Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:33 PM

Chapter 618: 618

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Hanging up, Qin Ming was still excited.

Unexpectedly, luck was so good this time.

It was originally the little brother Didi who directly pulled a rescue, but he didn't expect to be a super boss.

The major shareholder of Eastern Airlines, this is worth more than 100 million yuan.

However, Qin Ming couldn't understand why such an awesome boss was still ticking.

When hearing Ye Chen's identity, the whole set was in an uproar.

Hu Fei's eyes lit up even more.

It turns out that this Ye Chen is not only handsome, but also a super awesome boss.

Originally, Chen Xiao was very upset about being Ye Chen's stand-in, but when he knew Ye Chen's identity, he knelt down.

Sure enough, after a while, Qin Ming's cell phone rang.

There was a voice on the phone: "Hello, is it Director Qin? I am the CEO of Eastern Airlines. Let's talk about cooperation."

If it is to book an air ticket, a crew will not be able to leave until at least three days.

With the help of Ye Chen, the crew directly flew to SY and Ye Chen to make peace.

The next day, the entire crew flew to SY on a chartered flight.

They booked a Marriott hotel.

This hotel has a very nice view and it is also a five-star hotel.

They also set the shooting location here.

Originally, Qin Ming had already negotiated with the hotel and wanted to film here.

But when they came, the other party regretted it.

It turned out that the contract between the two parties was also a verbal agreement, and the other party directly repented. This time Qin Ming was stupid. Where would I go to shoot?

At this moment, a bus drove over.

The one who got off the car turned out to be another crew.

The name of this crew is very similar to their name "I Fall in Love with the Domineering President".

The two people have similar schedules and have always been competitors.

Fang Yun, the director of "I Fall in Love with the Domineering President", couldn't help but see Qin Ming.

"Why is President Qin like a wilted cucumber."

Qin Ming finally understood when he saw the other party.

"It's you guys behind the scenes!" Qin Ming was going crazy.

Fang Yun smiled faintly: "Haha, we can only say that our boss is quite awesome. We have already booked this hotel for a week. Hey, President Qin, you have to hurry up to find a hotel. This SY is now the peak season of tourism, and the hotel is not good. Look for it."

Qin Ming's face was dark, almost mad.

At this time, a Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the hotel.

Ye Chen is here.

Qin Ming just called and asked Ye Chen to come to film, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

"Aren't your crew going in to shoot? Why are you standing at the door?"

Qin Ming's face was very ugly and said, "Mr. Ye, we were having some trouble. Originally, this hotel said we would book it for us, but when we came, they regretted it and gave it to another crew."

Ye Chen frowned upon hearing this: "So the other party has breached the contract?"

Qin Ming said bitterly: "Mr. Ye, we didn't do our job well. We must hurry up and find a new hotel as soon as possible."

Fang Yun said with a sigh of relief: "Qin Ming, you are too naive. Now the SY hotel is full, where do you go to contact the hotel."

At this time Hu Yi ran over out of breath.

"Guide Qin, we contacted seven or eight five-star hotels, but they didn't agree with it. Later, they contacted a three-star hotel, and they reluctantly agreed but the price was high."

"Samsung Hotel?" Qin Ming's face changed slightly.

After all, the male protagonist is an overbearing president, and his family takes advantage of tens of billions of dollars to stay in a three-star hotel. This is too shabby.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I have a hotel, I don't know if it suits your plot."

Qin Ming's eyes lit up when he heard that the hotel provided by Ye Chen's identity was definitely not ordinary.

"What hotel is Mr. Ye talking about?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "It's the Atlantis Hotel."

"Atlantis? That seven-star hotel?" Qin Ming was immediately silly.

Atlantis Hotel is the premier hotel in China.

It is the number one hotel on the island.

They can't even think about filming in this kind of hotel.

Fang Yun on the side couldn’t help laughing: "Haha, you really dare to say, Atlantis, don’t you know? Atlantis never let any crew shoot there. This is an industry. Things that everyone knows."

Ye Chen couldn't help but smile scornfully: "Of course others can't, but I can, because I am the owner of the Atlantis Hotel."

There was a dead silence at the scene.

All stupid.

what? Ye Chen turned out to be the owner of the Atlantis Hotel.

Qin Ming was already about to kneel.

What kind of boss is this?

The major shareholder of Eastern Airlines, the owner of the Atlantis Hotel.

Fang Yun couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Young people nowadays can brag so much."

Ye Chen ignored him at all and directly dialed George's phone: "George, there will be a crew going to our hotel to film, you can arrange it."

"Yes, don't worry, boss." George readily agreed.

Fang Yun didn't believe it at all when he heard Ye Chen call, thinking that Ye Chen was pretending to be forced.

At this time, the boss of the Marriott Hotel ran out.

"Ye Dong, you are welcome to come to the hotel for guidance."

Ye Chen looked at the owner of the Marriott Hotel and his face sank: "I heard that you have signed an agreement with others, but is there such a thing when you openly tore up the agreement?"

"Ye Dong, this is the case, the other crew gave more money, so we just..."

"Doing business is honest, if you do this, who will cooperate with our hotel in the future?"

At this time, there was dead silence all around.

Especially Qin Ming and the crew were completely confused.

How many industries does Ye Chen have? This hotel also belongs to him.

Fang Yun was also stupid.

"This hotel actually belongs to Ye Chen?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "It's the peak tourist season now, and I don't feel it is suitable to rent a hotel to the crew to make a movie."

The general manager of Marriott Hotel nodded: "It's Dong Ye, I know."

Afterwards, the general manager said coldly to Fang Yun: "Director Fang, I'm sorry, because our hotel is open for business, we can't rent it to you anymore."

"Didn't we already say it? You can't do this."

The general manager snorted coldly: "Sure? Is there a paper contract? Is there any recording evidence?"

Fang Yun: "..."

Fang Yun was completely stupid this time.

Their entire crew came, and now there is no hotel to film what can I do.

At this time, Qin Ming's phone rang.

"Director Qin? I'm the CEO of Atlantis Hotel. Just now, our boss asked me to contact you. Your people can come and shoot now. We will clear the scene to cooperate with you at any time."

Qin Ming: "..."

Fang Yun: "..."

Owner of the crew: "..."

Just now everyone didn't believe that Ye Chen was the boss of Atlantis, and now the CEO of the family personally called.

I wiped it, it turns out that Ye Chen is really the boss.

Now everyone understands where Ye Chen is little brother Didi.

They are big bosses, really awesome bosses.

Fang Yun's intestines just now were all regretful, and he knew that Ye Chen would not be guilty anyway.

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