Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:55 PM

Chapter 603: 603

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Chen Xiao was going crazy, he never dreamed that Li Meng was so powerful and directly gave him a male lead.

Haha, it seems that I am making a mistake.

That's right, I'm a flow niche, this male protagonist should have been mine.

Chen Xiao became more and more proud.

Sitting in the nanny's car, Chen Xiao returned to the shooting scene with his head held high and his face proud.

Because it was the male lead this time, Chen Xiao did not play a big game but was very cooperative.

It was a martial arts action again, it was a slap, and it was falling into the cold water.

Chen Xiao has never worked so hard, nor has he suffered so many crimes in acting.

Chen Xiao sighed: "Everyone says I am a little fresh meat, this time I must show you the other side of me."

After the shooting, Chen Xiao said with a smug expression to Qin Ming: "Director Qin, my protagonist's performance is okay."

Qin Ming nodded: "Well, you, your substitute, are still very qualified."

"What? Stand-in?" Chen Xiao forced.

Then he was furious: "Why should I be a first-line traffic star as a stand-in?"

Qin Ming was amused when he saw Chen Xiao's appearance.

Let you be awesome, now you meet even more awesome.

Qin Ming held back a smile and said solemnly: "That's right, we received a notice that you changed from the second male to the first male, but you are a stand-in. The male lead is too handsome and the time is very tight, so you can only act. You should feel honored to be a stand-in."

Chen Xiao was going crazy.

Directly dialed Li Meng's phone.

"Why don't you want to be Mr. Ye's stand-in? Tell you that is your glory. If you don't like it, immediately block you."

"Sister Meng, I was wrong."

Chen Xiao had no choice but to admit counsel.

At this time Ye Chen returned to the Star Academy.

Ye Chen stood on the podium, looking at the many students in the audience.

Now, Ye Chen has established a prestige in Xingchen University.

Ye Chen is already the idol in the hearts of the students.

Looking at the classmates, Ye Chen smiled lightly: "Today I announced that our school will conduct a monthly exam."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, all the students were dumbfounded.

"Monthly exam? Why is there a monthly exam in Star University?"

These students have been in school for more than two months and they have indeed learned a lot.

Especially in the fields I like, I have made great achievements.

But they never thought that the school would have an exam.

Ye Chen faintly smiled and said: "Everyone has been here for a long time. During this time, everyone has learned a lot in the Star University. Everyone’s hard work, we can also see in our eyes. I am happy for you. In my heart , You are the best students."

Listening to Ye Chen's speech, there was thunderous applause.

However, there are still many students who are worried.

Because they didn't know what exactly was the exam Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen did not rush to say, but looked at the students in the audience.

Yes, these students brought him too many surprises.

Starting from the e-sports major, to nuclear energy, then mecha, and architecture, and even culinary arts, all fields have blossomed.

Star University has become the best school in China.

Many people even started looking for Ye Chen to walk through the back door, trying to stuff their children in.

But Star University has rejected all transfers.

They want children with dreams, not gilded ones here.

Listening to Ye Chen's speech, the students were in a great mood.

That's right, before coming to Star University, they were objects of disgust by a group of scumbags and even many parents and teachers.

But here, they found the stage to realize their dreams.

Ye Chen is now their home, the glory in their hearts.

Hearing Ye Chen's affirmation, these students were also very excited.

Because they understand that all of this is from Xingchen University, which Ye Chen brought to them.

After speaking, Ye Chen looked at the students with a smile and said, "The content of our exam this time is..."

At this time, all the students' hearts were raised.

These students were all scumbags in high school, so what they fear most is the exam.

And when they came, they didn't read the teaching books of the university at all. They were just in their favorite fields. If they took the exam, it would be difficult to pass the exam.

Ye Chen seemed to see the anxiety in everyone's hearts and smiled faintly: "The content of this exam is to make an answer sheet for a professional field you are familiar with."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

It turned out not to be a real exam.

Instead, do an answer sheet in a professional field that you are familiar with.

There is no problem with this answer sheet, you can use your imagination.

For students, this result is what they want most.

You know, after this period of research, they have made qualitative breakthroughs in their fields.

This exam is too simple for every student.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Give you three days, I will test your results here."

After that, Ye Chen announced the adjournment of the meeting.

The students began to prepare their own answer sheets.

For this exam, there is no need to mobilize, all the students are holding back their energy.

They want to give the best of themselves to Star University.

They have to hand over an answer sheet that satisfies the school, the principal, and the parents.

Then everyone started to get busy.

Ye Chen organized this exam because he wanted to give the parents of these children an explanation.

He wants to tell these parents that the children are learning knowledge in school, not messing around, but really working hard.

At this time, the students in other schools are busy taking the postgraduate entrance examination, busy with the fourth and sixth grade exams.

Only the students of Star University are doing what they like.

In the eyes of students from other schools, where the students of Star University are taking exams, they are simply playing.

Three days passed quickly, and it was finally time to hand in the paper.

The school playground is very lively, because today, Ye Chen invited the parents of all the students.

In fact, this test paper is not only for the students, but also for each parent from Star University.

Ye Chen wants to let these parents know that these children are growing and making progress in their schools.

Only by allowing these parents to recognize the progress of these children can this be regarded as the real success of Star University.

The parents came to the school one after another.

At this time, the playground is full of students and parents.

Ye Chen also came to the school's podium.

The surroundings of the playground are very beautifully arranged by the students.

The students of Star University can be said to have the strongest hands-on ability in each university.

There was no tense atmosphere in the square.

The students and parents talked and laughed.

You know, before coming to Star University, many students and parents were just like enemies.

Seeing that students and parents get along so harmoniously, Ye Chen's heart is also very happy.

And those parents, seeing the confident smiles on the children's faces, are also very satisfied.

Their children before and now are completely different.

Their children have really undergone earth-shaking changes here.

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