye, you can say as much as you want." Zhang Tao wiped his sweat.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Master Xing is a person who really loves movies. We should support such artists."

Zhang Tao couldn't help but nodded: "Mr. Ye is right. Mr. Ye is really far-sighted."

Ye Chen didn't embarrass Zhang Tao. Although Zhang Tao was a bit arrogant, his work was still serious.

To be honest, if it weren't for the previous life, Ye Chen had watched this movie and knew it would be a hit, and he had no confidence that this movie would be a hit.

Ye Chen and Xing Ye left the bank, and the two executives respectfully sent Ye Chen to the door.

Li Ming personally opened the door for Ye Chen, while Zhang Tao stood beside him like a guard.

Sitting in the car, Master Xing was still somewhat unreal.

"Ye Chen, you are too arrogant." Xing Ye couldn't help saying.

"Haha, made Master Xing laugh." Ye Chen said.

"Unexpectedly, you are the real boss."

From the chat, Master Xing already knew the identity of Ye Chen.

The major shareholder of China National Bank is nothing short of a giant.

Even now Xingye and Ye Chen are talking cautiously.

"Master Xing, you still think of me as Ye Chen before, and we don't need to be so polite between us."

"Many of the roles I made in the movie are very good at acting, but you really don't have the ability to act." Star Master smiled bitterly.

"Haha, isn't it? Thank you Xingye for the compliment."

"Ye Chen, you have so much money, why do you want to make a movie?" Xingye asked curiously.

"Because of love." Ye Chen thought for a while and wanted to respond.

"Love!" Xingye suddenly felt like meeting his confidant.

In fact, is he not?

Because of his old age, he has stopped acting, but continued to engage in the film career as a director, precisely because of his love for movies.

He almost sold his villa just to make a movie.

This kind of love is incomprehensible to others.

Ye Chen sent Master Xing to the villa, and Master Xing smiled faintly: "The old rules are five-star praise, right?"

"Haha, thank you Master Xing." Ye Chen said.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the five-star praise, activating the third praise star (35), and rewarding the Hennessy Poison GT sports car. 】

It's another supercar.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

The price of his Pagani is about 30 million yuan, but the price of this Hennessy Poison is more than twice that of the sports car, worth 70 million yuan.

Viper GT can burst out 1200 horsepower, the whole car is made of carbon fiber, it only takes 2.4 seconds to accelerate from 100 kilometers, and the top speed reaches 440kmh. It is one of the fastest sports cars in the world.

The most important thing is that there are only a few sports cars of this brand in a year, and you can't buy them if you have money.

Ye Chen parked Pagani in the parking lot.

At this time, he had already seen the cool Hennessy poison in the hotel parking lot.

At this time, many people surrounded the poison.

"Wow, what kind of sports car is this?"

"It's so cool, this car is so dazzling!"

"Let me go, I just checked, this car is called Hennessy Poison, which is more than 70 million."

"Oh my God, there are more than 70 million sports cars, let's stay away, if you accidentally scratch the car, hundreds of thousands will be gone."

"I wiped, this car parked next to my car, I'm so flustered."

Ye Chen walked over, and a beauty with more than 80 points was taking a selfie.

Seeing Ye Chen staring at her, the beauty was upset.

"Hey, what are you looking at, haven't you seen a beautiful woman?"

Ye Chen was a little speechless, and this woman was too narcissistic.

"Is eighty minutes a beautiful woman? None of the ninety-minute women around him can get into his eyes, let alone eighty minutes."

"Sorry, I didn't watch you, I watched my sports car."

"Your sports car?"

The beauty suddenly heard the keyword.

"Handsome guy, this sports car belongs to you. Can you tell me what you do?"

The beauty looked excited when she heard it.

"I am a Didi driver!" Ye Chen said seriously.

"Didi driver, is this poison yours?" The 80-minute beauty was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly couldn't help laughing.

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