Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:35 PM

Chapter 616: 616

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President Chen dialed George's phone.

"George, I have a friend who wants to live in Poseidon's room. You can make arrangements for it."

George heard this and said directly: "Mr Chen is embarrassed, I'm afraid I can't help you with this favor."

"What? George, don't you give me my face? Are you a little bit flirtatious?"

George said: "If Mr. Chen is normal, I can give you this face, but the guests in Poseidon's room today are a bit special."

Mr. Chen frowned when he heard it.

He knows George's character very well.

If it could be given, George could not offend himself.

And even though he is a shareholder, Mr. Chen's shares are only 2%, so his weight is limited.

Even if George does not buy his account, Mr. Chen has nothing to do with George.

And if you continue to be tough, it will hurt your peace.

Wu Wei is just his own ordinary friend, and it's not worth the loss for him and George to make peace.

So Mr. Chen nodded: "If that's the case, then forget it."

However, Mr. Chen made a note secretly in his heart.

Decided that the general meeting of shareholders would find an opportunity to retaliate against George.

George is naturally not afraid.

No matter how big the face is, it is not as good as the face of his boss.

Mr. Chen had to call Wu Wei again.

"Mr. Wu is embarrassed, it seems that the people living in Poseidon's room seem unusual. I am afraid that the room can't be taken down. Why don't you get a sea view if I change the room for you?"


Mr. Wu frowned.

After all, he had just finished playing in front of Xiao San just now.

It is very shameless to pretend to fail now.

Moreover, if the three women had agreed to him just now, as long as they could live in Poseidon's room, they would definitely take care of him.

If you can't live in, the three women will feel uncomfortable, and they will definitely be uncomfortable playing at night.

At this time, he saw the eyes of the three women, and he was already a little dissatisfied.

Mr. Wu feels very shameless.

"Goddamn, don't be embarrassed or don't you."

"After all, there are some outsiders, don't force it."

"God, you didn't mean to walk sideways on the island, why can't you even fix a room."


The three women sang a harmony, and some of the superficial comforts were actually using agitation.

After all, these three women are all masters in green tea, and Wu Wei's anger was immediately aroused by this exciting method.

"I don't believe it anymore. I can't take down a room today."

Wu Wei angrily came to the door of Poseidon's room.

He has made up his mind to take down this room anyway today.

After all, this is a matter of dignity in front of Xiaosan.

Boom boom boom!

Hearing the knock on the door, Ye Chen opened the door.

"Something wrong?"

Ye Chen saw a middle-aged man with three glamorous women asking suspiciously.

Wu Wei was taken aback when he saw Ye Chen, this young man is so handsome.

However, being so young obviously does not necessarily have any background.

So Wu Wei said proudly: "This gentleman can do me a favor. I want to live in your room. You can drive it for as much as it costs."

Ye Chen listened and smiled: "Do you think I am like a poor **** with no money?"

Wu Wei was also taken aback for a moment.

Indeed, how can people who can stay in a hotel that costs 100,000 yuan a night lack money?

But Wu Wei has not given up his heart and said: "This gentleman, I am Wu Wei from Universal Real Estate. I am also famous in the island. I want this suite very much tonight. Give it to me. I can give you a face. ..."

Wu Wei paused as he said.

Ye Chen said lightly: "What if you don't, are you biting me?"

Wu Wei: "..."

This young man has no moral ethics. Who would dare not give him Wu Wei a bit of face in the island.

This young man didn't even give up any face.

Ye Chen said lightly: "Okay, see you after all."

With that, Ye Chen was about to close the door directly.

But Wu Wei didn't give up and directly blocked the door: "In this way, if you can give me the room, I will give you ten times the price."

In other words, if Ye Chen spends one hundred thousand, he is willing to spend one million.

This is ten times the price, and ordinary people will definitely be tempted.

It is a pity that he met Ye Chen, who is the least lacking in money.

"Not interested in."

"two millions!"


"three million."

Wu Wei has made up his mind to fight for this tone today, and this room must be taken down.

This is equivalent to thirty times the price, even if you spend money on it, you still have to live in this room with these three beauties today.

Ye Chen shook his head: "Sir, please don't waste my time, my time is very precious."


Wu Wei has always believed that in this world, things cannot be done without money.

But today, when he met Ye Chen, he miscalculated.

Wu Wei shook his teeth and said coldly: "Young man, you have to think about it. It will be terrible to offend me."

Ye Chen glanced at the exasperated Wu Wei and gave the other two words: "Idiot."

"You, your kid is dead."

Seeing that this guy was endless, Ye Chen was also annoyed and called George directly.

George rushed over after hearing this.

"Mr. Qiao, someone threatened me openly when I was staying at the hotel. Is this the way you manage this hotel?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, George's face suddenly changed.

What are you afraid of?

His eyes looked at Wu Wei coldly.

But Wu Wei looked very pressing: "You are the president of the hotel. Tell you, I spent millions in your hotel, but you are a VIP user."

George stared at Wu Wei and snorted coldly: "Sir, you disturb the order of our hotel. From now on, your VIP card becomes invalid, and I will return the money in it. The security guard will blast them out for me."

A bunch of security guards swarmed up.

George said coldly: "This gentleman is our most honored guest of Atlantis. No matter who you are to interrupt his rest is unforgivable."

Wu Wei was immediately dumbfounded.

Lao Tzu spent millions in your hotel, and now he is not qualified to be compared with this young man.

how can that be.

"Asshole, you dare to blow me out, do you know who I am?"

George snorted coldly: "No matter who you are, from today, you are an unwelcome person in our hotel."

As he said, George waved his hand and said to the security guard: "Boom this guy out for me."

The security guards directly blasted Wu Wei and his three lovers out.

Looking at the luggage lying on the ground outside the hotel, Wu Wei and his three lovers looked ashamed.

The atmosphere is extremely embarrassing.

Instead of pretending to pretend, he was bombed out of the hotel.

Just now Wu Wei was still walking sideways on the island.

This directly blasted out.

Wu Wei is going crazy.

How could this be possible for a young man in his twenties whose weight was even stronger than him.

For him, this is simply a shame.

This hatred must be reported anyway.

Wu Wei picked up the phone and complained to President Chen.

He must let this George know how good he is.

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