Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:28 PM

Chapter 621: 621

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Ye Chen came to the school and directly convened Lu Yuan, the monitor of biology major.

Lu Yuan and Ye Chen have been observing for a long time.

He is very talented, especially in the field of biology, and has achieved certain results.

But Ye Chen did not intend to teach Lu Yuan all of his knowledge.

It's not that Ye Chen doesn't want to give everything to him, but that only the things the students have researched on their own will be more useful for their future growth.

He doesn't want students to become dependent on him.

He wants students to discover and summarize through their own efforts.

Only in this way can they become the pillars of the country in the future.

Now Ye Chen tells them all the knowledge that although they can achieve success in a short period of time, it is very detrimental to the growth of these children.

However, Ye Chen knew that this technology alone was not enough.

In the biology class, Ye Chen chose ten people in total.

These ten are all elites in the biology class and love this job very much.

In the meeting room, ten students looked at Ye Chen with a little excitement.

It was just notified that Star University is about to start a new project.

These students understand that their opportunity is here.

Regardless of whether it is an energy major or a mechanical major, their projects have won national awards. What will their projects be now?

Ye Chen opened the slideshow, this was an image of a desert.

The sky is full of yellow sand in the desert.

Ye Chen said: "In our country, many people live in such an environment. They only see yellow sand but no green. I just met a friend who gave everything to change his hometown. It's just a pity that they The technology is not good, this time it failed, so our project this time is to study a plant that can turn the desert into an oasis."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone's spirits were shocked.

This matter is too meaningful.

Ye Chen continued to say to the students: "Everyone, this time the task is tight and the task is heavy. It is even more a challenge for you. Do you have any confidence?"

Ten classmates had perseverance in their eyes, and no one wanted to quit.

Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction when he saw this scene.

"Principal Ye, rest assured, we will not let you down."

"Principal, we must work hard to research this plant to turn the desert into an oasis, so that the children there can also see the green."

"Principal, trust us, we can do it."


These students have determination in their eyes.

This is their dream, and turning the desert into an oasis is also a very meaningful thing for them.

Ye Chen listened and nodded: "Since everyone has decided, from now on, I will announce the official launch of the project."

At this time, Lin Shiyin walked in, holding a large pile of materials in her hands.

Seeing these materials, the students were stunned.

Ye Chen said: "These materials need to be digested during this period of time. I hope everyone will face the difficulties. This process will be very difficult for you, but as long as you stick to it, I can guarantee that it will be precious to your life. wealth."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, these students were very excited.

Lu Yuan stood up and took the lead: "Principal Ye, don't worry, we won't let you down."

Ye Chen sent the information to everyone.

These materials were compiled by Ye Chen, and this knowledge is not available in this world at all, and it was refined by Ye Chen through God-level biotechnology.

As long as they master these technologies, these students can become the world's top biological experts.

These students looked at the materials and were completely shocked by the contents.

Lu Yuan has always liked biotechnology, so he doesn't know how many books he has read in this area.

In his eyes, this is simply a treasure.

Soon, these students were silent in the world of biological knowledge given to them by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at the students who were devoted to the research materials and nodded in satisfaction.

After all, what they want to do is a business that has never been successful.

Over the years, many countries have tried to build oasis in the desert, but they have basically failed.

After all, it is really difficult to build an oasis in the desert.

There is no water source and the sky is full of yellow sand, unless some root plants can survive in that environment.

Ordinary fruit trees and crops simply cannot appear in that place.

At this time, the imperial capital of China.

Wei Lao was stunned when he heard that Ye Chen School was conducting new project research.

"Ye Chen's school is studying a project that can turn the desert into an oasis?"

Hearing about this project, Wei Lao was also excited.

If this project is successful, it can increase the country's food and fruit production a lot.

Moreover, Ye Chen and Xingchen University have created too many miracles.

Even Wei Lao had a feeling that Star University might really succeed.

Thinking that there could be fruit trees and grain in the desert, Wei Lao was very happy.

Ye Chen had just returned to the principal's office and saw Deng Xiaochao waiting for him in the principal's office.

"Principal Ye, can I join you? I have been engaged in the work of turning deserts into oasis over the years and have some experience."

Ye Chen looked at Deng Xiaochao's fiery expression and nodded: "Yes."

Actually, Ye Chen didn't need Deng Xiaochao's experience, but what he wanted was Deng Xiaochao's spirit.

Deng Xiaochao desires his hometown to become an oasis more than anyone.

Therefore, the addition of Deng Xiaochao is also a promotion for the entire project team.

At this time, Wei Lao called.

"Ye Chen, I heard that your school has another new project."

Ye Chen couldn't help but smile and said, "Lao Wei, a leader like you has been paying attention to our school so much."

Old Wei smiled and said, "It won't work if you don't pay attention. Your school is a big project that benefits the country and the people every time. Do you need any support from us now?"

"It's not necessary for the time being, but I am afraid that some security support will be needed in the experimental stage."

"This is no problem." Old Wei smiled.

Next, the students of Xingchen University have been studying Ye Chen's materials.

These students were completely shocked by the information provided by Ye Chen.

It was as if Ye Chen helped them open a mysterious door in the biological realm.

They had never read these theories before, but they did not hesitate to learn them seriously.

Because it was given to them by their principal Ye.

In their hearts, Principal Ye was like a god.

Of course, Ye Chen occasionally went to the classroom to answer questions for classmates.

After all, this knowledge is still a bit esoteric for these students.

After Ye Chen's explanation, these students went from being confused at the beginning to knowing the fur, and then to the final comprehension.

Soon the time of three days came.

Ye Chen gathered everyone together again.

"In the past three days, you have already gained some understanding of this knowledge, and then we will start the formal research. I hope you can create miracles through your own efforts."

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