Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:45 PM

Chapter 611: 611

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Now Wutian has more than a thousand votes more than Tang Xiaofei.

This one thousand votes is not so easy to catch up.

The main reason is that it's the end of the month. Who has so many votes?

Wu Tian refreshed Tang Xiaofei's book again, and suddenly his face changed wildly.

Even the tea cup in his hand fell to the ground and shattered.

how can that be!

At this time Wutian was not in the mood to care about the cup that fell on the ground, but stared blankly at Tang Xiaofei's monthly ticket count.

Now Tang Xiaofei's monthly votes have reached 25,188 votes, which has surpassed him by more than two thousand votes.

With so many votes, Wutian feels weak.

What kind of **** is this, so rich.

According to Wutian's estimate, with so many votes, should Ye Chen's reward be more than one million crazy?

At this time, Wutian completely collapsed.

Facing such a great god, he really didn't have the courage to continue fighting.

Now that I have thrown out all the manuscript fees this year, it is still useless at all. What does this make him do and how do I do it?

There has been an announcement of Ye Chen's reward on the Chinese website of Qi Chuang.

The light of the stars once again shines on

Oh my God, the super local tyrant finally appeared.

Wutian even has the urge to curse.

What kind of person is this?

More than one million, he said that he would give a reward. He knew that even if he continued to buy tickets, the other party would quickly surpass himself.

"This young man doesn't speak martial arts."

Wutian could only use a famous saying from an internet celebrity to helplessly complain.

Although unwilling in his heart, he has no choice.

Ye Chen looked at Tang Xiaofei's monthly ticket count, and the corners of his mouth raised.

He rewarded some more money. Now Tang Xiaofei's monthly pass has reached 30,000, but Wutian's monthly pass has no increase.

Obviously, this guy gave up if he didn't continue to brush.

Ye Chen's mouth raised up, don't you like to brush it? Lao Tzu will let you know what it means to swipe a ticket, and it's still an honest swipe.

Directly reward more than one million, let you know that the other party is swiping the ticket, but there is no alternative, this is the power of money.

Wutian stopped swiping the ticket, and the monthly ticket for the work did not increase by one for half a day.

This is the true result of this book.

Tang Xiaofei's results have rushed to the first place in the monthly ticket, and Wutian has no chance to surpass her.

Ye Chen also became the big brother on the list, and the light of the stars made everyone worship him.

Ye Chen turned Tang Xiaofei's book directly on the monthly ticket list with the strength of one person, which was also the first in the history of Qichuang

At this time, the entire Chinese network was a sensation.

"Awesome, this is the real tyrant."

"Envy this author, why didn't I have such good luck to meet the local tyrants."

"It's so awesome, it's so special to spend money directly on the monthly pass."

"Isn't Wutian very awesome a few days ago? It's the ticket and the navy."

"Haha, I'm honest now."

"Hey, if someone gives me such a reward, I will definitely update it every day."

Many readers were also curious, and clicked into Tang Xiaofei's book to see what kind of magical charm Tang Xiaofei's book has.

For a while, Tang Xiaofei's book was quite recommended by an omni-channel, and it attracted a lot of money.

Tang Xiaofei's collection, recommendation tickets, and even subscriptions are growing rapidly.

Wutian completely powerless to return to heaven.

One year's manuscript fees are all included in the ticket.

At this time, Wu Tian groaned and regretted his stupid actions.

Now he wants to save the defeat unless he also encounters a great **** as powerful as Ye Chen.

But where does he have such good luck.

There are a few big bosses like Ye Chen with a fortune of hundreds of billions.

Even if there are, there are a few who can have time to read novels.

Ye Chen was very satisfied with this result.

He didn't give Tang Xiaofei a reward before, because Tang Xiaofei said that he didn't want to rely on others.

But this time it was different. The other party had already bullied Tang Xiaofei and wanted to step on Tang Xiaofei's position, which made Ye Chen intolerable.

On the other side, Wutian looked at the data on the website and sighed deeply.

Although he was unwilling, he had no choice but to admit it.

There is no suspense that Tang Xiaofei won the number one monthly pass.

At this time, Ye Chen's phone rang.

"Ye Chen, why do you give me so much money?"

"Haha, it's just that your book is too good to hold back."

"You fellow." Tang Xiaofei's heart warmed slightly.

Ye Chen did this, although Tang Xiaofei was a little distressed about the money.

After all, I can only get 30% of the money, and the rest will be distributed to the website.

However, Tang Xiaofei was still very touched by what Ye Chen had given for herself.

"Ye Chen, I will invite you tonight."

"Okay, you decide the location."

In the evening, Ye Chen drove the car and came to a western restaurant.

Tang Xiaofei was already waiting for Ye Chen at the door.

After seeing Ye Chen, Tang Xiaofei beckoned.

"Ye Chen."

After Ye Chen got off the car, he followed Tang Xiaofei into the western restaurant.

After ordering, Tang Xiaofei picked up a glass of red wine: "Ye Chen, thank you."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Haha, it's okay, I am your super fan."

Tang Xiaofei's expression sank: "You won't be allowed to waste money like this in the future."

Ye Chen looked at Tang Xiaofei's small expression and said solemnly: "Then you must promise me, you must tell me something in the future."

Tang Xiaofei blushed when she heard it: "Well, I see."

After the two of them had finished their western food, they were just about to leave. When they walked to the door, suddenly a man in suit and leather shoes came over.

He saw Tang Xiaofei's eyes light up: "Xiaofei, long time no see."

Seeing the young man in front of him, Tang Xiaofei frowned.

This guy is Tang Xiaofei's college classmate, and has been chasing after her when she was in school.

But Tang Xiaofei didn't feel at all about this self-righteous guy.

Tang Xiaofei deliberately grabbed Ye Chen's arm and said coldly, "Hello."

Seeing Tang Xiaofei holding a man's arm, Lu Tao frowned: "This is?"

Tang Xiaofei said lightly: "My boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend?" Lu Tao's face changed slightly.

Half a month ago, Tang Xiaofei didn't have a boyfriend at the class reunion, so she had a boyfriend so soon.

Lu Tao looked at Ye Chen with a bit of hostility in his eyes, but there was still a hypocritical smile on his face.

He stretched out his hand to Ye Chen and said, "Brother, I am Lu Tao, the department manager of Tang Xiaofei's college classmate Wantai Investment."

"Oh, hello, I'm Tang Xiaofei's boyfriend, Ye Chen, the didi driver."

Hearing Ye Chen's identity, Lu Tao was taken aback.

He revealed his identity to pretend to be coercion.

You are a didi driver, and you are so proud to say your identity, where do you come from?

But there was a sneer on Lu Tao's face.

It turned out that this guy was just a didi driver.

How does this kind of person deserve to be the boyfriend of the goddess?

If Ye Chen's status is prominent, he might give up.

Hearing that Ye Chen was the didi driver, he felt that he had another chance to pursue Tang Xiaofei.

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