Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:50 PM

Chapter 607: 607

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Seeing Ye Chen step onto the stage, the scene was deadly silent.

In fact, everyone knows who the young man Zhou Kun just mentioned is.

However, many people thought that Ye Chen would not dare to take the stage.

But unexpectedly, Ye Chen walked directly towards the stage.

What does it mean?

Is Ye Chen going to fight back?

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Some people who are not too serious even shouted, "Principal Ye, you can also write a poem."

The scene is a bit chaotic.

Ye Chen walked towards the stage next step under everyone's attention.

At this time, many people were stunned.

In fact, at this time, Ye Chen is the best choice to play dumb in the audience.

After all, Zhou Kun's poems are already ranked first.

As long as Ye Chen's performance is inferior to that of the other party, he will be beaten in the face.

The host was stunned when he saw Ye Chen come to the stage, and said in embarrassment, "Does President Ye do poems too?"

Now Ye Chen is too popular in the education world, in fact, many people are feeling envy, jealousy and hatred.

After all, Ye Chen didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was thick.

Zhou Kun is a member of the Chinese Writers Association and vice president of the Poetry Association.

No matter how talented Ye Chen is, can a poem written by Zhou Kun be as good as Zhou Kun?

Many people think that Ye Chen is just embarrassing to stand up now.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Since everyone has done poems, if I don't write a poem, it will look out of gregariousness, right?"

After listening to Ye Chen's words, the host smiled embarrassedly: "Then I will ask Mr. Ye Chen to write a poem for us."

Ye Chen walked to the center of the stage amidst everyone's stunned eyes.

The light hit Ye Chen's body, Ye Chen closed his eyes slightly, and his hands were behind him.

Suddenly, the scene was quiet.

Ye Chen's image is so good, standing in the center of the stage is like a poem rebirth, that momentum, there is a feeling of immortality fluttering.

Looking at the audience, those people who wanted to see their own jokes, Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

Didn’t you say that I have no cultural heritage?

Didn’t I say that my young people need further studies?

Then I will let you know what cultural heritage is.

Let you know who should return to the furnace for further studies.

The host was also stunned by Ye Chen.

Because Ye Chen felt that this image was really perfect while standing on the stage.

Refined, confident, and even give people a feeling of heartbeat.

The host said intimately: "Mr. Ye, I can give you five minutes of creative time."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "No need."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, the host was stunned.

Zhou Kun snorted coldly, "Making mystery."

Shen Qiang also raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "I want to see what kind of poem he can write."

Ye Chen looked at the topic, taking the month as the topic.

Many poets in previous lives have written poems about the moon.

But the most widely circulated is the song "Shui Tiao Song Tou".

Since you want to be slapped, then I will use this phrase to swell your face.

At this time, everyone in the audience looked at Ye Chen, some wanted to wait to see the jokes, and some were looking forward to it, especially the students of Xingchen University, who were worried about Ye Chen.

After all, they had never heard of their principal writing poems.

Ye Chen closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then began to chant poems.

"When will the bright moon come, ask Qingtian about the wine. I don't know the palace in the sky, what year is this eve?"

As soon as Ye Chen's poem was exported, there was a dead silence on the scene.

Oh my god, this poem is so awesome.

Even those principals who are self-reliant about their literary talents feel unbelievable when they hear Ye Chen's first poem.

Ye Chen continued to chant poems.

"I want to take the wind to return, lest Qionglou Yuyu will be cold from the heights."

At this time, the people who had just looked down on Ye Chen had their mouths open in shock.

Ye Chen continued to chant poems.

"Transfer to Zhu Pavilion, low Qi household, without sleep. There should be no hate, what is the long time to go to the other time."


"Nung, moon and new moon."

When the last poem was uttered, the audience exploded.

Everyone was completely stabilized by Ye Chen's poem.

There was a dead silence at the scene.

Even the barrage of the live broadcast platform was cleared instantly.

The hostess next to her was even more sluggish, completely moved by Ye Chen's poems.

This poem is really great.

Finally, I don't know who took the lead and applauded.

Immediately there was thunderous applause.

"Principal Ye is great."

"Principal Ye's poems are so awesome."

"This poem is simply beautiful."

"I was really moved by this poem."

In the audience, Lin Shiyin was also completely stunned.

This was the first time she heard Ye Chen write poems.

But this poem is simply amazing.

Especially the last sentence, I hope people will stay together for a long time, it is a quatrain from the ages.

The students of Star University in the live broadcast room were also completely crazy.

"I wiped it, President Ye turned out to be so talented!"

"My Principal Ye is awesome, I'm proud of you."

"Who just said that our Star University has no cultural heritage?"

"Principal Ye is simply the **** of poetry."


I have to say that even in this world, this poem is an absolute classic.

It can be said that the reason why this poem is so powerful is that each sentence is a magical sentence, and each sentence is a pen from heaven. This kind of artistic conception is not achievable by ordinary people.

Even said, this poem can definitely be described as otherworldly.

At this time, some principals who were unconvinced with Ye Chen, looked at Ye Chen's eyes completely changed.

They looked at Ye Chen's eyes with shock, even surprise and astonishment.

Shen Qiang was also completely stunned.

The poem he wrote had been thinking hard for several days, but this poem by Ye Chen was written temporarily.

The most important thing is that the artistic conception of this poem by Ye Chen is really beautiful.

This kind of literary talent can be said to be difficult to find in the entire Chinese poetry world.

"Principal Ye is great."

"Principal Ye's poem is so beautiful."

"After listening to Principal Ye's poem, I feel that the ones in front are all rubbish."

At this time, the barrage on the live broadcast platform took off.

Not only Star University, but even students from other universities gave Ye Chen a lot of praise.

This even includes many Jiangsu and Zhejiang universities.

It was mainly because Zhou Kun was too crazy at first.

Has always used the tone of an elder to teach others.

Right now, Ye Chen's strength obviously surpassed you by a level when he shot.

In fact, many people thought that Zhou Kun's words were a little overdone.

After all, in front of so many principals, and almost the entire Chinese classmates criticizing Ye Chen, it was obviously too bullying.

But in the blink of an eye, Ye Chen slapped the opponent's face fiercely.

This kind of feeling makes those students who are full of energy feel very refreshed.

At this time, the host also replied: "Principal Ye's poem is great, thank you Mr. Ye for bringing us this song "Shui Tiao Song Tou" let us look at the ranking again.

When the ranking appeared on the big screen, everyone was stunned.

Because the rankings have changed, Ye Chen jumped to the first place and got 280,000 votes, while Zhou Kun ranked second with only 20,000 votes.

Ye Chen killed Zhou Kun directly.

Zhou Kun's face was blue and ugly.

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