Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:57 PM

Chapter 601: 601

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Ye Chen walked to Hu Fei and smiled: "Miss Hu Fei, hello."

When Hu Fei saw Ye Chen, Qiao blushed.

Ye Chen is so handsome now.

What is Shuai Potian? Ye Chen should be talking about.

This is simply the prince charming of her dreams.

Hu Fei has also worked with many top male gods in China many times.

But their appearance is not worth mentioning in front of Ye Chen.

Because Ye Chen is so handsome.

Ye Chen feels like a fairy in the world, giving people a sense of otherworldly.

This kind of temperament is something she has never seen in any man.

Just looking at Ye Chen, she was already in the play.

Ye Chen looked at her with a smile, just looking at her like this, she felt extremely satisfied in her heart, and her heart melted.

Director Qin Ming looked at the two people getting better, with an expression of excitement on his face.

This is the feeling he wants.

Qin Ming said to Hu Yi: "Old Hu, where did you find this baby?"

"He is really little brother Didi." Hu Yi smiled bitterly.

Qin Ming shook his head: "How could it be possible? Look at his acting skills, you can almost kill the old drama bones in seconds. Didn't you find that Hu Fei's acting skills soared because of him?"

Sure enough, Hu Yi felt that Hu Fei's condition today is too good.

In the past, Hu Fei did not become popular because of her acting skills.

However, today, under the leadership of Ye Chen, Hu Fei turned out to be like an open mind, and his mastery of the role was simply amazing.

Hu Yi was also very speechless.

He was also curious as to why Ye Chen could interpret this role so well.

Because Ye Chen is not only handsome, but also his smile, every movement, almost perfectly.

"This kind of looks, this kind of acting, it's unreasonable to not be popular."

Qin Ming looked excited: "It's great, our drama is going to be a big hit."

"Oh my God, the two of them worked so well together."

"Ye Chen's acting skills kill Chen Xiao in a flash."

"Chen Xiao playing with Hu Fei that day was simply an awkward act. What is the name of the two-person acting."

"That's right, look at the expressions of two people, it's too good."

At this moment, Qin Ming's phone rang.


Qin Ming was about to die of depression.

Who is this, so I won't call in a hurry.

But seeing the phone number, the director also persuaded.

It turned out to be the investor.

The filming stopped, not only Qin Ming but the others were also very depressed.

You know, everyone is silent in the movie.

"Director Qin, this is Xiaomeng, how is our shooting progress?"

"We are catching up."

"Well, I'll be right there to see the shooting situation."

Upon hearing this, the director quickly got up and brought everyone out to greet him.

Investor, but the mother of the funder.

This is too much to provoke. If you provoke it, your own director doesn't have to do it.

Li Meng walked out of the Ferrari surrounded by everyone.

As a Bai Fumei, Li Meng spared no time to invest in web dramas.

The reason why she decided to invest was because she was attracted by the script of this web drama.

The plot of this script is really great.

"Mr. Li, welcome to come and guide." Li Meng said with a smile.

Li Meng only gave Qin Ming a blank look.

Although Qin Ming can be regarded as a somewhat famous director in the circle, it is not a big deal in front of Li Meng.

"Chen Xiao called me just now and said you fell out."

Speaking of Li Meng's face showed a trace of unhappy.

"Chen Xiao is the person I personally chose. What do you mean you fell out with him?"

Qin Ming cried secretly, no wonder this Chen Xiao looked like he was determined to himself, it turned out that investors were his hind legs.

"President Li is not that I want to offend him. This Chen Xiao is too much. One of our crew waited for him for an hour, so we temporarily found a male lead. Regardless of his appearance and acting skills, we slapped Chen Xiao."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Qin Ming coldly snorted, "Hanging on Chen Xiao? I believe in acting. There are a few more handsome faces than Chen Xiao."

"Call that actor over and let me see."

Seeing Li Meng's expression, everyone's heart sank.

No one thought that this Chen Xiao was such a thing, that the wicked would sue first.

At this time, Li Meng saw Ye Chen coming over.

Li Meng blushed immediately when he saw Ye Chen's first glance.

Oh my God, this man is so handsome, right?

Even at this moment, she felt her heart beating.

But she suddenly recognized each other.

Nima, isn't this Ye Chen?

Li Meng's father Li Shan is the vice president of Yida Group.

Li Meng saw Ye Chen at a reception.

At that time she was attracted by Ye Chen's temperament.

Now Ye Chen stood in front of him unexpectedly.

Ye Chen smiled and looked at Li Meng: "You just said I'm not as good as that Chen Xiao?"

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard Ye Chen's words.

When it's over, this guy dared to offend Li Meng, it seems he is dead.

Even directors Qin Ming and Hu Yi sighed.

It's over, it seems that Ye Chen can't keep the starring.

However, Li Meng's conversation turned around: "Haha, Qin Dao, you have a good eye. How can that Chen Xiao compare to this handsome guy?"

Qin Ming: "..."

Li Meng: "..."

Owner of the crew:..."

What's the situation with Nima, isn't Li Meng Chen Xiao's iron fan?

Turning black so quickly?

Everyone had guessed the purpose of Li Meng's arrival just now, and the other party was here to question Master Chen Xiaoxing.

But this reversal is too unbelievable.

Li Meng walked up to Ye Chen and stretched out his hand, pretending that he didn't recognize him: "Mr. Ye, when I see you, your appearance and acting skills absolutely crush that Chen Xiao. Compared with him, what is that rubbish? ."

Ye Chen smiled helplessly: "Yeah, I didn't expect that, when I was walking here just now, I was arrested by Director Qin to act."

Li Meng smiled bitterly in his heart: "I'll wipe it, why did you pull Yechen come to act, even my brother Cong is afraid that he will die, you want to provoke me, isn't this cheating me?"

Although he was depressed, Li Meng had a smile on his face: "Hey, Director Qin, your eyesight is so good, Mr. Ye will undoubtedly be popular in this movie."

Everyone was dumbfounded, who is Ye Chen in the end?

Li Meng licked so much face.

You know how Li Meng just came, how could he have seen Ye Chen acting, obviously he was licking.

Everyone thought that Li Meng came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

You must know that Li Meng's father is the vice president of Yida Group. The daughter of such an awesome figure actually kneeled and licked Ye Chen.

Who is Ye Chen? It's just a didi driver, how could it be possible.

Both Qin Ming and Hu Yi looked dumbfounded, and they couldn't figure out why this usually savage and willful President Li could be so behaved today. This is unscientific.

"By the way, this handsome guy, what role do you play."

Qin Ming on the side pleased him and said, "This little brother plays the second man."

"What? The second man?" Li Meng's face showed dissatisfaction again.

Everyone was stunned, and Qin Ming's heart sank.

"This little brother wants to have acting skills and good looks, how can he be the second man? He must be the lead man."

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