Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:53 PM

Chapter 605: 605

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Ye Chen looked at the invitation letter from the University Presidents Association.

The Friendship of University Presidents is held once a year.

To put it bluntly, it means that the principals of major schools show off their literary talents together, show their cultural heritage to the right poems.

Moreover, the University Presidents Association will be broadcast live on video, which is also a showcase of the style of each university.

Star University was originally ineligible, but Star University has become too popular recently.

Ye Chen has even become a prestigious university comparable to Huaqing Kyoto University, and Ye Chen is naturally among the invitations.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, this kind of sorority Ye Chen is really not afraid.

Isn't it just writing poetry?

Modern poems, ancient poems, Ye Chen had memorized a lot of them when he was in school in the previous life.

In this world, these poems don't exist, as long as Ye Chen takes it out, it is his own.

Comparing cultural heritage with yourself is purely looking for abuse.

Ye Chen knows that his own Star University is too popular now, and many people must not be able to pass it.

Many people who invited themselves to this time were thinking of watching the excitement.

After all, the educational model of Ye Chen's Star University is too avant-garde, and many schools simply can't learn it.

Even some schools consider the success of Star University to be a speculation.

Many people even dismissed Ye Chen as the principal.

What's the cultural heritage of a freshly graduated undergraduate?

Ye Chen said to Lin Shiyin: "Shiyin will send me a receipt, I will participate."

Hearing Ye Chen's participation, Lin Shiyin was a little worried and said: "President Ye, now many university principals have great opinions on you, so you must be careful when you go this time."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "They can still eat me, but in front of me, they are just scum, don't worry."

If others would think Ye Chen was bragging, but Lin Shiyin didn't feel that way at all.

She was accustomed to Ye Chen's confident eyes, Ye Chen said that there is no problem, there must be no problem.

This time the university president’s sorority was held at Mordu University, and the students had their holidays ahead of schedule. The entire school had only guests and school staff.

As soon as Ye Chen walked into the school, he was stopped by the security guard at the door.

"Sir, your admission card!"

Ye Chen was stunned: "Admission card? No admission card?"

Indeed, the other party only sent a notice, but did not issue his own admission card.

The security guard shook his head: "I'm sorry, you can't go in without a pass."

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly: "I invited myself, but didn't mail my pass. These guys really want to mess with themselves."

"I am the president of Star University. I was invited. They may have forgotten to send me the pass." Ye Chen explained.

"Sorry, you can't enter without a pass," said the security guard.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, the more you don't want me to go in, the more I want to go in.

He understands that if he doesn't go, the other party will definitely make a big fuss about what he is afraid of ashamed.

Ye Chen called Lin Shiyin.

Lin Shiyin said: "This group of people is too much, I will contact them immediately."

Soon Lin Shiyin called.

"They can't get through."

"Okay, I get it."

Ye Chen nodded.

He has determined that this is definitely a conspiracy.

The other party actually didn't want him to come at all.

Otherwise, why not mail the pass to yourself!

Ye Chen went to the backyard.

The wall of Magic University is not very high, but ordinary people can't get up at this height.

Ye Chen is no ordinary person.

He stepped back a few steps, and then jumped directly over the wall.

If you don't let me in, I still want to go in.

Ye Chen strolled into the auditorium.

Many guests have already arrived at this time.

Ye Chen also saw many acquaintances.

Including the principals of the eight prestigious schools that he had smashed.

At this time, Shen Qiang, the president of Magic Capital University, was stunned when he saw Ye Chen.

Ye Chen could tell from the look in the other party's eyes that this guy definitely had a problem.

Shen Qiang smiled awkwardly: "Principal Ye, welcome."

Ye Chen said indifferently, "Welcome? I don't think you welcome me to come. The guard at the door won't let me in."

"Ah, how is it possible? Isn't there a pass?" Shen Qiang pretended to be stupid.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Pass, there is only an invitation letter in my email, no pass."

"How is this possible? Our staff must have made a mistake in their work, I'm sorry." Shen Qiang continued to pretend.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter, I have already come in anyway."

Shen Qiang smiled awkwardly: "Principal Ye, can I ask how you got in?"

Ye Chen pointed to the back wall: "Oh, who came over the wall, I think no one can stop it."

At this time, there was a hearty laughter behind him: "Principal Ye, let's meet again."

It was Zhou Kun, the president of Jiangsu and Zhejiang University.

Last time, he sent the five best elites from the school to Star University.

Originally, I wanted to steal the teacher, but the result was that the meat buns hit the dog and never returned. This almost made Zhou Kun feel distressed to death.

Now that he saw Ye Chen, his heart itch was even more hateful.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Principal Zhou, I have to thank you, the few students you sent to our school are really outstanding, and they have become the backbone of several projects in our school."

Zhou Kun felt a heartburn.

This is the pain in his heart.

The loss of these five elites made Zhou Kun feel distressed for more than half a month, and then just forgot, Ye Chen brought up the matter again.

Zhou Kun smiled embarrassedly: "President Ye, don't mention it and I feel sad. By the way, our theme this time is a poem conference, let us see the demeanor of the president of Star University at that time."

Hearing Zhou Kun's words, the other principals all smiled.

When they were in school, they admired ancient Chinese very much, so they all had some accomplishments in poetry.

Ye Chen is different, but the young man in his early twenties has so much knowledge in ancient poetry, Ye Chen's participation is just a shame.

Soon the university president's sorority began.

This sorority meeting is more grand than previous ones.

There are even live broadcast platforms to broadcast live to China.

Many college students are sitting in front of the computer, wanting to see the demeanor of their principal.

Chen Mu walked to the ceremony stand: "Everyone is quiet, today the theme of our principals’ friendship is poems, we will draw a theme, and then the principals of each school will write poems on site, and the poems will be posted on our website, and then Let everyone vote, in fact, to promote our Chinese culture, the competition is the first and the friendship is the second."

As the host, Shen Qiang came to a box.

He smiled and said: "There are a total of ten questions in this box, now I'll take a look."

With that said, Shen Qiang reached in with his hand, and then deliberately stirred it.

Ye Chen snorted coldly, deceiving ghosts, you are the host, who knows if you are a man of tricks.

Finally, Shen Qiang took out a piece of paper, and after unfolding it, he smiled and said: "Everyone, the theme of our poems today is the month. With the month as the poem, it just happens that Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, which fits the current mood."

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