Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:46 PM

Chapter 610: 610

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Wutian's book score is similar to Tang Xiaofei's, and even worse than Tang Xiaofei's book.

How could such a book have more than 6,000 more monthly tickets than Tang Xiaofei.

Wu Tian's book now ranks third on the monthly ticket list, but Ye Chen can see that this data has a lot of moisture.

Anyone with a little bit of common sense can see that Wu Tian's book is actually a brush.

But swiping tickets has become an unspoken rule of the website, and no one cares about it.

Therefore, Wu Genius can brush bad reviews unscrupulously, or even arrogantly brush votes.

Ye Chen sneered and began to recharge.

At this time, a boy with glasses stared at the screen with a triumphant smile on his face.

He is chatting with someone.

"You guys did a good job, brush your mind."

This brush **** is the brush he found on a certain treasure.

Both the monthly pass and the bad reviews are from the other side.

"Happy cooperation, as long as you are satisfied, this is our purpose." Brush God replied.

"Well, I will contact you if necessary in the future."

After turning off the chat box, Wutian glanced at his data.

Now he is ahead of more than 6,000 monthly tickets, basically surpassing Tang Xiaofei's book is stable.

And in the last few days, he has already talked to the brush god, and will continue to brush the ticket.

After all, with the magical tool of God Brushing, it was impossible for Tang Xiaofei to surpass him.

But in order to surpass Tang Xiaofei, he also spent a lot of money.

Although distressed, I thought that if he became the rookie king, then a steady stream of recommendations would be enough to make him earn money back with profits.

As an old author who has been in the Wangwen circle for five or six years, he knows these methods too well.

Tang Xiaofei is just a newcomer, so what to do with him.

In the past, Wutian's works were basically on the street.

But this work is different, he sees hope.

Now that he has the opportunity to become the rookie king, the next step is likely to be a great god.

How could Tang Xiaofei miss such an opportunity.

So this time, even if he uses some ill-conceived methods, he must get the new king.

Such an opportunity is simply too rare for him.

A sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

"A little girl still fights with me, are you worthy?"

Although he is not very good at writing, his contacts are still good because he has been in the online literature circle.

He naturally understands these unspoken rules.

This is Tang Xiaofei's first book, and it's still a fresh new one, but she was lucky enough to meet a golden leader to make her book take off.

Although he was very jealous, this time, thinking that he could crush Tang Xiaofei, his heart felt extremely refreshed.

After all, Ye Chen's millions of rewards made a sensation in the entire Chinese website.

It also brought countless traffic to Tang Xiaofei.

Let Tang Xiaofei's data continue to climb.

If you compete normally, you are definitely not Tang Xiaofei's opponent.

Therefore, he used this extraordinary method.

Wutian didn't feel it was a shame for his own despicable approach, but felt very honorable and even proud.

He lazily opened Tang Xiaofei's book, wanting to see how much Tang Xiaofei's monthly pass was.

With a gap of 6,000 votes, it was impossible for Tang Xiaofei to make a comeback.

But when he opened Tang Xiaofei's book, he was instantly silly, how could this be possible.

The number of votes for Tang Xiaofei's book unexpectedly surpassed her already 22,000 votes.

Wutian was immediately stunned.

how can that be.

An hour ago, he read Tang Xiaofei's book data was still six thousand less than his. What happened this hour?

Suddenly, an idea appeared in Wutian's mind, and Tang Xiaofei also swiped the ticket.

This little girl has something to do.

At first, he paralyzed himself, and suddenly swiped the ticket to overtake.

There was a sneer at the corner of Wutian's mouth.

However, you are too naive, do you think I am unprepared?

But at this moment, a piece of information suddenly appeared in Tang Xiaofei's comment area.

The light of the stars rewarded Feifei from 1,000,000 creation coins.

The light of the stars rewarded Feifei from 1,000,000 creation coins.

The light of the stars rewarded Feifei from 1,000,000 creation coins.


Comment after comment, the whole comment area was occupied in an instant.

Even his navy comments were brushed away without a trace.

The light of the stars turned out to be the light of the stars again.

Wu Tian saw this name as if he had seen a ghost.

In the entire comment area, the navy comments he invited were all brushed up.

These rewards completely suppressed the negative news.

One hundred play-up coins is ten thousand yuan, representing one hundred monthly passes.

Nima, it's no wonder that Tang Xiaofei's monthly pass is so fast.

Is this guy crazy? Throwing money into it like this.

Wu Tian's face was pale. He originally wanted to hire the navy to accuse Tang Xiaofei of swiping the votes, and then went to the editor to complain.

It's okay now, people are simply rewarding, and honestly swiping tickets.

You just don't have a temper.

Because what Ye Chen did was within the scope of the rules.

You know, even if you get the rookie king's income, it's no more than one million, but the star of light has now been brushed for almost one million, how can this be played?

You know, all the money thrown out is white money.

Wu Tian was almost crying.

You are such a rich god, why can't you get along the street with me?

Many people are guessing who this star's light is. They thought it had disappeared, but unexpectedly it suddenly appeared.

Wutian watched Tang Xiaofei's ticket rise, and finally couldn't sit still.

You know, he has spent tens of thousands of dollars in order to collect tickets.

In fact, his real results are only seven or eight thousand monthly tickets, and the other over ten thousand are brushed.

The only chance now is to continue to find Gods.

That means throwing money in.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Tian also fought.

He must keep the number one, no matter how much it costs.

So he reopened the chat box.

"Swipe the gods, I have to do it again, how many recommendation tickets do you have?"

Brushing the gods: "Also, you have a lot of data. By the end of the month, there are not many village tickets. I now have more than 8,000 in total."

Wutian gritted his teeth: "Give it all to me, continue to brush Laozi."

He was stunned for a moment: "You still have to do it, your stats have already won."

Wutian gritted his teeth: "If something happens now, just give me a hard brush."

"Okay, don't worry, you are satisfied."

After all, there is no natural willingness to pay, and it is natural to be happy.

This time I made a lot of money.

Soon, Wutian's monthly ticket skyrocketed, with 23,823 in the blink of an eye, surpassing Tang Xiaofei's 22,818 again.

Seeing this scene Wutian took a deep breath and finally took the lead again.

He didn't believe that the Starlight was so rich and had already used so much, and he would still spend money on Tang Xiaofei.

According to his estimate, Tang Xiaofei's monthly ticket increase should have bottomed out, and it is difficult to see any improvement.

There was a sneer at the corner of Wutian's mouth. He was already looking forward to becoming the rookie king, and the manuscript fees continued to flood into him.

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